"Vibranium, damn, this guy's body has turned into vibranium."

Inside the Iron Heart Armor, Dr. Zora, an artificial intelligence life form, was terrified. If it weren't for the restriction command in his consciousness, Dr. Zora even planned to transmit his consciousness and escape from here.

"F***K, was all this Allens' plan? From the beginning, Allens intended to absorb my vibranium shield?"

Rogers' eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked down at the center. There was a tiny gap where Allens touched. It was very small, even smaller than an ant, but Rogers knew that his shield was absorbed by Allens after all.

But just one time was enough to turn Allens' body structure into a vibranium body. After all, the superpowers of the absorbing man Krill were also very buggy. As long as he came into contact with and absorbed a substance, his body would automatically transform into the absorbed substance.

"Come on, Grandpa Rogers, let me see how far your Iron Heart suit can go."

He waved at Rogers. At this time, Allens was tall, with two pectoral muscles and six abdominal muscles. The muscles on his limbs all showed the explosive power of Allens' super soldier. His silver-white skin reflected the sunlight, making Allens look indescribably majestic and domineering.

"Shit, Dr. Zola, release all the missiles in the arsenal."

Faced with such a situation, Rogers couldn't help but swear and gave the order directly.

""Crack, crack, crack."

The weapon system on the steel armor was fully activated, and laser missiles, bullets and grenades were all fired at Allens.

""Boom boom."

A small mushroom cloud rose above the ground. The temperature generated by the explosion melted the ground beneath their feet into crystal particles. In the center of the explosion, the silver-white Allens was safe and sound. The explosion and fire could not harm Allens at all.

"The properties of vibranium make me indestructible."

Alens strode out of the flame explosion, his eyes flashing with excitement, and squatted slightly. His whole body instantly appeared in front of Rogers. The vibranium body made Allens almost immune to air resistance.

Facing Allens who suddenly appeared, Rogers' face was solemn, and he blocked it with his right hand shield.


A pleasant collision sounded. Made of the same material as vibranium, Allens' fist hit the vibranium shield. A terrifying kinetic energy burst out from the impact point, and the surrounding rubble was instantly blown away.

Allens raised his left hand and hit the chin of the metal mask of the Iron Man with a hook. The muscle power plus the characteristics of vibranium made the Iron Man suit fly backwards instantly and hit an abandoned house, with smoke and dust everywhere.


From the smoke and dust, a red energy beam penetrated the smoke and dust and hit Allens' chest directly. However, facing the strong characteristics of vibranium, it could not cause any damage to Allens at all.

"Da, da, da."

Allens approached Rogers step by step with the energy beam. The previous attack directly penetrated Rogers' metal mask, revealing Rogers' solemn and old face inside.

""Boy Allens, you have grown up again."

His eyes were still as firm as a rock. The most admirable thing about Rogers was his iron will. He never flinched even when facing Thanos.

"I also want to thank you, Captain Rogers from the future. If I hadn't met you, I would have followed the routine and waited for major events to happen. Even if I could survive these major events, I'm afraid my own strength would not be able to grow so quickly."

Alens's face was cold. As Allens said, since he knew that there was an old Rogers from the future in this era, Allens abandoned his inner hesitation and kindness. In order to quickly improve his strength, he even went to the opposite side of the Avengers.

"Why, I have never figured out why you did this."

Rogers stood up from the ruins. The retro steel armor on his body lost its metal visor and looked more like Captain America's uniform. At this time, Rogers' old eyes were deep, with a hint of doubt in them.

"Interesting question. Your time travel is based on quantum theory, but quantum theory has a particularly conscious phenomenon, which is Schrödinger's cat."

Alens walked towards Rogers step by step, his tone full of playfulness and coldness.

Rogers certainly knew what Schrödinger's cat was. Simply put, it is to put a cat into a closed opaque box with a mechanism inside. Put a radioactive atom in it. If the atom decays, the mechanism will open and poisonous food will be placed in the box. Without opening the box, no one knows whether the cat is alive or dead.

This state is called quantum superposition. Rogers once talked about Schrödinger's cat through Tony Stark in the final battle.

"Before you traveled through time, the past was the past, but after you traveled through time, just like Schrödinger's cat, all states are superimposed. The past may still be the past, or it may decay and become another past. That is, time diversion. Then, here comes the interesting thing, Captain Rogers, will the time we are in now divert time and move to a different future universe?"

Erens' words made Rogers, who was just a soldier, frown and try to digest what Allens said.

"The probability of one in ten million is too small, so small that if I can't achieve invincibility, I'm afraid I will never be able to find the right timeline, and I will be lost.���In the endless diversion of time, until the end of the world."

Erons looked deeply at Rogers, the Captain America who came back from the future to return the Infinity Stones but was left in the old time and space. His words successfully made Rogers' pupils shrink.

Just as Aarons said, in order to ensure that one in ten million can be found in the future, Rogers has been cautious since World War II, for fear of causing the diversion of time. Even if the war in the future is over, Rogers is still cautious, because he is also looking for the main line of time. He and Aarons are both cats trapped in a box, looking for the way to the future.

However, one is cautious and protects various major events in the past from happening as scheduled, and the other is to attribute the great power to himself, and wants to use an invincible posture to strongly descend on the main line of time.

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