Marvel: Heroes Rising

Chapter 79 Nick Fury And Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One (Please Subscribe, Please Reward)

Boom, boom, boom.

In the sky above SOKOVIA, the Avengers failed to succeed and were directly dragged into the world of illusions by Allens' duplication. Facing the terrifying illusions, the Avengers could only passively be beaten.

Around the Avengers, Ultron robots bombarded them indiscriminately. The Avengers were completely unable to fight back. Now the Avengers are a living target.

And in New York City, the implementer of the secret rescue plan, former SHIELD Director Nick Fury appeared here, and at the end of New York Avenue, Nick Fury stopped.

Taking out a ring from his pocket, Nick Fury put the ring on the index finger of his left hand. Fury drew a circle with his left hand. A mysterious magic ring appeared on Fury's left hand. His right hand drew a circle in the void. The fireworks formed a ring, and within the ring was a majestic holy place.

"Holy place in New York, I haven't been here for a long time. I used to come here with Captain Rogers when I was a still hasn't changed after all these years."

The portal that was as tall as a person was opened by Nick Fury. This was definitely not because Nick Fury had learned magic, but because of the magical power left in the Sling Ring.

Stepping into the portal, Nick Fury entered the New York holy place. The New York holy place is an array node built by the magicians of Kamar-Taj to protect the earth. There are three magic centers in total, and the three magic centers form a A huge magic circle that surrounds the earth to ward off evil prying eyes from other dimensions.

When Nick Fury stepped into the holy place in New York, a fat Asian man wearing a monk's uniform walked up to Nick Fury, staring at Nick Fury with an incomprehensible smile on his face.

"Mr. Nick Fury, the great Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One magician already knows your intention, please come with me."

This fat Asian guy is Magician Wang, who was ordered to guide Nick Fury.

Magician Wang led Nick Fury into the holy place in New York and came to a portal. Wang directly led Nick Fury through the portal and came to the magician's holy place, Kamar-Taj.

Nick Fury's face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of respect. Nick Fury respected Kamar-Taj very much. These magicians silently guarded the earth from being eroded by other dimensions.

Passing over the magicians who were practicing drawing spark portals, Nick Fury walked into the quaint room of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One. Looking at the bald head in front of him, Nick Fury lowered his head.

Even SHIELD Director, Nick Fury did not dare to neglect when facing the Sorcerer Supreme, who has been guarding the earth for hundreds of years.

“Dear Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One magician [I would like to request that you accept

Before Nick Fury could finish speaking, Ancient One opened his eyes from a meditative state. His eyes contained endless wisdom. He stretched out his right hand and Ancient One interrupted Nick Fury's words.

"I have seen the battle of SOKOVIA. The current Allens have not grown up yet, but they are enough to destroy the earth."

The Ancient One magician's face was dull, as if he was saying something insignificant. At the moment, the Ancient One magician did not have Time Gem, Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest.

"I implore the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One magician to take action to defeat Allens, save the world, and save the future."

Nick Fury frowned slightly and pleaded with the Sorcerer Supreme in front of him.

"No, I can't shoot Allens."

However, to Nick Fury's surprise, Ancient One magician refused, which made Nick Fury feel very strange, because the duty of Ancient One magician is to protect the earth, and now the earth is about to perish, yet Ancient One magician still didn't make a move.


The Ancient One magician didn't speak, but walked up to Nick Fury, slapped Nick Fury's chest with his palm, and slapped Nick Fury's soul out of his body.

With his hands behind his back, the Ancient One magician's consciousness led Nick Fury to travel through the timelines. In these timelines, many Allens appeared.

"The future Avengers disrupted the flow of time, and created countless timelines because of the crossing of stars."

"And Allens, who is hostile to you, traveled to this timeline from the main timeline in 2007 through quantum travel. If the normal time trajectory is followed, Allens will deviate from the main timeline and enter another branch Timeline, becoming Thanos' minion, Death Star Allens."

"But for some reason, Allens Awakened, and he has insight into the future, so he started to use 2007 as a starting point to find the main timeline in his own way.

Ancient One magician pulled out a red timeline in front of Nick Fury. This timeline is the main line that runs through the entire MarvelMCU. Some branches are parallel to the main timeline, while others intersect with the main timeline at one point.

"The timeline we are in is what I call the super-ability timeline. In this timeline, Allens has become powerful and terrifying by continuously acquiring super-abilities. He has mastered a lot of super-abilities until now."

The Ancient One magician had his hands behind his back, his eyes were deep, and his eyes could see through the past and the future. Nick Fury stood beside the Ancient One magician, but there was a puzzled look on his face.

"Super Ability timeline?"

Nick Fury frowned, doubts appeared on his expressionless face, he obviously didn't know why Ancient One said that.

The Ancient One magician took a look at Nick Fury, and relocated Nick Fury's soul to his body. On his unpredictable face, there was a trace of helplessness, and he sighed softly.

`"In this timeline, Allens only aimed at the super-abilities of the Inhumans. For this reason, Allens slaughtered the entire Inhumans and gained a lot of super-abilities."

"And once I make a move, Allens' attention will shift from super-ability to magic. Even if I can easily defeat Allens now, he can still start from scratch in 2007. By then, the entire Kamar-Taj magicians will Slaughtered by Allens."

There was a bitter smile on Ancient One magician's face, it's not that she didn't want to do it, whether it's dimensional exile, or some other abilities, Ancient One can easily defeat Allens, but Ancient One can't do it, because she got Allens, who is super-ability, has not thought of Marvel's magicians for the time being. Once Ancient One makes a move, Allens will inevitably target Kamar-Taj. When the time comes, (Zhao Haohao) this will not be a disaster for the earth, but a disaster for the entire universe.

"However, the current Avengers simply cannot defeat Allens."

Nick Fury's eyes were serious, his right fist was clenched, Nick Fury clearly knew that with the power of the current Avengers, it was impossible to defeat Allens. Not even the ability to buy time for yourself.

"Although I can't shoot directly, I can rule out SOKOVIA's illusion.

After pondering for a moment, Ancient One magician decided to attack from the side. After all, Ancient One magician also knew that if he didn't make a move, these avengers would have no chance of winning at all.

PS: The first update is now on the shelves. Robbie is begging for the first order. Big guys, please subscribe and support. Thank you again, Robbie. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe, I say important things three times. happy New Year.

Robbie: Today is New Year's Day in 2020. I wish all the readers all the best in the new year. Happy New Year and scatter flowers. .

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