The former Avengers had now become a ruin. In front of the ruins, the seriously injured Avengers were like eggplants hit by frost, listless. Even after a battle, these Avengers had no idea who the enemy was or what their purpose was. The Stark

Group rescued all the people buried in the ruins in three hours, but most of them had died. Falcon Sam and War Machine Colonel Rhodey were seriously injured and dying, and were sent to the Stark Group's top medical room for treatment.

Tony Stark was still wearing a tattered iron armor at this time. At Tony Stark's feet, the wreckage of the Iron Legion was scattered all over the ground, but Tony Stark had no mind to pay attention to these things now. His eyes were always fixed on the instruments in front of him and the body of an old man at his feet.

‘Ding, Boss, DNA analysis and comparison completed. The body in front of you is confirmed to be Captain America Rogers himself.

Friday's voice came from the instrument. The instrument in Tony Stark's hand showed two DNA fragments, and at this time, the two DNA fragments were seamlessly matched together.

"F***"K, what the hell is going on?"

Captain America Rogers, with a bruised face and nose, walked to Tony Stark's side with difficulty, took the instrument from Tony's hand, looked at the data displayed on it with shock, and directly cursed

"Tony, is there any news about Dr. Banner?"

Covering her ribs, Black Widow Natasha was more concerned about Dr. Banner. After all, Natasha once had a vague relationship with Dr. Banner.

"There is no news about Dr. Banner yet."

Tony Stark shook his head. Hawkeye Barton and Thor all looked solemn at this time. Thor even glanced at the hammer in his hand.

"Being able to lift Thor's hammer, there is no doubt that this guy is qualified. People with such qualifications are definitely not super criminals."

Thor was silent for a moment, and then he reminded them. Just when the Avengers were in a heavy mood, a figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Click, click, click.

A man in a black windbreaker, with black skin, a bald head, an eye patch on his left eye, a cold face, and a cold and deep right eye, was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the only person with level 10 authority, Nick Fury, who had been missing for a long time, and who held many secrets.

"I know you have a lot of doubts, and I also know your inner fears, but now is not the time to be afraid. You are the Avengers, and you shoulder the future of the entire world."

Black-boiled egg Nick Fury walked in front of Tony Stark, squatted down, a trace of sadness appeared on his cold face, and gently closed the eyes of the old Captain America, who was still unwilling to close his eyes, and took out a square instrument from his pocket.


A ball of light projected from the instrument, covering the body of the old Captain America. The old Captain America quickly shrank, and then was put into the square instrument.

"The whole world is still waiting for your salvation. Avengers, cheer up, it's time to tell you something."

Standing up again, Black Egg's face was expressionless. He looked at the Avengers, his gaze lingered on Captain America Rogers for a moment, and said in a cold tone.


A stream of air appeared in the center of the crowd, and a Quinjet fell from the sky. Nick Fury took the lead and walked into the Quinjet. Rogers and others looked at each other and also walked into the Quinjet.

When all the Avengers entered the Quinjet, the Quinjet took off and flew everyone to the secret base that had been set up long ago.

In a Christian church in the District of Columbia, Washington State, the dome opened from both sides, and in the sky, the Quinjet fell vertically.

The Avengers walked out of the Quinjet, looked at the church, turned to Black Egg, and Nick Fury looked over.

""Fry, is this the secret base you mentioned? Are you going to make us all believe in God, and then everything will be peaceful?"

Tony Stark's mustache trembled, and he couldn't help but sneered.

Nick Fury ignored Tony Stark's venomous tongue, walked to the center of the church, took out a pager, and edited a text message.

This situation made Tony Stark even more disdainful. What era is it, and Nick Fury is still playing with his pager.


Before Tony had time to complain, the ground under their feet fell rapidly to the ground, and with a rumble, it stopped on a metal platform.

"Welcome to my base, Avengers."

Nick Fury smiled and walked down the metal platform first. Tony Stark and others were also shocked when they looked at the environment in front of them.

The whole base was bright silver-white, with culture chambers displayed in the air. On the ground, there were various high-tech laboratories that looked very sci-fi. In the center of the base, there was a huge spaceship that looked like an enlarged version of the Quinjet. What shocked everyone the most was that the researchers here all had the same face as Nick Fury, and in the laboratory on the left, the muscular Nick Fury was undergoing combat training.

"WTF, SIR, is this our SHIELD base?"

Hawkeye Barton opened his eyes wide. In SHIELD, Hawkeye Barton had never seen such a high-tech base, and there was also a spaceship in the base.

"NO, I told you, this is my secret base."

Nick Fury turned his head, his eyes were deep, he raised his right hand, pressed his left hand on his right hand, and the skin on his right hand peeled off, revealing the metal screen inside. The various data on the screen were refreshed quickly.

"Sir, are you really our commander?"

Even Natasha didn't know that Nick Fury's right hand, which had always been wearing a glove, was actually a mechanical structure. Natasha couldn't help but start to suspect that the man in front of her was an alien in disguise.

"Agent Natasha, I know you have a lot of doubts, but please allow me to preserve the captain's body." He took out the square instrument again, tapped his right arm with his left hand, and a projection appeared, and the old Captain America's body appeared again.

"Nick 1023, please answer if you hear me."

Nick Fury put his right hand to his ear and said in a low voice

"SIR, No. 1023 reports to you. What are your instructions?"

The floor beneath everyone's feet sank, and then another Nick Fury rose up, saluted Nick Fury, and spoke

"Keep the captain's body."

Nick Fury gave the order without any expression on his face.

"Wait, Sir, you said the captain's body...Is the Captain dead?"

Nick 1023 showed an expression of disbelief on his face, and looked down at the body of the old Captain America, his eyes full of sadness.

PS:The second update is now available. Robbie is begging for the first subscription. Please subscribe. There will be at least 8 updates on the first day of the update. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. Important things should be said three times. Thank you for the 1,000 points reward from Tiantianyouxi. You are awesome. You are awesome. Robbie is begging for the reward.

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