Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Chapter 3: Hela's Exit

"In that case..."

Vision looked at Wells coldly: "You just want me to die..."

Wells didn't want to argue with Vision, he just said softly: "Today, no matter what, I will take this soul gem..."

Wells' voice was emotionless, as if he was describing this very plain fact.

But if this passage falls into Vision's eyes, it means another meaning, which is tantamount to killing Vision.


Vision's face jumped, his eyes were blushing, and he shot two red lasers directly.


Two lasers shot directly at Wells' body, and a burst of white smoke came out, and Wells couldn't help taking a step back.

After a while, Wells looked down at his abdomen, and saw two burning spots imprinted on his chest like two bullet holes.

Wells rubbed his stomach. Although Vision's attack was not enough to hurt him, this move was undoubtedly declaring war on him!

"Mr. Wells..."

Tony Stark seemed to know what was going to happen next, he quickly dissuaded him: "Wells first..."

But before Tony Stark finished speaking, Wells had already rushed towards Vision.

Wells clenched his fists tightly, but he didn't activate the magic of the Infinity Stones, because he was afraid that he would accidentally kill the Vision.

Vision turned off Ultron's rebirth ability, and Wells should thank him for this. Otherwise, even if Orthea joined forces with him, it would be very difficult for the two of them to eliminate Vision.

However, Wells is not an ordinary person after all. Vision provoked him first, and Wells had to teach him some lessons no matter what.

Wells hit Vision hard on the head, and he said viciously: "Use all your strength, don't say I bully you..."

Vision's body is also made of Vibranium, which is very similar to Wells' Infinity Gauntlet.

As soon as Wells' fist came into contact with Vision's head, there was a harsh knocking sound.


After being hit hard by Wells, Vision's head was buzzing. At this moment, he knew that he could not confront Wells head-on.

Vision's body became transparent again, the cloak behind him was raised, and he passed through Wells' body directly.

"Hmph, it looks like I'm going to teach you a lesson..."

Wells turned around in the air, and the space magic in his hand immediately locked onto the vision.

Vision has the ability to fly flexibly, which Wells is not very afraid of. After all, almost all superheroes can fly, and Vision is not bad.

However, Vision also has a perverted skill. He can easily change his body density at will, making him bigger, smaller, invisible, and even invulnerable. If he were someone else, he would definitely suffer, but Vision He chose to provoke Wells.

The ability of the space gem can not only tear the space, it can seal the space.

Vision holds Thor's Hammer with extraordinary power,

However, he may not be able to break the magic cast by Wells.


Vision yelled, and then fell to the ground. He tried his best to stand up, but the coercion on his body was getting stronger and stronger.

After struggling for half a minute, he finally collapsed on the ground.

Seeing that Vision still had the intention of resisting, Wells said coldly: "Stubborn..."

"Mr. Wells..."

Seeing Vision writhing in pain on the ground, Tony Stark finally became anxious at this moment: "Mr. Wells, he just didn't mean to offend you..."

After all, Wells watched Tony Stark grow up, and Wells paused: "Little Tony, in the future, I will have an enemy who is more powerful than Ultron. The gem on Vision this time, I must take it..."

Thanos has collected the power gems, and Wells also needs to speed up the collection of infinite gems, and the mind gem on the phantom's head is what Wells must take.

Hearing Wells' words, Tony Stark's heart tightened: "A more powerful enemy than Ultron!"

You must know that Ultron has paralyzed the city for several days this time, which is an unprecedented event.

Wells nodded solemnly: "Yes..."

Although the Ultron Rebellion is not small, it is only a crisis in this city. You must know that Thanos is a chaos in the entire universe. If he is allowed to collect infinite gems, the entire universe will be devastated.

Moreover, if Thanos wants to take the infinite gem above Vision's head, Vision will definitely not survive, and Wells can at least take it down in a "peaceful" way.

Tony Stark looked at the vision on the ground, and then at Wells. After a long time, he said, "Can you guarantee the life of the vision?"

Because some of Vision's thoughts still have the thoughts of "Jarvis", "Jarvis" has been with him for many years, and at this time he is reborn on "Vision", Tony Stark does not want Vision to die.

"Feel sorry……"

Wells was silent for a while, and said, "Sorry, I can't..."

How can there be so many 100% things in the world, if it is so easy to take out, in the original timeline, Vision will die miserably!

"Mr. Wells..."

Tony Stark looked at Wells seriously: "Vision has only just come into this world, and now he is under the threat of death. He is a alive and kicking life, you can't do this..."

"I beg you, for Howard's sake..."

Tony Stark looked at Wells pleadingly.


Wells fell silent again, and it wasn't until a while later that Wells said: "The Soul Stone is here first, I'm going out for a while, next time no matter what, I will take the Soul Stone!"

Wells turned around and continued: "People from Wakanda have come to New York. You can talk to them. In a few days, I will ask Dr. Banner to come over too. You must discuss a countermeasure!"

Shu Rui, Tony Stark, Dr. Banner, the combined wisdom of these few people, I am afraid that no one in the world can match it.

They must be able to think of a way to remove the mind gem above the head of "Vision" without harming the life of "Vision".


Hearing Wells' words, Tony Stark finally breathed a sigh of relief: "I see..."

At this time, the imprisonment on Vision also disappeared. He looked weak and looked at Wells' back with fear in his eyes.

Wells jumped off the Stark Tower and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.


A few days later, Wells and Hannah appeared on the Rainbow Bridge, and behind him were the two brothers Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.


Seeing the tall and majestic palace in the distance, filled with gilded splendor, the Scarlet Witch opened her eyes wide: "This place is so beautiful, where is this place?"

"Don't look like a bumpkin..."

Wells rolled his eyes at the Scarlet Witch: "This is my home. Among the creatures in your land, you like to call this place--God's Domain!"

Seeing Wells returning to Asgard with two ordinary people, Heimdall wanted to say something, but when he thought of Wells' status, he drowned out the words that had already reached his lips.

Wells said something good just now, this is his home, whoever he brings back, it's none of his business!

He, Heimdall, is just a general guarding the Rainbow Bridge!


Wells made a grimace at Heimdall, and then walked towards the palace with the two brothers Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.


Wells didn't go directly to Odin's sleeping place, but took Hannah to another place, the bedroom of his mother, Queen Catherine.

Walking into his mother's bedroom, seeing his mother Catherine and Hela packing up, Wells chuckled lightly, "I'm busy..."

Catherine and Hela had already felt the approach of Wells and Hannah, but they didn't say anything.

Hearing what Wells said at this moment, Hella said without raising her head: "Grandmother said that according to the time, your child should be born, and she wants to make some clothes for the little guy, so she is idle anyway..."

This child, who is really not big or young, actually teases his own uncle!

Wells complained in his heart.

Wells didn't feel anything, but Hannah blushed and stammered, "No... no... I'll make some myself..."


Seeing Hannah, Queen Catherine smiled happily: "I can't go out anyway, so it's a pass time..."

However, when Catherine looked at Wells, her face was deliberately pulled down, and she said, "My Prince of Wales, why are you back?"

I'm the real one, okay?

After all, I paid by mistake!

Wells had some helplessness on his face: "Hannah is pregnant, I want you to see..."

After hearing Wells' words, Catherine said in surprise, "Really?"


Wells laughed: "How can it be so fast, I am here this time for her..."

Wells pointed to Hela beside him.

Hela seemed to feel that the three of them were staring at her, and she said angrily, "What's none of my business?"

Wells smiled: "Follow me, I'll take you out!"



ps: Reposted and edited, if there are typos, please leave me a message.

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