"Niold, after all these years, what are you coming back for?"

Li Changkong's thoughts flowed:

It seems that the Dark Elf Queen and Niolde know each other, listening to this tone, at least there is no contradiction between the two, and you can make use of this identity a little.

"Freya, what do you mean you allowed the dark elves to bully my people?"

Li Changkong's tone was cold, and a golden light shot directly at Freya, but it was blocked by Freya.

"Hmph, you stinky temper, it hasn't changed for so many years, no wonder my sister broke up with you in the first place."

Sister? Does it mean Freya?

Parted? Did Niolde have an affair with Freya before?

It's not the same as I know!

Anyway, I definitely can't put on any more emotional debts.

Li Changkong thought to himself.

"Fria, now, leave my territory!"

"Nyold, you wait!"

Fria's phantom turned into a purple-black light, carrying Lopez with a flash of light.

Feeling that Fria's power had left Warnerheim, Li Changkong breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if he really fights, Li Changkong really doesn't have much certainty.

After all, the other party is a veteran god king, if Freya himself comes, even if he occupies the home advantage, it is difficult to win with his current control over Warner's divine power.

At that time, Warnerheim will become a battlefield for the god king, which will only be a disaster for the Warner God Race.

Li Changkong turned around and looked at the many Warner God Clansmen.

The golden figure exclaimed:

"We won!"

Immediately afterwards, loud cheers erupted from the shore.

Many people burst into tears with excitement, and after many years, the Warner Protoss finally defeated the enemy again.

Although it is only a small battle, it has extraordinary significance for all Warner Protossmen.

They looked reverently at the golden figure in the air, all of which had been brought by their king.

"I don't know if the history books of the Warner Protoss will write this battle into it in the future, and what is the name of the great victory?" Or the first battle of armed resistance against the oppression of the dark elves, or something?


muttered Li Changkong, and then laughed.

"Return to the Capital of Gods!"


On the same day, the magic image spread throughout the Warner Protoss.

However, it was edited by Li Changkong, and the scene of the dark elf queen Freya was completely reduced.

Li Changkong even issued an order to set this day as the annual sacrifice of the Warner God Clan, hoping that all Warner God Clan people will remember this day!

Let future generations remember history, remember shame, and strive for strength!

The New Year Festival celebration lasts for three days, and the whole family rejoices!

Li Changkong naturally also considered whether the dark elves would come back and forth and suddenly attack.

In order to prevent this from happening, Li Changkong specially arranged for his doppelganger to patrol the border of Warnerheim.

The Nine Realms, most of which are Tianyuan places, have only one entrance to the boundary, and this is the case with Warnerheim.

If it is a spherical shape like the earth, it is difficult to prevent.

Once the situation is discovered, Li Changkong will immediately pass through the door of space and personally go to destroy the enemy.

It was hard to arouse the fighting spirit and confidence of the clansmen, but it could not be ruined by the dark elves.

If the Dark Elf Queen Fria came in person, Li Changkong could also sense it for the first time.

Although it may not be able to fight, but it is also confident to find a way to force Freya into the door of space and teleport to Jotunheim.

On the second day of the New Year Festival celebration, the hall of Li Changkong's sleeping palace.

Ilya brought four young beauties with the purest souls of the clan.

"My King, since you left last time, I Warnerheim has no royal family, let alone royal bloodline, which has made my Warner God Clan a laughing stock of the Nine Realms.

Now, my king has returned, defeated the dark elves, and the whole clan holds a New Year festival, it is better to rejoice, marry a wife, and continue the royal bloodline for my Warner God clan.

Li Changkong muttered in his heart at this time:

Why is this old man so old and unorthodox? Or should I say that this old man bothered for the Warner Protoss?

No wonder I didn't see anyone else for a day yesterday, it turned out that I went to find a beauty urgently.

"Ilya, for so many years, the Warner Protoss is thanks to your leadership.

Now that I'm back, you don't have to bother anymore.

There are two days left in the New Year festival, so you can go and celebrate well, and you don't have to worry about anything else.

"My king, it's okay to be a courtier.

Moreover, it is related to the royal bloodline, how can it be regarded as something else, and I also ask my king to think about the future of my Warner God Clan, and continue the royal bloodline as soon as possible! "

I said, old man, are you in a hurry to hold your grandson or what?

Want to hold your grandson and let your son give birth, it's not... Let your son Nu go hard!

Why force me! I hate the older generation for getting married!

Although he thought so in his heart, Li Changkong still had to show a kind look on his face.

Li Changkong was about to patiently pull with Ilya, when he suddenly felt a powerful force suddenly enter Warnerheim, and the landing place was expected to be the capital of gods.

However, Li Changkong was not vigilant, but felt strange.

Who came here via the Rainbow Bridge? Or is it this time? It shouldn't be Odin, right?

Loki supervises God Online, and he doesn't have time to come, right?

Li Changkong used his divine sense to probe the location of the teleportation landing.

"Friga? Why is she here?

Li Changkong murmured in his heart.

When Li Changkong detected Friga, Ilya also sensed that someone had descended on the Divine Capital.

Before Li Changkong arrived, Ilya was the patriarch of the Warner God Clan after all, and although he was old, his soul power was also very strong.

Suddenly, Ilya's face beamed.

"My king asked for all his choice, and the old minister retreated first."

After Ilya left, Li Changkong also waved off the four young and beautiful women.

The four women were unwilling, but they did not dare to disobey.

Li Changkong was not in the mood to appreciate the pitiful little eyes of the beauty, he only cared about why Frigga came to Warnerheim now?

Going home to visit family? I haven't returned for thousands of years, and today I suddenly visit my relatives? Obviously impossible.

Could it be related to becoming the Warner God King? But what can be the connection? ......

Just as Li Changkong was thinking, he sensed that Ilya was leading Frigga towards his dormitory.

"What does this old man want to do??? Your daughters are already... Although it did happen... But why did you bring your girlfriend to my dormitory???

Li Changkong quickly realized that his heart was in turmoil, and he calmed himself down, thought of the wording, and planned to perform the Great Law of Fooling again.

"How about you just turn on the golden light form? I can't see what I look like.

But after all, it is a momentary measure, and it will be exposed sooner or later!

And yesterday Ilya also let people erect my statue at the door of the main hall, it is meaningless to block the face, but blocking it makes Frigga suspicious, it is better to face it calmly. "

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