Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Chapter 8: Black Panther


Odin and Wells separated, and Odin pointed his hand at the sky. In an instant, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and the power of thunder and lightning gathered.

At this time, Thor can only rely on the hammer to summon thunder and lightning, but Odin has already comprehended the art of thunder and lightning, reaching the point where he can come and go when he moves.

Odin looked at Wells and said: "Thor was born with thunder and lightning, so I canonized him as the God of Thor, and then gave him the hammer. I wanted him to use the hammer to control the power in his body. Unexpectedly, he Now he doesn't leave the hammer, this, I am very disappointed in him..."

"The technique of lightning is that simple!"


In the sky, a purple lightning is gathering, it circles, and merges into a huge purple lightning dragon with the momentum of thunder.

It stretches its teeth and claws, constantly stretching its body, which is very spectacular.

The Purple Lightning Dragon seemed to have sensed Odin's call. It stretched out its sharp claws, and with a piercing roar, it rushed down at extremely high speed and rushed towards Wells.

"Thor is still young..."

Seeing the purple dragon flying towards him, Wells didn't panic at all. He flew into the sky and rushed directly to the purple electric dragon.

Although both of them suppressed their own strength, Wells' physique has nothing to do with strength. He is still the body strengthened by the venom at the moment.


Wells' body pierced through the purple electric dragon's body like a cold steel needle. The purple electric dragon roared and then dissipated in the air.

Above the sky, Wells murmured: "The times are different. Back then, both of us cleaned up the thorns in the Nine Realms. How could he have a chance to fight hard..."

Odin was also full of emotion: "Yes!"


This time it was Wells who attacked, and Wells' body attacked Odin with tremendous strength.

A smile appeared at the corner of Odin's mouth: "Did you look down on your elder brother? Don't you dare to use your full strength?"

While speaking, Odin's figure had disappeared into the original place, and Wells jumped into the air, and could only land on the place where Odin was standing. At this time, Odin's three clones surrounded him in a triangle shape. stand up.



The three figures all shot out bright rays, and Wells didn't dare to be careless anymore. He straightened his chest, and a huge barrier automatically appeared on his body.

The ray flew over and hit the barrier in front of Wells.



It sounded like a soldering iron, which was very annoying.


Wells yelled, a sense of urgency emerged in the space, and the space was torn apart again. At this time, Odin's rays also pierced Wells' defensive barrier.


Two powerful forces collided, Wells took two steps back on the spot, and Odin also took a step back.

Both of them took a deep breath, then looked at each other and smiled.

"do not fight………"

Odin first said: "Xiajiao, you are not my opponent, but if you fight to the death, I am not your opponent!"

Wells put down his fighting posture, laughed and said, "I just took advantage of the Infinity Gem, without it, how could I be your opponent..."


Hearing Wells' words, Odin couldn't help laughing: "Wells, you are always so humble..."

Seeing that both of them had stopped fighting, the three of Hella immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

No one knew the mood of the three of them at this time, gods fight, mortals suffer, just watching the two fight, they have the feeling that the world is going to be destroyed.

In this catastrophe, they didn't even have the ability to resist.


After a fierce battle with Odin, Wells returned to Queen Catherine's bedroom.

Seeing her son come back, Catherine for the first time did not show her face to her little son, she said with a smile: "Little bastard, there was a lot of commotion yesterday!"


Wells laughed dryly, not knowing how to answer for a while.


Queen Catherine said with a smile: "Keep working harder and try to have a child in a few months. You don't need to raise it. I will bring it for you..."

"Ha ha……"

The corner of Wells' mouth twitched suddenly, his mother...really...

Wells didn't know what idiom to use to describe her.


Catherine urged Wells: "Hurry up and go back. Back then, in our era, people didn't get out of bed for three days, and the maids brought all the meals..."

"OK OK……"

Seeing that his mother was getting more and more outrageous, Wells quickly interrupted her: "Queen Catherine, after all, you have been a queen, and I hope you..."

"roll roll roll……"

Before Wells could speak, Catherine interrupted him unceremoniously: "Go find your woman..."

Wells looked helpless and had no choice but to return angrily.

