Sokovia, underground of the Holy Christ Church, this place has been transformed into a base by the Ultron army. In the base, new Ultron robots are being built on production lines, and the entire base is built into a giant Ultron robot. At this time, in the brain of the base, Ultron took the elevator out. In a high-tech sterile laboratory in the center, Dr. Zhao Hailun was busy. Beside Dr. Zhao Hailun were Scarlet Witch Wanda and Quicksilver Pietro, as well as the No. 5 clone Shockwave.

"How is Mr. Allen's health?"

Ultron, who was nearly three meters tall, walked in. His whole body was full of metallic and coordinated feeling. His angular face made him look more domineering and his movements more coordinated. After returning to Sokovia from Seoul, Ultron evolved again. This time, Vibranium was integrated into Ultron's body.

"The vibranium particles and Mr. Allens' cells have been perfectly integrated. The regeneration cradle has printed out Mr. Allens' pineal gland, but the shape needs to be optimized."The busy Dr. Zhao Hailun paused for a moment, then answered while operating.

Ultron walked straight to the regeneration cradle, looking at Allens, who seemed to have a vertical eye on his forehead.

Ultron could find that the silver-white vibranium flowed inside the printed vertical eye, like a neuron signal.

Ultron 's consciousness merged into the laboratory, and all kinds of data merged into his mind like a tide.

At the same time, Ultron's eyes projected a brain map.

In front of the brain, countless vibranium neural signal elements were slowly connecting to Allens' brain.

"When will the pineal gland's neuron signals be able to connect to the main brain?"

Ultron turned off the projection and looked at Dr. Zhao Hailun, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and asked

"In fact, the next fusion needs to be completed synchronously. We need to integrate the mind gem into the pineal gland first, and then synchronously link the neurons to the brain, so that a perfect fusion can be formed."

Dr. Zhao Hailun stopped his movements, walked to the crystal cabin of the regeneration cradle, stroked the regeneration cradle with both hands, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm and intoxication.

"We are completing a great plan. It will only take 10 hours for Mr. Allens to completely transform and initially integrate the power of the Mind Stone."

Dr. Zhao Hailun's face showed excitement. As a scientist, especially a scientist of biogenetic technology, Dr. Zhao Hailun was very excited about this fusion plan. This will be the greatest fusion feat in human history.

"Dr. Zhao Hailun, please control your emotions. The next plan requires patience and caution. We must ensure that everything goes well."

Ultron frowned slightly, and his tone was warning. Obviously, Ultron had detected that Dr. Zhao Hailun's heartbeat was accelerating and his blood pressure was rising.

Huh, huh.

After taking two deep breaths, Dr. Zhao Hailun calmed down his excitement, turned around and got busy again, while Ultron walked in front of Shockwave Envoy No. 5.

"SIR, the Avengers have not made any moves yet."

It has been three days since I returned to Sokovia. During these three days, the Avengers seemed to have disappeared and have not attacked again.

"It's just the calm before the storm. This group of Avengers will definitely be much stronger when they appear again, haha."

With a sneer, Shockwave Envoy No. 5 no longer paid attention to the movements of the Avengers, but instead focused his attention on the Cradle of Regeneration.

"How much vibranium has Rafael Malkan collected?"

Number 5's voice sounded a little lazy. He glanced at Ultron and asked calmly.

"SIR, Rafael has collected 100 kilograms of vibranium particles, and I have already put them into the Ultron army."

Ultron's mechanical eyes flickered. Vibranium is a very magical metal that can absorb energy and make one's body more like a human. Speed, strength, and data processing speed have all been doubled.

"Very good, next, we will wait for the fusion of the main body to be completed."

Shock Wave Envoy No. 5 closed his eyes and stopped talking, but he was not resting, but concentrating on sensing various shock wave frequencies.

"Mr. Ultron, our experiment is about to begin."

The voice of Scarlet Witch Wanda made Ultron look up and walk to the front of the regeneration cradle again. Looking at the khaki Mind Gem floating in the regeneration cradle, he nodded to Dr. Zhao Hailun.


A strange fluctuation appeared in the regeneration cradle. The frequency of this fluctuation pulled the Mind Gem to slowly descend, and then it was embedded in the pineal gland of Allens.


A terrifying mental fluctuation was released from the Mind Gem. The terrifying energy swept across the entire earth and extended to the depths of the universe.


When the mental fluctuation broke out, Allens' eyes suddenly opened. There seemed to be a universe hidden in his eyes, deep and empty. The mental consciousness followed the previous mental fluctuations, rushed out of the earth, and spread to the deep space of the universe.

"So beautiful, these eyes are so beautiful."

All the people in this laboratory were fascinated by Allens' eyes, as if they could see the whole universe through Allens' eyes.

The mental fluctuations swept across the entire galaxy with unparalleled power, and at the same time Allens' consciousness appeared above a huge and desolate planet.

The Milky Way, the planet Morag, was once a prosperous and high-tech civilization planet, but a disaster caused the planet Morag to go to destruction. Now it is all ruins and huge cracks everywhere, and magma can be seen flowing from the cracks.

In the sky, three huge satellites projected a dead and dim light, making the planet even more desolate, and on such a desolate planet, a man wearing a metal space helmet, a white Kree multifunctional reconnaissance combat suit, and rocket boots was dancing at this time.

"Emmm, can I kill him?"

Behind a huge rock, Colonel Rody, a war machine from the future, was silent for a moment, raised his pistol in his right hand, pointed it at the dancing Star-Lord, and said:

"Although I also want to kill him, our mission this time is just to get the power stone."

Nebula, who also comes from 2023, was silent for a moment, but decided to complete the mission first.

Peter Quill, the dancing Star-Lord, didn't realize that he had been on the verge of death. He was still dancing and following the instructions of the detector, walking towards the Temple of Morag.

Behind Star-Lord, Nebula and War Machine quietly followed, intending to wait until Star-Lord got the Cosmic Orb and then intercept him directly.

"here it is....Morag, Star-Lord, War Machine and Nebula...Interesting, my current state seems to be ideological."

Above everyone's head, Alenus's consciousness took in everything around him. The power of the Mind Stone carried Alenus's consciousness through the endless void and arrived at the planet Morag.

PS:Fourth update, now available, Robbie begs for the first order, big guys please subscribe, support, Robbie thanks again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe, important things are said three times.

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