Quill's eyes suddenly burst into brilliant white light.

It seemed that he had understood something in an instant, that his previous state had gone the wrong way.

Anger is only the catalyst when oneself is completely Awakening at the end, but it is definitely not the main body of stimulating energy.

My energy is bigger than I imagined.

Although Quill still didn't realize the magnitude of his energy, he also understood that his energy source came from the same source as Ego, although he didn't know why he felt this way.

I don't know why after Awakening my god body, he can control such a pure power.

But Quill suddenly understands this truth now, since we all have the same energy, we all come from the same source.

In this case, perhaps, I can attack from the source, which may be more effective! !

As a result, Quill's heart moved, and the energy located in the light of the original life instantly rioted, and under the energy boiling and surging, it turned out to be surging toward the other side.

Under the erosion of the original source energy, although in the original source sea, Quill's power is also a little weaker, but in the same way, Ego's original source has not strengthened too much.

Under the collision of the two final origins, Igo also suddenly weakened, and collapsed somewhat weakly.

Even the entire body of the giant began to gradually shatter, and without the support of the light of life, such a giant as high as five kilometers no longer existed.

Yi Ge also suddenly felt that his energy became more and more unstable.

Even his own energy control is a bit sluggish, the energy flow of the whole body is extremely stagnant, and even his body is slightly trembling.

After all, his body does not have physical matter, but is constructed of pure energy.

In the same way, although Quill relies on his own original power to constantly impact on Igo.

But at the same time, Quill himself was more affected, and his manipulation of those energy almost completely disappeared.

It can no longer shape the figure of a giant, and it can't even attack with the light of life.

But Quill didn't care too much about this, after all, he only got this Ability in one day.

Although it is really cool to use, although that powerful feeling, it really makes him very obsessed with enjoyment.

But Quill doesn't care about this. Even in this state, his perception of his energy and his divine body state have a huge impact.

But Quill still looked at everything outside and laughed.

The current situation is that Quill uses his own energy backlash as a price to manipulate Eagle's light of life to restraint.

At least for the current Quill, this trick is enough to save his life.

But Quill still thinks too simple, this move, Igo is indeed a little unprepared, but at the same time, he is immediately above the source, and most of them are divided to form an energy confrontation with Quill.

Although, to some extent, the most primitive light of life was completely and fairly divided between Quill and Ego.

However, Quill’s actions are too immature. Coupled with Ego’s millions of years of growth, under the same conditions, Ego only needs to use four-fifths of his energy source to suppress Quill. Little action.

You know, Quill only needs desperate destruction, but Eagle uses less energy to calm the riots.

However, Quill's surprise attack also had a very powerful effect. The entire giant collapsed as the energy became unstable.

Together with the sealed Quill in the center, he naturally escaped, but similarly, the 100-meter body wrapped around his entire body that he had previously molded was scattered all over the place under the continuous fluctuation of the light of life.

Quill headed down to download, and in the giant's body, although the large volume collapsed, the light of life in the center gradually calmed down.

Although a large amount of volume disappeared, there was still a thousand-meter giant in the center, and it pinched Quill in the air.

Eagle once again held Quill in his hands, and this time, Quill's last defense disappeared.

"Yes, it's really good. I know that there must be other gods born in the universe. I can't stimulate the original part of the energy, but it's actually for the second god."

Igo's extremely cold voice came out of the thousand-meter giant's mouth, but his hands became tighter and tighter.

"I just don't know, did the origin of the universe think that the second god would be my son!!"

"But it doesn't matter. If you are disobedient, then you don't need to exist at all. I just need that part of the energy!!"

On the stone palm, the violent life light burst out and swallowed into Quill's body.

"Swallow you, I will be able to control all the light of life, in this way, I can also complete my meaning alone, as for you, all will die!!"

Quill only felt that his body was being imprisoned more and more severely, and even his internal organs had been damaged.

But this time, not only was there no light of life to repair my injury, but there was another light of life that swallowed and assimilated to myself outside the body.

Quill wanted to struggle, but his body moved slightly, and there was a piercing pain.

Now all the energy of Quill is focused on rocking the sea of ​​life's origin where the two exist at the same time, and even his own injuries can't be repaired.

By this point, you can compare the strengths and weaknesses of the bodies of Igo and Quill.

At least in this case, Yi Ge's energy body will not be so fragile, and will not be able to affect the spirit because of these injuries.

In the same way, Yi Ge's body is too dependent on energy, even traveling in the universe, he needs to come back to replenish the light of life every three to five years.

But in this situation, Quill still dare not mobilize energy to repair his injury.

With a little energy returned by himself, Igor might be able to return two points of energy.

Even if you repair your injury, in this case, it doesn't make any sense.

Looking at it this way, Quill may not be able to hold up for three minutes and get cold.

But he forgot that he was not alone, but there was a red whale on the sidelines.

Obviously he is huge, but I don't know when, it shrunk to a hundred meters File size in a sneaky way, and it is not conspicuous when it is mixed in the giant's broken body and rubble.

Almost every piece of rubble is much larger than a red whale.

But now, the red whale flapped its wings slightly, and the tail wing shook, and the whole person took a lightning speed, and once again, it slammed its head against Eagle's chest.

With this attack, the giant Eagle, who was less than a thousand meters in size, was smashed into pieces.

As for Quill, who was originally held in the palm of Igo's hand, he was also rolling in the air with a broken body, and was held on his back by the red whale.

A golden energy shield is formed on the red whale's back, although it is not big, but it is enough to include Quill.

In this way, Quill's injuries quickly recovered.

As for the original giant's body, Yi Ge was also flying in the air with a broken body, looking at everything in front of him, his body could not stop shaking.

"You are all going to die!!"

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