Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Chapter 5: Divination

In the training ground, the Scarlet Witch was trying to lift the Destroyer armor that weighed several tons, but the little girl's forehead was covered with fine sweat, but the Destroyer armor was still motionless, as stable as a rock.

In another part of the training ground, Hela and Kuaiyin are "discussing", Hela is wearing a towel on his head, and Kuaiyin's task is to get the white towel.

Kuaiyin originally thought it was a very simple challenge, but Kuaiyin was frustrated many times. No matter whether he came from the front, the back, or even the left and right, he couldn't get the towel on Hela's head.

Every time Kuaiyin thought he was going to get it, Hela slowly moved a little bit aside.

Just a little bit!

It happened that Kuaiyin couldn't reach it, which made Kuaiyin very distressed. He knew that the woman in black was doing it on purpose to embarrass him.

"Come on..."

Seeing Kuaiyin panting, Hela frowned, and said with a smile, "You're almost there..."

Kuaiyin lowered his head, and the last bit of faith in his heart was completely crushed.

Hela's body didn't even slip in the same place. She just dodged around in place to avoid her palm!

The strength of the two of them is not at the same level at all!

At this moment, Kuaiyin looked very depressed.

Odin kept his eyes on Hela, and he whispered to himself: "The strength is good..."

"It's still because Hela inherited your bloodline..."

Wells knows what he should say at this moment: "Now Hela can barely deal with a group of gods..."

Because of her own intervention, Hela not only did not kill the Valkyrie Legion, but also did not cause massacres in Asgard. Therefore, Odin and Hela were more of a conflict of ideas.

Wells knew that in his elder brother's heart, he still doted on his eldest daughter - Hela.

Thor is also afraid to call Odin "old man".

In Thor's heart, Odin is the omnipotent king of the nine realms, controlling the life and death of thousands of people, but Hela is different.

When Hela was born, Odin was still the king of Asgard.

Hela is Odin's first child and daughter, and Odin really dotes on this daughter.

This can be seen from Hela's cunning character since she was a child.

In Hela's eyes, the titles of "King of the Gods" and "Lord of the Nine Realms" are fake.

Odin is Odin, a person, a person who will live, die, die, and fail. Perhaps this is why she dared to resist Odin.

For her father, she is not as in awe of Thor and Loki!


Odin chuckled softly: "There is still a chance, I hope she doesn't die..."

Wells knew that Odin was talking about the group of five gods.

In the last battle against the three ancestors of the heavenly lineage, their brothers were two against three, but this time there were five of them. Although they were disadvantaged by the number of people, they might not have the possibility of winning.


Odin stretched his waist: "Let them play first,

I'm going to catch up on sleep..."


Wells nodded and stopped paying attention to Odin.

Asgard's royal family, as they get older, their strength becomes stronger. Correspondingly, there is still time to sleep. Odin has been sleeping for most of these years.

When it comes to true divine power, Wells is somewhat inferior to his elder brother Odin.

However, Wells didn't take it seriously. With the strengthening of venom and the blessing of infinite gems, his chances are no worse than Odin's. In a real fight, he is not afraid of his elder brother.

"Practice first..."

Wells greeted the three of them, and then stopped paying attention to them.

As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual. It is impossible for him to stay here all the time. Wells also has serious business to do.


A few minutes later, Wells came to Catherine's bedroom, where his wife and daughter were, and now he could only return here.

Seeing Wells come back, Hannah seemed to have found a savior, and hurriedly shouted: "Wells, mother wants to tell you something..."

Seeing the blush on Hannah's face, Wells was about to say something, but Hannah ran back directly.

Wells looked puzzled. He came to Catherine and asked, "What's wrong with Hannah?"

Queen Catherine looked at Wells coldly: "How long will you keep it from me?"

"What are you hiding from you!"

There was something wrong in Wells' heart.


Queen Catherine looked at Wells angrily: "I just found out after chatting with Hannah, and Hannah are not married yet..."


Catherine said earnestly: "You are not like this, Hannah is such a beautiful woman... Don't you feel tempted when you get into your arms every day?"

Why didn't my heart move, I was almost stunned at the beginning!

Wells said awkwardly: "Don't worry about our affairs..."

Originally, he wanted to get closer to Hannah, but powerful enemies appeared one after another, and Wells returned with injuries every time. Now Hannah's help to Wells is still a "nanny"-increasing the ability to recover blood.

