Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Chapter 69: The Return of the Creator God

For a powerhouse like Emperor Weishan, outsiders just call his name, even if he is tens of thousands of light years away, he can feel it.

Wells sealed off this space, naturally he didn't want Weissandi to notice it.

Wells didn't know if this method would work, but after Wells said the name of Weissandi, the space really didn't change at all.

Seeing this, Wells breathed a sigh of relief.

Weishandi is not something that Wells can provoke now. Compared with the Destroyer of the God Group, Weishandi does not know how many times more powerful.

Wells has not yet had the idea of ​​provoking Wei Shandi!

"You actually know Emperor Weishan..."

At this time, the old man's kind face had some more friendly smiles, and he said to Wells: "You guessed it right, I come from the land, and according to legend, my ancestors also learned magic from Weishandi... "

This Emperor Weishan really recruited many disciples!

Wells swept the old man's magic cultivation with divine power. The old man seemed to feel Wells' spying, but he did not refuse, but looked at Wells with a smile.

So strong!

Wells was taken aback by this sweep. This guy's magic cultivation is as good as that of the ancient one mage. With this level of strength, he is a first-class magician even in the Nine Realms.

In the absence of the time gem, this old man has come to this step, what a genius!

Wells withdrew his divine power to show his respect for such strong men.

After a while, Wells asked the old man, "Do you want to go back to the land?"

Wells had already figured out the old man's physical condition when he checked the old man's magic cultivation just now.

Many organs in the old man's body have failed, which is a sign that the end is approaching, and even the leaves of the tree of life cannot save him.


The old man shook his head: "I don't need it now, I have already felt the call of Emperor Weishan!"

Hearing the old man's voice, several Skrulls beside him shouted angrily: "It's all these damned Cree people, without them, you wouldn't have died..."

One of the Skrulls said to Captain Marvel: "Captain, you want to avenge Grandpa Master!"

Hearing this, several Skrulls quickly looked at Captain Marvel: "Yes, Captain, we can't let the old mage die in vain!"

"I heard that Ronan, the leader of the Cree Empire, has died. Now is a good time for us to destroy the Cree Empire!"

Captain Marvel looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Ronan is dead?

Hearing what a few Skrulls said, Wells thought more.

If Ronan dies, it means that the Guardians of the Galaxy with Little Raccoon, Little Sapling and others have been formed!

The power gem should also appear.

And according to the original timeline, Xingjue and others will also hand over the power gems to collectors for safekeeping.

In a moment, divert to the void and get back the power gem in the collector!

Immediately, Wells made a calculation.

As for a few Skrulls who said that they could destroy the Kree Empire, Wells pretended that he hadn't heard it.

The Cree Empire is one of the three great empires in the universe, and it has existed for countless years, so the death of an insignificant Ronan is nothing.

If such a large empire could be destroyed simply by eliminating Ronan, Wells would have killed the two ancestors of the Heavenly lineage long ago.

Moreover, Ronan is not a big figure in the Cree Empire. It is the "Supreme Wisdom" that controls the core of the Kree Empire, and Ronan is just a pawn launched by the "Supreme Wisdom".


The old man sitting on the bed suddenly said: "The end is approaching, this is the destiny, no more killings!"

Hearing what the old man said, the Skrulls closed their mouths obediently.

"I've been following my past, but now until I die, I don't understand what's going on..."

The old man said to Wells: "Speaking of it, you may not believe it, but now that I am going to die, I suddenly have a lot of memories.

They are like my many past lives, I have many names, the deepest one, I remember being Hogarth! "

Wells asked, "Is this reincarnation?"


The old man directly shook his head: "After I die, my body will open a memory soon, and a new life will start here!"

Wells frowned into the word "Chuan", and he said to the old man: "Then after you die this time, will you also forget everything before..."

The old man smiled and shook his head again: "This is the last time, times have changed..."

Times have changed!

Isn't this a sentence I often say?

Wells didn't speak, he motioned for the old man to continue.

There are too many weird things in the Marvel world, and the water inside is too heavy. Even Wells, he can't control it.

"The gods are about to return!"

The old man said in a deep voice: "I feel the call of Emperor Weishan. The gods who created the world are about to appear in this life. Something that even Emperor Weishan would be afraid of is about to come..."

God of Creation!

Hearing the old man's words, Wells' face was full of horror.

In the eyes of the land boundary, these Asgardians are "gods".

But Wells never regarded himself as a "god", he was just a powerful Asgardian.

Those gods who created the world, they are the real "gods", the only true gods in this universe!


The old man coughed heavily, and said, "There is something terrifying in the world!"


Suddenly, the old man's face turned pale and he was out of breath.

Wells rushed forward quickly. Wells had just taken a step, but he found that there was no one around him breathing.

Wells raised his head and saw that the old man was lying on the bed weakly,


"Grandpa Master..."

Seeing the old man collapsed on the bed, the Skrulls next to him screamed, but no matter what, their grandpa mage didn't get up again this time.

There are great horrors in the world!

After saying this, the old man died, which made Wells think a little more.

What on Earth is there?

The Celestial God Group also wanted to take advantage of Tiantian's lineage to intervene in the earth realm, but now the mage just said one more word, and ended his life in an instant.

What happened to the future of the world?

Wells suddenly had an urge to escape from the land boundary. You must know that his wife and brothers are all living in the land boundary.

Today's land boundary is equivalent to a flame that can be sprayed at any time.


The old man's body suddenly turned into a white light, and then slowly flew, he spun and circled in the air, and then reunited.

However, the "he" after the reunion has not aged in the slightest, with a strong body and deep eyes.

"He" was covered with white light, then looked around, and finally looked down at Captain Marvel, Wells and others.


The old man's body is now in the air again.


Wells had some doubts in his heart. For some reason, he found that the mage seemed to be staring at himself in the end.

"The mage has returned to Weishandi's body, we should be happy for him!"

Seeing the sadness on the faces of the Skrulls, Captain Marvel comforted: "Don't be sad..."

Although Captain Marvel was comforting everyone, her face was full of grief.


Wells sighed: "Carol Danvers, since you have nothing to do here, I'll go first..."


Captain Marvel smiled desolately: "I'm sorry, I let you go for nothing..."

Wells shook his head with a smile: "I'm the one who should say sorry, I didn't help you..."

Wells' trip was really not in vain. The return of the creation god is quite explosive news.

Captain Marvel said with a strong smile: "That's fine, I won't bother you, you go to work!"


Wells nodded, then drew a circle on the spot, and a space tunnel rose up, and Wells and Dr. Banner walked in one after another.


In the endless universe, there is brisk music playing on a spaceship, and a man wearing a headset is shaking his head in the spaceship, very pleased with himself.

"Peter Quill!"

The person sitting in the driver's seat finally couldn't bear it anymore, it changed the spaceship to autopilot, and then turned around.

"Can you turn off your damn music, in case Groot doesn't grow up, it's all your fault..."

A little raccoon jumped up and said to the man with the headset.

The man with the headset didn't seem to hear the little raccoon's words. He still closed his eyes and danced to the music.

"call out--"

Between the lightning and the flint, a space tunnel appeared in the spacecraft, and then Wells and Dr. Banner walked out of it,

Dr. Banner said suddenly: "This music has been around for a while..."


At this time, everyone in the spaceship raised their guns and aimed at Wells and Banner.



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