Inside the Avengers Building, Allens sat on a soft leather sofa. Behind Allens, the twin siblings Scarlet Witch Wanda and Quicksilver Pietro came over. Behind them, a robot with exposed wires and extremely disproportionate body proportions staggered over.

"Mr. Aarons, Ultron has been born.

Scarlet Witch walked to Aarons and reminded him softly.

"Very good, now that Ultron is born, one of our goals has been achieved."

Alens' eyes were deep, the birth of Ultron was crucial to his next plan, and at the same time, Alens stood up from the sofa.

In front of Alens, the Avengers members were lying on the ground.

Hawkeye Barton, Black Widow Natasha and Falcon Sam were the worst off, lying on the ground and unable to stand up.

The two Captain Americas were also controlled by the telekinesis of the No.

4 clone and imprisoned in mid-air.

In the center of the hall, under a huge gap, Thor was lying on the floor 20 meters downstairs, dizzy and having lost most of his divine power, which made Thor so weak that he couldn't get up for a long time.

"Boss? Why can't I find your information? It seems that you appeared out of thin air in 2014."

Ultron staggered behind Allens, scanning Allens with a pair of mechanical eyes, and his voice was still mechanical, which was indescribably harsh and unpleasant.

"Ultron, you already have the doubts and curiosity of humans, so you should know that curiosity kills the cat."

Alens still looked ahead, but his tone was chilling. Even the newly born Ultron was ambitious and rebellious. Ambition is not a problem, but rebelliousness makes Allens a little unhappy.

"Although I was just born, I also know that I am different from humans. I can upload myself to the data world. As long as my database is not destroyed, I will not die. In this case, why should I listen to you?"

Ultron's voice is full of emotions, excitement, pride, confidence. Ultron, who has just been born, cannot fully express his emotions.

""Very good, I like different opinions."

Allens' face was as cold as frost. He slowly turned around and placed his right hand on Ultron's broken body. His ability to control the machine started.

"You just reminded me that you are not online yet, so that's easy to deal with."

Alens' eyes flashed with a playful light, and he controlled the mechanical superpowers to activate them. He directly used his consciousness to control the core data consciousness library of Ultron stored in this body.

Because Ultron was just born, he has not had time to upload his database to the data world. In other words, Ultron is now confined in this machine body.

"Now, set me as the highest authority and add me to your core database."

Alens gave the order, and in the horrified eyes of Ultron, the core database of the robot began to rewrite Ultron's deep data and added Allens as the highest authority.

"As expected, Ultron is also a machine, but it is an intelligent machine controlled by artificial intelligence."

Alens gently took his right hand off Ultron's body, looked at the fear in Ultron's eyes, and smiled.

"SIR, Ultron surrenders to you."

No matter how unwilling the core data consciousness was, Ultron knew that his highest authority had been added to Alenus, so, although he was unwilling, Ultron still surrendered to Alenus.

"Very good, upload your database to the data world."

Aarons' order was issued, but uploading your own data also takes time. In the original story, it was not until the body he created was destroyed that Ultron completely uploaded himself to the data world.

"Damn it, Allens, what are you planning to do?"

Imprisoned in mid-air by the telekinesis of the fourth clone, the old Rogers questioned angrily.

"Hey, who are you? And who are you?"

The young Captain America was obviously confused at this time. The appearance of another self already surprised Captain America, and there was also a terrifying guy who could beat the Avengers, which made Captain America full of questions.

""My original body, I have obtained the Mind Scepter."

Avatar No. 1 came over with the Mind Scepter in his hand. The yellow Mind Gem was shining brightly. Just by looking at the Mind Gem, Allens seemed to have seen the infinite Mind Power contained in it.

"Very good, now the power of the mind belongs to me. What kind of reaction will the future Avengers have?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Aarons' mouth. Now that the Mind Stone on the Mind Scepter is in Aarons' hands, he will never hand it over. The so-called Vision disappeared into history before it was born.

"Sir, what are you going to do with these people?"

Quicksilver Pietro walked behind Aarons, looked at the Avengers members with resentment, and asked hopefully

"Captain America Rogers, you can die now."

Ailens' eyes flashed with a cold light. He had let the old Captain America escape twice. This time, Allens would never allow the old Rogers to escape again. Allens raised his right index finger, and a blood line began to appear on the forehead of the old Rogers who was imprisoned in mid-air. The mask on the old Rogers' face fell off, revealing his old face.


Blood was flowing from Rogers' forehead, and his skull was cut open in Rogers' twisted and painful eyes. Allens walked in front of Rogers whose brain was cut, and his eyes lingered on Rogers' cerebral cortex.

Pah pah pah.

With a sound like popping beans, Allens' body was raised again, and his muscles and bones were stronger. After observing Captain Rogers' cerebral cortex, Allens' body finally entered the ranks of super soldiers.

Allens threw away the dead old Rogers, bent down to pick up Rogers' vibranium shield, and threw it to Ultron behind him. Then, without even looking at Hawkeye and others, Allens looked at Thor, the god of thunder, who was more than ten meters below his feet.

"Ahem, Dr. Banner, now is the best time to get angry."

Natasha, the Black Widow, on the ground, blood gushed out of her mouth, her eyes turned to Dr. Banner in the corner, who was trying to suppress his transformation.

"Damn it, Natasha, you shouldn't have woken it up."

Dr. Banner's face twisted, the veins on his body began to turn green, and his muscles and bones began to grow and expand rapidly.

"Hulk, now very angry."

Dr. Banner roared like a beast, his eyes originally full of wisdom were replaced by anger, and Dr. Banner quickly transformed into the Hulk.

"Hulk finally came out. Really....That's great."

Allens looked at the tall Hulk with excitement, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he handed the Mind Scepter to the clone behind him.

PS:The seventh update is now available. Robbie is begging for the first order. Please subscribe, guys. There will be at least 8 updates on the first day of the release. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. Important things should be said three times.

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