
Allens punched into the void, and the shock wave swept through the void of the universe several kilometers away. The space was broken, and a spaceship gradually appeared.

Boom, boom, boom.

In the Skrull spaceship, Piccolo with green skin and pointy ears....The Skrulls felt the vibration of the spacecraft and suddenly panicked.

"Damn, are the Kree here to attack?"

The commander of the spaceship was a member who had traveled to Earth with Talos, named Lambert. Because Talos followed Captain Marvel to another planet to rescue the Skrulls there, the command of the spaceship was given to Lambert.

""Captain Lambert, what happened?"

The Skrulls came out from their respective lounges. Some of them transformed into Earthlings and asked Lambert like frightened birds.

"According to the data from the intelligent computer, we were attacked by a shock wave of energy."

Lambert stood in the control room of the spacecraft, pressing his hands quickly on the screen in front of him, and the situation outside was clearly presented in front of him by the intelligent computer.

"F***K, how is this possible? How can Earthlings survive in space?"

A three-dimensional projection filled the entire control room, showing Sokovia and Allens in the sky, as well as the data generated by Allens' previous punch.

""Sir, these people are obviously coming for us, what should we do next?"

A Skrull in interstellar combat uniform looked serious and asked Lambert with a solemn look.

""Bakker, I need to know this guy's purpose."

Lambert looked solemn, and gave a serious look to the Skrull warrior, Bakker, and ordered him.

Click, click.

Following Lambert's order, Bakker's body suddenly changed. His two-meter-tall figure shrank, and his green skin turned white. Bakker turned into Allens.


Just as Buckle had just transformed into Allens, Buckle's genes instantly began to collapse, and he was separated from Allens' transformation. His green skin had been stained red with blood, his face was distorted, and blood kept flowing from his mouth.

"F***K, Buckle, Buckle, what happened to you?"

Lambert obviously did not expect this situation. He originally planned to let Buckle transform into the man in the picture to obtain the man's recent memory, but he never thought that Buckle's genes collapsed instantly due to the transformation. Not only did he not get Allen's short-term memory, but Buckle even died.

"What kind of enemy can make our Skrulls' innate abilities ineffective, or even cause their genes to collapse?"

Lambert frowned, his face was obviously a little ferocious, and his eyes were fixed on Allens' projection.

""Sir, it's the Avengers."

A Skrull first saw the Avengers scattered around Sokovia and immediately reminded Lambert loudly.

After hearing the words of his people, Lambert obviously also found Tony Stark and others. This time, Lambert transformed directly and turned into Captain America Rogers.

"What the hell is this monster?"

Transformed into Rogers' appearance, Lambert gained Rogers' short-term memory. Looking at the memory in his mind, Lambert suddenly burst into a curse.

"Quick, charge up the interstellar railgun, particle pulse cannon, EMP, magnetic ray, micro missiles...All open."

Lambert, who had transformed into Captain Rogers, changed his expression greatly, and transmitted one command after another to the intelligent brain.

""Sir, this is all the weapons we have on board. Once released, the ship will be out of energy and we won't even be able to maintain our invisibility."

A Skrull scientist looked at Lambert with a puzzled look on his face, totally unable to understand Lambert's almost crazy order.

"Shutup! Follow my orders, and everyone put on combat uniforms. This time, the enemy is much more terrifying than the Kree."

Lambert interrupted the tribesman, his face twisted, and he gave orders in an almost crazy tone.

‘The weapon system is on and aiming at the target. Do you want to fire?'

A mechanical sound came from the brain of the Skrull spaceship, but Lambert didn't think twice and just hit the launch button.

Boom, boom, boom.

In space, the weapon bay of the Skrull spaceship opened, and energy weapons were released one by one, with EMP, magnetic rays and other high-tech weapons in the center.

"The Skrulls' counterattack?"

Suspended in the air, Allens showed a mocking smile on his face. With super strength and shock waves, Allens punched the void in front of him.

Crack, crack.

With Allens' right fist as the center, a smooth space mirror appeared in the entire void. The mirror began to crack and spread inch by inch, and then shattered.


All the energy weapons that attacked Allens were crushed into powder by the invisible shock wave force, and at the same time, the huge spaceship broke directly inch by inch.

The weapon system of the entire Skrull spaceship was completely wiped out by Allens' punch, and a huge explosion of fire appeared in the entire cosmic pit.

Bang, bang, bang.

Although Allens destroyed all the energy weapons with one punch, EMP is an invisible electromagnetic pulse. Whether it is Sokovia's thrusters, the Ultron army, or the iron armor on the Avengers, they have lost their due effectiveness.

All the equipment was shut down by EMP. Sokovia, the Ultron army, and the Avengers' iron armor all lost power and floated in outer space.

""Control the machinery."

Allens stretched out his right hand, and the superpower of controlling the machinery was released. Allens' consciousness formed a data stream, and the EMP in the Skrull spacecraft was shut down.

"Friday is reconnected, Friday is online, and the power system is activated."

Friday's voice reappeared on the Avengers' Iron Man suits, and the previously stagnant functions were restarted. The shoulders of the Iron Man suits ejected a stream of air.

"SHIT, I'm finally alive."

Tony Stark took a deep breath. After the Iron Man suit stopped working, only some thin air remained inside the suit. Although it was only for a moment, Tony Stark still felt a little suffocated. The other Avengers were not feeling well either. They were all thankful that the Iron Man suit was working again.

"Sir, do you want me to destroy this spaceship?"

Ultron came back online, his eyes flashing with anger and hatred. The thrusters on Sokovia started again and continued to rise. As he approached the spaceship, Ultron's tone was full of anger.

"Control this spaceship, I need the Skrulls inside the spaceship."

Allens' eyes were calm as he gave orders to Ultron. Following Allens' orders, Sokovia, one Ultron robot after another flew up and rushed towards the Skrull spaceship.

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