At the top of a hundreds-story office building in New York City, there is a magnificent training hall with various exercise equipment.

In the center of the training hall, dozens of top fighters from all over the world are looking at a huge figure in an expensive white suit and red trousers surrounded by them in horror.

Everyone's face is covered with cold sweat.

The huge figure is 2.

1 meters tall and looks very fat.

It is roughly estimated that he weighs 450 pounds.

He has a cigar in his mouth, his face is cold and ruthless, and his eyes are flashing with cunning, madness, coldness, viciousness, domineering and other very complex lights.

Bang, bang, bang.

Even in fear, these fighters can only roar and quickly rush towards the figure in the center. However, these top fighters from all over the world flew backwards before they could launch an offensive.


Standing in the center of the training hall, Kingpin, the leader of the New York mafia and known as the emperor of the underworld, looked at the seriously injured and dying fighter on the ground with a cold and domineering look, and his tone was cold and gloomy.

Like a huge fat man, but if you really regard Kingpin as a fat man, you are courting death. Ninety-five percent of Kingpin's body is muscle, and his physical fitness has reached the peak of the entire human race. Kingpin stood at the forefront of the world stage as a human being, and even gave superheroes a headache.

Knock, knock.

The door of the training hall was knocked, and Kingpin's eyes flashed with light. He looked sharply at the door, strode directly to the luxurious chair in the training hall, and sat down directly.

"Come in."

A cold voice sounded softly, and a gangster man in a black suit walked in, looking at the feet of the underworld king Jin Bing sitting in the seat with fear in his eyes, and he didn't dare to raise his head at all.

"Boss, there is a crisis in New York City. Meteors and spaceships appeared in the sky of New York City. According to the calculations of our scientists, if the meteors fall, it will be enough to destroy the whole world."

Blake's eyes flashed with fear, and drops of cold sweat on his face had already flowed into his eyes, but he didn't dare to wipe it off, and reported quickly."

Tap, tap, tap, tap, the huge and burly body of Kingpin sitting on the chair was like a wall. The index finger of his right hand tapped the armrest of the chair, making a dull and crisp sound. The extremely depressing air in the entire training hall was suffocating. The fighters who were originally lying on the floor were all dead at this time, which made Blake even more terrified.

"It really is...New York City is in trouble."

The eyes were deep, cunning, crazy, cold and ruthless. The cold voice rang out in the hall, and the tone was indescribable....Schadenfreude.

As the underworld king, Kingpin was furious when the New York War broke out two years ago because the war spread throughout New York City and even to Hell's Kitchen. Kingpin mobilized all his forces to fight the Chitauri in the dark corners. Relying on his own power and strength, Kingpin also slaughtered many Chitauri.

At this time, Kingpin heard that New York was in crisis again, and it was even related to the destruction of the world. The cold and ruthless Kingpin was thinking about how to make his power further. As for the destruction of the world,...Sorry, this has nothing to do with Kim.

"Boss, the situation this time is very serious. Even our scientists say...."

Before Blake could finish his words, a large hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up. Blake looked over in horror, only to see Kingpin's face expressionless, his eyes flashing with danger.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Jin Bing's tone was cold, as cold as hell. Just one sentence made Blake tremble like a sieve, and a loud sound came out of his mouth, but because of Jin Bing's right hand, Blake couldn't make any sound at all.


A golden telephone on the table in front of Jin Bing rang, causing Jin Bing's eyes to turn to the phone.


After answering the phone, Jin Bing said only one word with a blank expression, but in his mind he had already thought of the forces in New York. He had already thought of several forces and organizations that could get through to his internal line. Jin Bing was not only powerful, but also very intelligent.

"Mr. Kingpin, I am Coulson from SHIELD. We are in trouble and need your help."

Colson's voice was heard on the phone, his tone was indescribably serious and cold. If it were not for the situation, Coulson would not have contacted the underworld king Kingpin. After all, Kingpin ruled the entire underworld in the United States and had caused a lot of trouble for SHIELD.

"SHIELD? Do you want me to help SHIELD evacuate the citizens of New York?"

Kingpin sneered, his tone did not conceal his sarcasm. Kingpin was the king of the underworld, and he did not care about the lives of the people of New York.

"If you agree, SHIELD can help the New York gangs to infiltrate Europe."

After a moment of silence, Coulson's tone was full of coldness, and he directly put forward SHIELD's conditions. Coulson knew that when dealing with Kingpin, there was never any other consideration, only the exchange of interests.

"Not enough, SHIELD needs to help me consolidate my power in Europe and R country, and I also need to know everything about the enemy's intelligence, strength, power, ability, etc."

King Bing smiled, like a greedy and cunning wolf, and took the opportunity to put forward his further conditions.

"Kingpin, you have to know that the military can also do this."

Coulson's voice sounded angry. Obviously, he was irritated by the shameless behavior of the underworld king Kingpin. However, the most important thing now is Allens's matter.

"The military? Maybe they could do it before you informed me, but now, they can't."

Jin Bing's voice was cold and confident, his eyes flashing with a deep light. As the king of the underworld, Jin Bing's influence can be said to be spread all over the United States. Even many of the current senators were promoted and funded by Jin Bing.


Coulson couldn't help showing a trace of anger on his face. He cursed and took a deep breath. Coulson knew that Kingpin could do what he said. In the military, Kingpin could also intervene.

""Okay, Wilson Fisk, SHIELD has agreed. Damn it, quickly mobilize your forces and evacuate the citizens of New York City."

After a moment of silence, Coulson agreed to Kingpin's conditions. After all, the situation was very critical and even SHIELD might be destroyed. Therefore, even if Kingpin's conditions were difficult to achieve, Coulson could only agree. After all, what Coulson wanted to do most was to drag down the underworld king Kingpin.

"Agent Coulson, don't forget the information I want."

King Bing's mouth curled up with a smile of conspiracy, like a winner, issuing orders

PS:First update, now available, Robbie begs for the first order, big guys please subscribe, support, Robbie thanks again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe, important things are said three times. Yesterday my girlfriend went to take the kindergarten teacher exam, so I accompanied her. I didn't want to go at first, but I couldn't stand the soft and hard persuasion, so I went anyway. Robbie is sorry to all the big guys, Robbie apologizes here.

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