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: 0.166s Scan: 0.055sBoom.

Sokovia was falling rapidly in the sky above New York. The terrible air pressure made all New Yorkers look desperate. The hurricane swept through, and the pedestrians on the street were blown all over the place.

"SR.Sokovia is only 5,000 meters away from the ground....4700m...3000 meters, continuing to descend. Expected to fall within one minute."

Veronica's cold voice sounded in Tony Stark's iron suit, making Tony Stark show a helpless smile on his face.

"Veronica, do you think I'm on vacation now? Uninstall the weapon system, leaving only the basic life support system in the armor, and then turn the thrusters to full speed."

Tony Stark pressed his hands on the bottom of Sokovia, and red energy beams spurted out from his elbows, shoulders, elbows, and soles.


The whole Sokovia shook, and a huge reverse thrust was generated from the bottom, making Ultron, who was standing on the ground of Sokovia, look gloomy.

"Find him and kill him."

Ultron issued an order with a wave of his hand. As the leader of the Ultron army, without the restraint of Aarons, Ultron now only wanted to destroy mankind.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

One by one, the Ultron robots rushed to the bottom of Sokovia and surrounded Tony Stark almost instantly.

"Hey, I need help here."

Tony Stark's face showed a trace of sweat. At this time, all the energy of the iron suit on his body was invested in the thrusters, and he had no ability to deal with these Ultron robots.


In mid-air, a Thor's hammer surrounded by thunder fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye it pierced through the Ultron robots one by one. Thor flew over closely behind it.

"Tony, if I save you, can I become the director of Stark Group?"

After catching the hammer of Thor, Thor finally found a chance to taunt Tony Stark, which made Thor, who was in a heavy mood because of facing Aarons, show a rare smile on his face.

"Hey, future God King, the director of my Stark Group can only be Pepper's."

Tony Stark raised his mustache and said, holding Sokovia in his hands.

"Well, I think you need a little help, Tony."

Looking at the gradually disintegrating and shattering armor on Tony Stark's body, Thor frowned slightly, swung Thor's hammer, attracted the lightning, and smashed it in front of Tony Stark's armor.

"SR.Energy overflows by 200%, energy overload, about to be injected into the thruster."

Veronica's voice sounded, and streams of red mixed with blue energy gushed out of the thrusters of Tony Stark's Iron Man suit.


Although the entire Sokovia was still falling, the speed of falling had slowed down a little, which made the Avengers who were fighting in the air suddenly raise a wave of excitement..

"Well done, Tony.

Captain America Rogers, after dealing with the two guards, began to praise.

"I have to say, Tony, you are even crazier than the future."

Looking at Tony Stark who was holding Sokovia up by himself and slowing down Sokovia's speed, Colonel War Machine Rhodey showed a trace of admiration on his face.

"Hey, guys, now is not the time to celebrate. Veronica, can you aim now?"

Tony Stark doesn't want to hear Colonel Rhodes' praise now. He just wants to kill Sokovia above his head.

"SR.The Star Destroyer Cannon launch trajectory is being recalculated. We are capturing Sokovia. The estimated capture time is 30 seconds."

Veronica's voice brought a smile to Tony's face, but when he heard that it would take another 30 seconds, his face darkened again.

"Thor, I still need your Meowth Hammer to massage me."

Just as Tony finished speaking, Thor flew over with thunder again and smashed directly on Tony's iron suit.


Sokovia's speed slowed down again. In the spaceship above Sokovia, Veronica's data was running like a waterfall, and the rapid calculation captured Sokovia's trajectory.

Boom, boom, boom.

Above New York, Sokovia fell madly, 2500 meters...2000 meters, 1000 meters, 500 meters, all the citizens of New York seemed to have stopped working, and the entire city fell into a dead silence.


Sokovia shook again, and at the same time, a ball of red light was marked in the cockpit of the Kree spacecraft above their heads, and the light flickered.

"SR.Sokovia has been captured, the interstellar star destroyer is ready and about to be launched"

"Countdown, 5...4...."

Veronica's voice rang in the ears of all the Avengers. Even Thor heard the prompt from Tony. Thor took Tony Stark and flew away quickly.

"Avengers, retreat."

Captain America Rogers issued the order to retreat at the same time. The back of the Iron Man suit ejected energy airflow, and quickly moved away from Sokovia. Not only Captain America, War Machine, and Falcon Sam also fled quickly.

"Star destroyer, fire."

At the bottom of the Kree spacecraft, the muzzle of the star destroyer released a ball of destructive white light, which accurately enveloped Sokovia. The silent star destroyer instantly smashed into Sokovia, and the energy shield on Sokovia could not block the terrifying energy of the star destroyer at all.


A mushroom cloud instantly rose in the center of Sokovia, and then a destructive shock wave spread to the entire Sokovia.

Boom, boom, boom.

The entire Sokovia disintegrated in the air. The energy of the star destroyer was enough to destroy an asteroid. Even if Sokovia had an energy shield, it would still be useless. The huge Sokovia land first fell apart and turned into powder in the white light, followed by a series of explosions.


A dazzling white light covered the sky. In New York City, which was shut down, everyone was in tears. The white light was dazzling, but it brought hope of life.

"Great, the meteor is destroyed"

"Oh God, did you hear my call?"

"It's crazy, we survived?"

After a brief silence, the citizens of New York began to cheer wildly, and these citizens also saw the figures of the Avengers in the sky. They knew that these Avengers had saved the world again.


In the eyes of everyone, Sokovia was melted by the white light in the sky. Tony Stark saw the disappearance of Sokovia with his own eyes and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


However, what no one expected was that although Sokovia disappeared, the things hidden in Sokovia were exposed at the same time. A behemoth crashed into the New York city.

PS:Fourth update, now available, Robbie begs for the first order, big guys please subscribe, support me, Robbie thanks you again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe, important things should be said three times.

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