"Little bastard..."

Seeing Wells leave, Catherine jokingly said: "But our generation... didn't get up for five or six days!"


In the room, Hannah seemed to be still sleeping. Thinking of what his mother said, Wells' eyes suddenly rolled around, and then he took off his clothes and hurriedly got into the bed.

Hannah opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Wells looking at her with shining eyes.

Hannah hurriedly put her legs together, and begged for mercy, "Wells... let's..."

Wells came to Hannah, and he whispered in Hannah's ear: "My mother told me just now that in their day, people didn't get out of bed for three days, and their meals were delivered..."


Thinking of the madness last night, Hannah said aggrievedly: "Let's..."


After a while, the lingering sound in the house lingered for a long time,


A week later, Wells and Hannah returned to the realm. The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver did not come back. Wells left them in Asgard. After all, their main task now is to learn to control themselves of magic.

After Wells sent Hannah to his villa, he turned his head and drove in one direction - Tony Stark's mansion.

The mind gem above Vision's head, this is what Wells must obtain.

Wells never forgot about it.

"Miss Pepper, we meet again..."

Wells returned to the top of Tony Stark's building again, and Pepper quickly opened the window when he heard Wells' voice.

Wells landed lightly and landed beside Pepper.

Wells smiled and said, "What about Tony..."

In order to safely remove the mind gem on the head of "Vision" to ensure the safety of Vision, Wells also sent Dr. Banner out.

Dr. Banner is the man with the highest IQ in the villa. If Dr. Banner participated in this operation, Wells would feel much relieved.

"do not you know?"

Pepper looked at Wells in surprise.


Wells was a little puzzled: "Uh... I happened to go back to my hometown these few days. Has anything happened in New York?"

Wells is in a terrible mood at the moment. The last time he was invited by Captain Marvel, he went around the universe, but when he returned to the boundary, he saw a messy New York.

This time I have only been away for seven or eight days, and it seems that something extraordinary has happened in the land boundary.

As soon as he left, something happened to the boundary. Although Wells was in a good state of mind, he was also very upset at the moment.

"Oh, I see……"

Little Pepper didn't think too much about it, she continued to say to Wells: "The King of Wakanda was attacked two days ago, Tony and Dr. Banner were beside him, but there was still a man in black who shot and wounded Wakanda. The king of Kanda, there is quite a commotion..."

Wakanda's old king under attack?

Wells couldn't help thinking about the last time he went to Wakanda.

The old king treated him well back then, and because of the Infinity Gauntlet, Wells even promised to help them with one thing.

Unexpectedly, the old king was attacked now.

Wells quickly asked: "The old king is still... is he okay?"

Wells was worried about what happened to the old king, after all, he still owed Wakanda a favor.

In the original timeline, the old king of Wakanda died in an explosion, but since the Ultron Rebellion, the time has completely deviated, and the original timeline can only be used as a reference now.

"It's out of danger now..."

Little Pepper said softly: "I'm just still in a coma, but I heard that the old king's son was very dissatisfied and threatened that if the old king didn't catch the mastermind before he woke up, the two parties would break off diplomatic relations, and the matter would become quite big. ..."

"After the Ultron incident, after all, the old king of Wakanda was the first foreign head of state to visit New York, but he was shot coldly. It is also very unpleasant to spread the word..."

"I heard that the military is crazy busy now, and the vice president personally issued an order to solve the case as soon as possible,"

Hearing Pepper's words, Wells also fell silent. This incident is very different from the old king being killed by a bomb in the original timeline. In the original timeline, the old king was participating in an event. United Nations meeting.

But this time, as a visiting foreign head of state, he was actually sniped during the visit, which is not a trivial matter.

The war between the two countries has not yet come, let alone the king of Wakanda who came with a peaceful will.

This is a political matter. If it is not handled well, let alone the vice president, even the president will have a bad nose.

Moreover, among the small African countries of Wakanda, Wakanda has the most advanced civilization in the world.

If this matter is not resolved well, it is likely to cause a war between this country and Wakanda.

At that time, let alone New York, the country might be in chaos.



ps: Reposted and edited, if there are typos, please leave me a message.

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