**, southern Xinjiang, the center of the Tarim Basin, above the Taklamakan Desert.

In 2014, Thanos stood helplessly in the middle of the desert like a child separated from his family, looking around.

Now the temperature is more than 50 degrees, the sun is hot and dazzling, the desert is surrounded by mountains, and the complex sand mountains and sand gongs are shaped like dragons.

In the distance, from a beautiful place called Poplar Forest, there happened to be a pedestrian riding a camel passing by, Thanos immediately jumped over, turned on the cosmic language translator on his body, and asked in Chinese: “What is this place?” How far is it from M~Country NY City? ”

The scarf girl riding on a camel replied, “There are 12-000 kilometers!” ”

Thanos just calculated that he already knew his current location, how far away he was from the other self and Gu Tian.

Thanos has no space gems, no floating thrones, and simply can’t get there in a short time.

Gu Tian had used the Tyrant Butcher Knife to fly, and Thanos also had the Tyrant Butcher Knife in his hand, but at that time, Gu Tian could fly from the Soviet Union to the DE Country because Gu Tian’s Tyrant Butcher Knife had power gems!

Without the bonus of power gems, it is difficult for Thanos to fly from ** to country M at once.

Thanos sighed: “The ancient mage is worthy of being the supreme mage of the earth, and he can actually separate us, and now my situation is just that I can’t go back, and my other self, maybe…”

Thanos knows very well that in terms of singles ability, he and the other Thanos are not opponents of the ancient mage, and the ancient mage may kill the ancient mage alone!

Even if he can’t, as long as the other Avengers also help, Gu Tian can’t deal with so many superheroes alone, and his life is at stake!

Fortunately, Thanos carried communication equipment with him, and he immediately contacted the pilot of Temple Two, and the pilot immediately sent someone to summon the ebony throat who was fighting fiercely.

“Lord Thanos! How are you in the desert? Ebony Throat was surprised to see Thanos through the video image.

Thanos ordered: “Ebony Throat, I was teleported by the Ancient One Mage to the ** Taklamakan Desert, you immediately send a battleship to pick me up, in addition, the other me, that is, Gu Tian, is now facing the Ancient One Mage alone, his situation is very dangerous, you immediately send someone to support him.” ”

“Yes!” Ebony Throat immediately did as Thanos instructed.


At this time, inside the NY Temple.

Gu Yi Mage sent Thanos away in 2014, and now, there are only two people left: she and Gu Tian!

Gu Tian sighed, it was impossible to take Thanos back, Gu Yi had already changed the position of this door, and it was no longer Taklamakan to open it again.

“Alas, blame Mordo, this bastard, for having to renovate the sanctuary, if your door is the way it used to be, I can definitely remember that it leads to a different place.” Gu Tian complained a little.

In Doctor Strange, when Strange fights Casillas and his men, he uses the portal of the temple to send Casillas’s men to something else.

Gu Yi mage wiped the blood stain at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: “Thanos, oh, in order to distinguish it, I still call you Gu Tian, Gu Tian, now you are alone, if you are willing to confess to me, where did you get those spell powers, I can not kill you, otherwise, I will ask my friends to personally check your memory, believe me, you must not be done that.” ”


Gu Tian remembered that in “Captain Marvel”, the Skrulls had captured Captain Marvel and then used advanced machines to check her memory.

The Skrulls are very good at this technology, as long as the past exists in the person’s memory, it can be displayed through video and clearly seen.

Gu Tian didn’t want to be tied up by that group of deformed guys and put them in the laboratory!

Gu Tian looked at the already injured Gu Yi mage and said, “Gu Yi, even if I am alone? Maybe in your heyday, you did have a chance to defeat me, but now you have been cut by me, your life is under my control, and what qualifications do you have to say wild words! ”

Gu Yi Mage smiled calmly and said, “Mr. Gu Tian, I think you may have a misunderstanding of my strength, I have guarded the earth for so many years, outside the solar system, do you know how many corpses I personally killed are floating around?” The strength of those people is no less than yours. ”

Nima, it’s better than bragging, isn’t it!

Who to scare!

Gu Tian snorted coldly: “The opponent of the solar system makes you so proud, do you know how many corpses I killed by Thanos outside the galaxy?!” ”

········· Ask for flowers…

The Titan where Thanos grows, in the movie setting, is not the Titan (also known as Titan) of the solar system, it is Titan in the comics, but the Titan star in the movie has its own moon, and the sun is bright.

The actual Titan is overcast, it is difficult to see the sun, and the actual Titan is an ice hockey with a temperature of about minus 179 degrees.

Therefore, the bull blown by Gu Tian is not boundless.

After hearing this, the ancient mage smiled and said, “You are really an interesting little boy, I can’t believe that you are Thanos who is about the same age and strength as me, if your real age is not too old, I think I will like you.” ”

“The smelly old woman dares to tease me, how can I be the man you can get!” Gu Tian shouted loudly, and first launched an attack, attacking Gu Yi’s side.


At this time, the injured Gu Yi mage did not panic at all, under the wave of his hands, the wooden board under Gu Tian’s feet instantly continued to move backwards, and Gu Tian’s whole person also walked farther and farther away.

Gu Tian quickly flew up, and Gu Yi Mage distorted the space again, turning the entire house 180 degrees, and the angle from which Gu Tian looked at Gu Yi changed, becoming feet up, head down, and looking upside down.

Gu Yi Mage smiled slightly: “Don’t you understand yet? The real power of spells is not in deformation or protection, but in distorting space and changing the reality you are in, if you just know how to pluck the hair and the numb [Seven Stars Gathering], you can’t kill me. ”

Although Gu Yi’s mana has weakened now, she doesn’t have to resist Gu Tian’s attack at all, just need to use the move of distorting space, which is enough to make Gu Tian unable to get close to him, and even make him take care of himself.

“Damn, her twisting space is so powerful!”

Whether Gu Tian is standing or jumping in the air now, he will be turned around by Gu Yi’s play, and he can’t stand up at all.

If, later, Thor and Hulk also killed, the three of them worked together, and Gu Tian would definitely not be able to fight one against three.

Fortunately, the ancient mage said that he would not kill himself, and Thor’s second bi, who would throw an axe when he saw him, would definitely kill himself without hesitation.

“How can I deal with the distorted space of the ancient one?” Gu Tian pondered carefully. _

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