Loki immediately brought this beautiful Internet celebrity to Norway, where he has a palace with countless beautiful women like Pan Beikui, who are all Loki’s handmaidens.

Since the Avengers traveled through time and space, and the Cosmic Cube fell into Loki’s hands, Loki has lived a life of luxury and pleasure, becoming a king on Earth, bringing beautiful women back when he sees them and making them his handmaids.

And the Avengers can’t do anything about Loki, who is hiding in hiding.

Loki was sitting on the throne drinking wine, and suddenly, an exotic maid named Reba stepped forward and prayed: “King Loki, there is a man outside who calls himself Thanos, he is more than two meters tall, his appearance is fierce, and he looks like an alien.” ”

“Thanos!” Loki’s wine glass fell to the ground on the spot, and there was a panic in his heart: “Damn, how did he find it?” ”

In 2012, Loki got the Psychic Scepter from Thanos and invaded Earth along with the Chitauris, but as a result, he failed, and the Psychic Scepter was taken by the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. people.

However, because Iron Man suddenly fell ill and fell to the ground, Loki took the Cosmic Cube because of this.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s a big deal to give him the Cosmic Cube, he shouldn’t kill me.” Loki thought to himself, and immediately got up and ordered Reba, “Hurry up, please!” Good life waiting! ”

“Yes!” Soon, the maid in the short skirt brought the 2014 Ba in, and after Thanos sat down, she wanted to massage him.

However, it was stopped by Thanos.

“Step aside, girl, if it’s another me today, maybe I’d like you to do that.” Thanos sent Reba away and mocked Gu Tian by the way.

After Master Mordo’s description, he had already roughly guessed what Gu Tian’s bastard had done with his body…

Loki got up from his seat, walked towards Thanos with a wine jug, and said, “Ah, great Lord Thanos, how did you suddenly find here?” I know I didn’t do it last time, but if Lord Thanos needs it, I’m always ready to be your spearhead and help you continue collecting the six Infinity Stones. ”

Thanos said: “No need, Loki, I didn’t come to you to settle the score, you don’t have to worry, in fact, I came from another parallel universe, not the Thanos of your universe.” ”

“You… What did you say? Loki looked puzzled.

Thanos explained to Loki: “Do you remember when you went along the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, when Iron Man suddenly had an accident? It was done by another Iron Man, who traveled from 2023 to 2012 in order to steal the gems. ”

“However, they didn’t expect that the Cosmic Cube would be snatched away by you, and your move inadvertently created a parallel universe, that is, the universe you are in now.”

Loki opened his mouth wide, completely unable to believe what Thanos said, which was also ridiculous, but for a moment, he seemed to remember that his mother had mentioned to him about parallel universes when he was a child.

“Parallel universes, traveling through the past… God, how did you do it? Loki quickly sat down in front of Thanos and asked.

Thanos took a bottle of Pym grains out of his pocket, and it was this thing. ”

Loki took it excitedly and asked, “Can you give me a bottle?” ”

Thanos this time, even if he asked Loki to come here, for him, the Pym particle was useless, so he gave it to Loki.

Loki happily hid the Pym particle and asked, “Why did you travel thousands of miles from a parallel universe to find me?” ”

Thanos said: “Immediately, I will fight with another self, this battle may be the strongest battle since the birth of the universe, and none of us know what the result will be.” ”

“If I don’t succeed, I want you to go somewhere and find an artifact called the Ultimate Eraser and destroy the parallel universe I’m in!”

“Can I destroy you?” Loki had an evil smile on his face, and this incident made him extremely excited!

Thanos also smiled and nodded, he will tell Loki the whereabouts of the ultimate eraser, if Thanos finally succeeds, kills Gu Tian, re-allows his future self, and regains his body, then he will come to the parallel universe again and kill Loki.

If he fails, then he will pray that Loki can find the Ultimate Eraser and destroy the entire universe where Gu Tian is!

After explaining this matter, Thanos returned to the main universe from the space rift.



“Lord Thanos is back!” Mage Mordo saw Thanos coming step by step from the distant sea.

King Odin also immediately stepped forward: “Brother Thanos, have you done what you should do?” I can’t wait to meet Gu Tian for a while and see the six Infinity Stones! ”

Thanos nodded: “King Odin, let’s start this battle now!” ”

Saying that, Thanos took the shrunken battleship from his pocket and used darts to enlarge him into his original form.

Countless soldiers walked out from inside the battleship, and the sky was also full of Valkyries riding white war horses!

Odin held up the Gunganir spear and shouted an order: “Everyone, listen to my password, kill the Avengers base!” ”

“Rush !!!” The voice of the soldier, deafening!

At this time, at the Accusation Center on the third floor of the Avengers Base, Hill of S.H.I.E.L.D. suddenly observed the abnormal situation in the Staten Island area and immediately notified Nick Fury, and Nick Fury and the Avengers all rushed over and saw the shocking video picture.

“Oh damn it, the Valkyries of Asgard… How could there be so many! Isn’t there only one left? Thanos really went back in time and moved the rescuers! “Rocket Little Raccoon first noticed the heroic Valkyries, they were so handsome.

When Thor saw this scene, Thor couldn’t help but be stunned: “Father is here… He’s really coming…”

Steve Rogers, shield in one hand and stormhammer in the other, exclaimed, “Everyone get ready for battle!” We must protect the Infinity Gauntlet at all costs, and we must not let the Infinity Gauntlet fall into the hands of Odin and Thanos! ”

“Yes!” The other Avengers also immediately took action, running out of the Avengers Mansion and taking the initiative to meet the battle!

Gu Tian looked at this video picture, and (De Wang Zhao) breathed a sigh of relief: “The endgame… My endgame battle, which only has a survival rate of more than one in ten million, is finally coming…”

“Gu Tian…” The Crimson Witch came from behind Gu Tian and held Gu Tian’s hand, she knew that Gu Tian must be panicked and uneasy now.

After all, with more than one in ten million hopes of success, no one will have the confidence to face the team.

Gu Tian glanced at the Scarlet Witch with a smile and said, “Remember everything I said to you in Warmir Star, I have liked many women in my life, and if the last woman I fell in love with was you, it would be the happiest thing for me.” ”

These words, Gu Tian is from the heart, perhaps, this sudden life, will end today, Crimson Witch is really the last woman Gu Tian likes.

Gu Tian raised his right hand again, and he was about to snap his fingers now, although he didn’t know if he could succeed.

However, he was sure that from the moment he started to snap his fingers, this endgame battle had already begun! _

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