"Beautiful little flower, I have a task for you"

"Find the afterlife, find the Inhumans."

In the Hydra command room, Aarons removed the illusion on his body and revealed his true face. The Asian face made Lena fascinated, especially Aarons' eyes, which seemed to see through all the truths in the world. They were deep, vast, and fascinating.

"Mr. Allens, your strength is heart-stirring, and your wisdom is fascinating."

Reina's eyes were full of intoxication, and her whole body was wrapped around Allens' arm like a snake, and her delicate face like an angel made people salivate.

"However, according to Calvin, the afterlife of the Inhumans only accepts members of the Inhumans. Even Calvin cannot enter the afterlife. I am just an ordinary person and cannot get close to the Inhumans."

Holding Allens' shoulders, Rena's voice was indescribably gentle and beautiful. At the time, Rena was desperately trying to attract Allens' attention.


Allens lowered his head, and his pair of pure white eyes scared Reina and made her take two steps back.

""Foresee the future."

Allens whispered, and his soul entered the not-too-distant future. At the same time, in the command room, pieces of paper automatically flew into the air, and in front of each piece of paper was a drawing pen.

"Swish, swish, swish."

Lena stared blankly at the air, the painting brush moving swish, and scenes appeared on the papers one by one. The paper closest to Lena showed that SHIELD Director Coulson led SHIELD agents to a church in Florida to check the situation.

On another paper, two identical Melinda agents were fighting, and a bomb showed a danger signal.

Lena gradually became addicted to the comics that gradually emerged in the air. In the comics, Lena saw Coulson leading SHIELD agents to fight Hydra while cracking the mind. Symbols appeared in the air, and in the center of the air, a huge temple appeared on the paper. Lena looked at the cartoon on it and knew that this was the base left by the Kree in Puerto Rico.

Then Lena saw Skye and herself entering the temple. The obelisk was shining. Beside herself and Skye was the petrified SHIELD agent Tripp.

Skye awakened the Inhuman gene, and she turned into a monster covered with thorns. The beautiful afterlife of the Inhumans, the cartoon in the air was still taking shape quickly, but Lena was staring at herself covered with thorns in a daze.

""Swish, rustle."

While Reina was in a daze, the movement in the air stopped, and pieces of paper quickly gathered together to form a thick comic book, and at the same time the white light in Allens' eyes disappeared.

Predicting the future again made Allens's vision more profound. Compared with the plot he knew in his mind, Allens' predicted future was more detailed and more meticulous.

However, unfortunately, even if the future is predicted, the specific location of the Inhumans' territory in the afterlife cannot be known. It seems that Gordon must be found to know.

Coming back to his senses, Allens glanced at the thick comic book in his hand, a smile appeared on Allens' face, and he waved to Reina.

Reina, who was still immersed in the comics, suddenly reacted and walked quickly to Allens, her eyes shining, looking at Allens without blinking.

"This is one of my superpowers. I can predict what will happen in the future. These comics are the future."

After handing the comics to Reina, Allens briefly introduced them. I believe that with Reina's intelligence, she has probably already guessed it.

"Is this really what is going to happen in the future? In this comic book, I saw myself turning into a monster covered with thorns....."

The disgust in Reina's eyes flashed by. In the comics, Reina saw her future, a monster covered with thorns. This was the most terrifying future for Reina.

"This was your original future trajectory, but now it has changed, hasn't it?"

Alens gently rubbed Reina's hair, leaned over and sniffed, and a unique fragrance filled Alens's sense of smell.

"That's right, Mr. Allens, it is my destiny to follow you. Only then can I truly become an angel, not a monster."

Rena's eyes showed a complex emotion of gratitude, excitement and fanaticism. She looked up at Allens. From this moment on, even if Allens asked Rena to sacrifice her life, Rena would agree without hesitation, because Allens' appearance changed Rena's miserable future.

"Take this comic book, you will be the prophet of the Inhumans, I need you to guide SHIELD step by step into the predetermined destiny trajectory, so that Skye can awaken the Inhuman genes."

Irons handed the comic book in his hand to Rena, and his tone became serious. This was related to his next plan.

"Skye is very important to me."

Alens whispered softly in Reina's ear. Looking into Alens' eyes, Reina instantly realized how important Skye was to Alens.

"Mr. Allens, I will definitely complete your task."

I don't know since when, Reina has upgraded the address to a respectful title, but even Reina didn't notice these small details.

"I will lend you the power of Hydra, Lena, don't let me down."

Hydra is also divided into many forces, among which Whitehall and Gideon Malick are the most powerful. However, the two have parted ways long ago because of their different ideas. Whitehall is keen on pursuing the power of the Obelisk, while Gideon Malick is a fanatical believer of the Hive.

However, whether it is Whitehall or Gideon Malick, Allens doesn't care. When Allens came to this era, the only thing he cared about was the ability of the Inhumans and the upcoming Ultron event.

Therefore, after Allens took control of Whitehall's Hydra force, he directly handed over the command to Lena, even though Hydra had many high-tech weapons that were ahead of their time.

"Mr. Allens, I will never let you down."

Holding the comic book tightly in her right hand, Reina's face flushed. She found that she had been deeply attracted to Allens.

"Very good, I look forward to you finding my afterlife. Reina."

Arens' eyes flashed with a strange light. He never took SHIELD seriously. Making Reina a prophet was his next plan.

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