Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Chapter 26: Hesitation

Wells held the storm battle ax in his hand, and the power of his whole body seemed to be provoked by this axe, and the divine power flowed faster in the meridians.

Wells took some thought. Only then did the fighting spirit in his body slowly calm down.

The bright lightning flashed one after another, as if there were fire snakes raging in the sky, and the billowing thunder seemed to be shouting and cheering.

"Worthy of being a god-killing warrior..."

Wells exclaimed: "With it, I am afraid that mortals can kill gods!"


Wells stared at the handle of the ax with both eyes, with a thoughtful look on his face.

In the original book, this storm ax was made of Groot's arm, but now history has undergone a shocking reversal, and the handle of the ax in Wells' hands is made of Neru mine gold.

Niru, this is also one of the most precious ores in the universe, as precious as Vibranium, and even Odin's eternal spear is made of this material.

"Storm Tomahawk?"

Hearing Wells' words, Zemo on the side said in agreement: "His Royal Highness thanked you for naming this weapon, and this name will definitely resound throughout the Nine Realms!"


Wells chuckled: "I'm surprised that Mr. Zemo has learned to flatter his beard!"

Although he knew that Zemo was flattering, Wells was still very happy.

Not for anything else, because Zemo was once the king of the dwarves anyway!

"Your Highness was joking..."

Facing Wells' ridicule, Zemo said with a serious face: "Your Highness and His Majesty Odin, even if they are geniuses who will not appear in millions of years, and I have the honor to witness the rise of you two, This is even more exciting than my creation of a god-killing weapon..."


Wells scolded with a smile: "It makes me almost die, it's sour, it's so sour, it's so sour..."


Zemo also laughed heartily, the Nine Realms are unified, and the monarchs of those realms, Gulvig, Laufe, Malekith and others have long since died.

Although Sutert is still alive, he can only live in the underground lava of Muspelheim, and it seems that he will never see the light of day.

Today, Zemo is the only one left who is still alive and well, and the reason why Asgard still maintains his treatment as a king is all due to His Royal Highness Wells. All of this, Zemo is very clear in his heart .

"Uncle Wells..."

Hela came to the banquet hall at some point, she looked at her head and said, "I seem to feel a murderous intent..."


Hela stared intently at the ax in Wells' hands: "This weapon is so powerful!"

Having said that, Hela's eyes kept staring at the storm battle ax in Wells' hands, her eyes were burning, and her eyes were getting bigger and bigger.

Why did this little bastard come here...

Wells quickly put away the Storm Tomahawk.

"Hey... hey..."

Seeing Wells with his storm-axe behind him,

Hela suddenly became anxious: "Uncle Wells, what kind of weapon is that? Let me see it too..."

Wells also sighed, and said: "Mr. Zemo's latest weapon is said to be a god-killer. I named it the Storm Axe!"

While speaking, Wells took out the ax in his hand again.

Originally, Wells also wanted to give the Storm Ax to Hela. Now that he felt the weapon with his own hands, he suddenly felt reluctant for some reason.

Hela took the Storm Battle Ax from Wells. She reached out and touched the blade of the axe, feeling the shocking magic on the axe. The possessiveness in Hela's eyes became stronger and stronger.


Hela called Wells sweetly: "I really like this weapon..."

Wells suddenly remembered the scene when he saw Hela for the first time.

At that time, Hela looked like a seven or eight-year-old elf, like a porcelain doll. She stretched out her hand and said to herself, "Uncle Wells, do you have any presents for Hela?"


The past is like smoke, and tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Hela, Wells felt a little sentimental in his heart. Half a minute later, Wells shook his head and forcefully dispelled the sadness in his heart. He said to Hela, "This is Mr. Zemo's sacrifice for your father. Forged weapons..."

"I know the old man too well..."

Hila lowered her head and continued to play with the ax in her hand: "He didn't use this axe, he only kept this god-killing weapon in his treasure house..."

"It's not like that..."

Wells grinned: "Go and tell your father, I believe, as long as you tell him, he will definitely not refuse..."

If this weapon can be used to resolve the enmity between Odin and Hela, then all this will be worth it.


Hela didn't speak, and then hesitated.

Wells was not in a hurry, and looked at Hela with a playful expression.


One afternoon a few days later, after everything was settled, Wells, Hannah and others left Asgard.

Hella promised Wells that she would find time to chat with her father.

Wells was very satisfied with this, and he directly gave Hela the Storm Axe. Although Hela did go too far in some places, Wells didn't believe that Hela would deceive him.


Rainbow Bridge teleported Wells, Groot and others to the gate of his villa. Wells stretched his waist: "Land boundary, we are back again..."

Wells originally just wanted to send the Ancient One to the Tree of Life, but he didn't expect so many things to happen.

"Mr. Wells..."

Dracula walked out of the villa with the little bat, and he said with a smile on his face: "You are back..."

"Sister Hannah..."

Seeing Hannah's figure, the little bat stretched out its hands and rushed towards Hannah.

Little Bat Nana, the last time Little Bat lived in Wells' villa for a few days, it was during that time that her illness was cured.


Hannah leaned down and picked up the little bat, and excitedly hugged her twice, and said, "Little guy, you're getting fat again..."

The little bat clapped his hands, and said happily, "Have you eaten well recently..."

"That's OK..."

Hannah seemed to like children, she kissed Nana's forehead heavily: "In a moment, my sister will cook something delicious for you..."

Hannah walked towards the living room with the little bat in her arms, and Groot and the dark dragon also walked towards the villa. These days in Asgard, they are so bored, now it's time to play cards with Dr. Banner.

"What's wrong?"

Wells said to Dracula: "Why did you come to me?"

Although Dracula has lived for hundreds of years, in the eyes of Wells, Dracula is an old otaku. If there is nothing to do, he would rather "stay" in the castle than run out.

"You and I……"

Dracula hesitated, hesitated, and didn't say anything for a long time.

Wells took out two cigars from Dracula's pocket, lit one, smoked, looked at Dracula and said, "What's the matter?"

Although the old bat is not very strong, it still enjoys life quite well. In this regard, even Wells, he is not as good as the old bat.


Dracula stuffed all the cigars in his pocket into Wells' clothes, gritted his teeth, and calmly said, "I suspect..."


Hannah's voice suddenly came from the living room: "There are a lot of people today, help me wash the dishes..."


Wells dropped the cigar in his hand, and then patted Dracula on the shoulder: "It's okay, I'll talk about it later!"


As night fell, thinking of Dracula's face at the dinner table today, Hannah lay on the bed, frowning, and she said to Wells, "Did Mr. Dracula tell you anything today?"


Seeing Wells looking like a full ghost, Hannah pushed Wells away, then picked up the quilt and covered her body.

Hannah's eyes were half closed, her red lips opened and closed: "What did I just say?"

How would Wells know what Hannah was talking about? Generally, he doesn't like to talk when eating, and likewise, he doesn't like to listen to others.

Wells turned his head, he knew that he couldn't make Hannah angry at this moment, otherwise the happy life tonight would be gone.


Wells praised Hannah: "It must be delicious!"

Hannah was full of black lines.



ps: Reposted and edited, if there are typos, please leave me a message.

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