In the Asgard domain, on the Rainbow Bridge, Rogers, wearing the Iron Heart Armor, appeared in a panic. In the center of the Rainbow Bridge, stood a strong black man wearing armor and a horned helmet. The man's eyes seemed to contain the stars of the universe. He was Heimdall, the patron saint of Asgard, who could see through any place in the Nine Realms and hear anyone's voice.


He pulled out the guardian sword of the Rainbow Bridge control center with both hands. His eyes were deep and the divine power surged in his body, making Heimdall look majestic and solemn.

"Captain Steve Rogers, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Heimdall took a look at Rogers's old face. After the end of World War II, Captain America Rogers came to Asgard and won the friendship of the God King Odin.

"Heimdall, long time no see."

Rogers stood up from the Rainbow Bridge, his muscles bulging, the broken armor on his body shattered instantly, he bent down to pick up the Vibranium Shield and Dr. Zora's consciousness register, and Rogers finally showed a smile on his face.

""Has anything happened that will affect the future?"

Heimdall frowned slightly. Every time he met Rogers from the future, Heimdall would think of the future. Rogers once told Heimdall about the future, the tragic final battle.

"A kid named Allens, for some reason, learned some things about the future, stole my quantum suit, and became a super criminal who disrupted the future time and space."After a brief explanation, Rogers took out a button from his pocket. This button looked like a nuclear explosion button, but it was more futuristic. Rays of light rose from the button.

"Save Quake, save the world. I can't stop Alan now. Doctor Strange should have seen this happen, so he sent the final control method from the future.

Staring at the button in his hand seriously, Rogers turned his head and looked at Heimdall.

"Heimdall, use your eyes of insight to look at the Earth. Allens should have achieved his goal by now."

With a hint of caution, Rogers expressed his request to Heimdall.

"As you wish, my friend."

Heimdall put his right hand on Rogers' shoulder and directly opened the Eye of Insight. The scene of the earth instantly entered Rogers' eyes. The scene rushed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a bird's-eye view of New Jersey, the land of the afterlife, appeared.

"That guy Allens really succeeded."

Looking at Skye lying on the ground and the chaotic shock waves that continued to appear around Allens, Rogers looked even older.

However, Rogers knew that now was the best time. According to the information sent by Doctor Strange in the future, after killing Skye, Allens would relax his vigilance. This was the best opportunity to kill Allens. In addition to the message of saving Quake Girl and saving the world, the message sent from 2023 also included another sentence, which was: The light of the mind will purify the world.

In the future of 2023, Dr. Banner, the Hulk, used the data information left by Tony Stark to create this button named the Light of the Mind. This button has only one function, which is to trigger the Mind Scepter.

"Success or failure depends on this one move."

Rogers' old face flashed with determination, and his right hand suddenly pressed the button in his hand.

As Rogers pressed the button, in Siberia on Earth, in an uninhabited underground base, in the center of a high-tech laboratory, a scepter shining with yellow light suddenly burst into a dazzling wave.

This is the Mind Scepter in Loki's hand that was seized in the Avengers: New York Battle. The core of the Mind Scepter is the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones, which has infinite mental power.

At this time, a terrifying yellow mental wave light rose from the Mind Scepter, completely ignoring this huge underground base, and rushed directly into the sky.

The Hydra leader in the base, Baron Strucker, looked at the light released by the Mind Scepter in the surveillance, was surprised, and turned to look at the two Hydra scientists beside him.

"I need to know why the Mind Scepter is activated."

Baron Strucker's eyes were full of ambition. In order to control the Mind Scepter, Baron Strucker did a lot of experiments, but without exception, he could not achieve the terrifying energy fluctuations like the current one, which was dazzling and brilliant, and made people excited and fanatical.

"Baron Stark, we are still looking for the cause, please be patient."

An old man with a white beard and a bald head, his eyes flashing with fanaticism, his hands quickly operated the various buttons in front of him, and the data appeared on the big screen one by one.

"Damn it, how is it possible? According to the data, the Psychic Staff was activated by some kind of device."

After checking the abnormal data, the bald old man cursed. If the Psychic Staff was activated spontaneously, it would be fine. If it was activated by someone using some kind of device, the nature of it would be different.

"Shit, which son of bitch did this?"

Hearing the words of the bald old man, Baron Strucker's face turned cold, and he cursed loudly, while activating the highest level of defense measures in the base.

Also in Siberia, the Avengers, Tony Stark's laboratory, a high-energy reaction set off an alarm in the laboratory, and at the same time, the voice of the artificial intelligence Jarvis sounded in Tony Stark's ears.

""SIR, high energy reaction detected."

Jarvis' voice caught Tony Stark's attention. He clicked a watch on his wrist with his left hand, and a three-dimensional image suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

In the image, a marked red dot appeared, and above the red dot was this position. Captain America Rogers and others looked at Tony Stark in confusion.

"Finally found Baron Stark's rat's nest."

This kind of high-energy reaction can only have one situation, that is the power of the Mind Scepter, and the Mind Scepter was hidden by Baron Stark in the Hydra base.


The game between Baron Strucker and the Avengers could not stop the power of the Mind Scepter. The Mind Light inspired by the Scepter quickly spread to New Jersey.

In the afterlife, Allens was trying out his newfound shock wave power without realizing it. He punched out with his right hand, and circles of cracks seemed to appear in the entire space. The visual effect was exactly the same as when Whitebeard released the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

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