In the Hydra base, Allens looked at what happened in Puerto Rico calmly, tapping the table with his right hand, and the rhythmic sound echoed in the command room.

When he saw Skye jump into the underground base, Allens' eyes showed a hint of playfulness. Allens knew that Skye, who entered the base, would complete the transformation of Quake.

However, Allens was not in a hurry now, because Allens still needed Skye, who had transformed into Quake, to become his bait, and the Inhumans would definitely take the bait.

Moreover, although Allens had been staying in the Hydra base for more than ten days, Allens had already ordered Rena to do what he should do. Now there are rumors that Rena has awakened the genes of the Inhumans and gained the ability to predict the future. I believe the Inhumans will be interested in this news.

Just as Allens expected, after Skye entered the base, she transformed into Quake because of the obelisk that Rena ordered the Hydra soldiers to send into the base. Tripp and the Hydra soldier were infected by the Terrigen Mist and turned into stone, shattering all over the ground.

After seeing the death of his companion Tripp with his own eyes, Skye's heart was filled with regret and fear. The Inhuman genes that had not yet been fully controlled suddenly erupted, shock waves surged, and the entire base collapsed instantly.

The unknown area, which is called the Land of Afterlife, is the base camp of the Inhumans. Since World War II, all the Inhumans born here have been taken here. The scenery here is magnificent and looks like a paradise.

In an antique room, an aimless man showed a hint of excitement on his face and stood up directly from his seat.

"Very good, a new member of the tribe has been born."

The blind man is called Gordon. He awakened the Inhuman gene more than 20 years ago, but he also lost his eyes. Gordon has been using his ability to sense the newly born Inhumans over the years.

The door was pushed open, and a woman in casual clothes and a somewhat old housekeeper walked in. The woman looked only in her twenties, but both the old housekeeper and Gordon showed respect in their eyes.

""Jiaying, you're here."

Gordon's eyes were filled with respect. Although the woman in front of him looked as young as his own daughter, only the Inhumans in the afterlife knew that this woman was the current leader of the Inhumans who had survived World War II. Jiaying

"Gordon, we have another member of our tribe."

Jiaying's face has lines similar to cracks. Although they are very shallow, they still make people feel a little unnatural. The Asian face looks very beautiful, but the eyes are full of deterrence.

"That's right, Jiaying, I can feel that a new member of the tribe has been born. This is a very magical power.

Gordon's face was a little excited, and he looked at Jiaying aimlessly, his tone was excited.

"Very good, the alien will go through a period of confusion, we need to bring him back to the tribe.

Jiaying nodded, Jiaying still attaches great importance to the new tribe members.

Gordon nodded to Jiaying and wanted to activate his teleportation ability, but Jiaying stopped him.

"According to my intelligence, Calvin Zabo's adopted daughter, Lena, has awakened the Inhuman genes. You can test her first. If she really awakens the Inhuman ability, take her to the afterlife."

Jiaying gave Gordon a serious instruction and turned away. Gordon was the only one left in the room.

"Lena? Found it.

Gordon whispered to himself, and his whole body instantly turned into a blue light curtain and disappeared in the room.

Inside the Hydra base, a blue circular light curtain flashed and Gordon's figure appeared in the Hydra base. However, as soon as Gordon appeared, more than a dozen Hydra soldiers quickly surrounded him.

"You are finally here."

Reina walked out from behind the soldier, her eyes flashing with excitement and enthusiasm, her face carrying a hint of fanaticism, and her tone was as if she had seen an old friend.

"Are you Reina? You seem to know that I will appear here."

Facing the encirclement of Hydra soldiers, Gordon's face remained calm. Gordon, who has the ability to teleport through the quantum bridge, does not take these people seriously at all.

"I saw the future, it is a beautiful place, it is where all of us gather, I have been waiting for you, waiting for my destiny"

"I saw many of the same kind, such as the handsome Lincoln who could discharge electricity, Alita who could split into two, and Leo who could fly....."

Lena's words brought a smile to Gordon's face. Through Lena's words, Gordon knew that maybe Lena really awakened the Inhuman gene. After all, even the top leaders of Hydra didn't know the afterlife of the Inhumans, let alone Lena in front of him.

"Do you want to see our homeland? The homeland of our Inhuman race.

Gordon stretched out his right hand, a smile appeared on his face, and his whole body flashed with blue light. He reappeared, having escaped from the encirclement of the Hydra soldiers.

"Of course, this is my fate."

Lena's eyes flickered, and even Gordon, who had no eyes, could not help but be attracted by the light. Lena walked in front of Gordon, grabbed Gordon's right hand, and nodded at Gordon.


A blue halo appeared in front of the two men, and then the light disappeared. The two men had already disappeared into the Hydra base, and the Hydra soldiers who had surrounded Gordon were also distorted into illusions and disappeared.

"Very good, I finally found the place of afterlife."

The illusion disappeared, and Allens' figure appeared. At this time, Allens showed a cold smile on his face. In Allens' right hand, a red dot was clearly displayed on a disc.

"Stand by."

Allens put his right hand to his ear and transmitted the order to the entire Hydra base through the built-in earphone.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Following Allens' order, three Quinjet fighters that had been on standby for a long time flew out of the base. Allens walked out of the base, and one of the Quinjet fighters stopped in front of Allens.

"Let's go, Inhumans, they will all fall into my hands."

Alens's eyes flashed with a deep light, and the ticking sound in his mind sounded again.

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