"Why do I have a child like you..."

Cavelin said angrily: "I don't care, you guys have to do things for me today..."


Do you think this is playing house?

Wells stared at Queen Cavelin with wide eyes.

Cavelin didn't think well of Wells' appearance, she said softly: "I told Hannah just now, she agreed, you go and have a look..."

Cavelin got up and stopped talking to Wells, but she was still a little dissatisfied at the moment, and kept muttering, "How could I have such an incomprehensible son like you..."

After speaking, Cavelin turned around and walked towards her bedroom.



Wells pushed open the door and found Hannah sitting restlessly on the head of the bed. Wells called out, "Come on, I'll take you shopping..."


Hannah thought she heard it wrong, she raised her head and looked at Wells in astonishment: "What?"


Shouldn't we...

Hannah didn't know what to say for a moment.

Wells leaned his back against the door frame and said amusedly, "It's still a while before night, do it now?"

Wells looked at Hannah with a teasing face.


Hannah immediately sat up and said excitedly, "Let's go shopping!"

Hannah rushed out of the house quickly, ignoring Wells next to the door.


After Odin unified the Nine Realms, Asgard became the core realm of the Nine Realms.

This place is many times more prosperous than the land. The race of elves, dwarves, and giants also makes Asgard more colorful.

Because Asgard has monopolized the forging technology of the dwarves, and some people from other galaxies also come to Asgard to shop for treasures, therefore, Asgard is more like a metropolis than New York.

In the land boundary, people of different skin colors gather in New York, while in Asgard, people of all races gather here, so there are some transactions here, something similar to the "bazaar" in the land boundary.

"The magician's scepter does not require gold coins, it can only be bartered!"

"The weapons of the dwarves have everything, everything..."

"The latest technology of the Kerry Empire - transporting airships..."

Shouts kept coming from Wells' ears. This trading center is bigger than the whole of New York. It was Wells who signed it himself when it was built.

It is precisely because of the large area that the trading method here is not as fast as that of the land boundary, but the things here are very complete, such as flying in the sky and swimming in the water.

As long as you can say it, you can definitely buy it here, and only Asgard in the entire Nine Realms has this strength.

This is the strength after the great unification!



"No need for money..."

At this time, a clear voice appeared in front of him. Wells looked up and found a woman who looked like a sorcerer in front of him.

This woman looks very ordinary, and her clothes are also extremely ordinary, and even her fortune-telling booth is unremarkable.

All in all, it was a very ordinary woman setting up a very ordinary stall.

The witch is holding a wooden pole on which hangs a rag with the words "Divination".

The woman softly shouted in the market: "Divination... divination..."


Wells took Hannah's hand and quickly came to the witch. He asked Hannah to sit opposite the witch.

Wells said to the witch: "Are you sure? No, I'll smash your booth!"

Hearing Wells' words, the witch raised her eyebrows and glanced at Wells. Seeing the Infinity Gem in Wells' palm, the witch's eyes lit up, and she said to Wells, "What do you want to divination?" ?”

Wells pointed at Hannah with his head down, and said to the witch, "Can't you pinch and count? My daughter-in-law, I don't say nothing, you just count her, say as much as you can, let me Look at your level..."

Wizard, this is a very old profession in the Nine Realms, and it can be regarded as a branch of magician, but wizards don't have much advanced magical ability.

Even so, this does not mean that wizards cannot kill people. Some wizards are more capable than magicians because they can use poison.

Of course, in addition to using poison, wizards are also a very complicated profession. From astrology and divination to healing and saving lives, wizards are all curious.

The woman in front of Wells is a woman who is proficient in divination.

The witch also looked at Hannah, her eyes blinked, as if she was a little curious, she took out a magnifying glass from her pocket, and glanced at Hannah's face.

"Okay ah!"

Seeing the female wizard take out the magnifying glass, Wells frowned and said, "You don't know anything, do you..."


The female wizard opened her mouth to speak, and the deep temperament on her body disappeared immediately. She said to Hannah: "You have suffered a bloody disaster these two days..."

Upon hearing this, Hannah's face was a little angry, and she said to the witch: "You are the only one who suffered from blood and light..."

Hannah got up to leave, but Wells held her down.

Hannah looked at Wells suspiciously, and Wells whispered in her ear: "Tonight we two..."

Hannah blushed and suddenly remembered something.



ps: Reposted and edited, if there are typos, please leave me a message.

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