Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 1028: Unblocking the Source Body

The praying mantis girl was also flushed with sweat, and it seemed that the big action just now made her consume a little bit.

However, when Yigo fell asleep, the pressure on the praying mantis was much less, but this kind of continuous Hypnotic Ability was still a great load for the praying mantis.

"Everyone, if you want to do anything, please hurry up, I may not last long."

The praying mantis girl looked at the few people in front of her and said, her eyes were a little tired.

At this time, Quill and Rocket jumped off the back of the red whale and came to everyone.

Quill's original clothes had been corroded by Ego with the light of life, and they were in tatters, but fortunately they had no dew point.

But it can also be seen that Quill also experienced a war just now, and he was so embarrassed.

Jason looked at Leo nervously, "Boss, what should I do next, find a way to break through the defense, and then kill Igo?"

"No, what we have to do now is to find a way to kick Igo out of the core of the light of life!!"

Leo was looking at the huge core in front of him and said.

"Otherwise, just kill Igo, and Quill won't do any good!"

"I don't want any benefits, but I must kill Igo, and I want to avenge my mother!!"

Quill said viciously, and walked into the crowd.

"I know, but the person who can participate in this spiritual game is only you, and only you have the authority to enter the kernel."

Leo turned his head and glanced at Quill before saying.

"If you kick Yigo out and I will kill it, then you have this planet and everything you have. At that time, your combat power will also become the top in the universe. Master."

Leo looked at Quill and said seriously.

"As for what to do, it depends on your state. At that time, you can really take revenge!!"

"Even, you can make him feel more painful because you robbed him of everything."

Leo looked at Quill and said calmly.

When Quill heard this, his eyes lit up, looking at the huge core in the center, frowning, "Okay, then I'll try it!!"

With that, Quill took two steps forward, and then immediately backed away.

Seeing Leo a little embarrassed, "What should I do now? This is the first time I have come into contact with this thing."

Leo also looked at Quill immediately and said, "Talk about how you feel now, I also have some guesses in my heart."

"Feeling? That energy?"

Quill whispered and explained immediately.

"When the first light of power poured into my body, I felt a source of power, the so-called light of life."

"But I didn't control or guide at that time. It was very difficult to control."

"Actually, the initial energy guidance was done by Ego for me. It was also at that time that I felt a little bit of manipulating the light of life."

"And above the source, it's probably.. um.. It's a bit like.. um, the hot pot in China, do you know? It's the feeling of splitting a pot into two parts."

"I and I go on one side, but his source of energy is more than mine, but he can't invade my territory, unless, as before, directly forcibly invade my body core and link energy."

Quill tried his best to tell Leo more vividly with descriptions he could think of.

"But in fact, the energy barrier between the two of us is not so strong, it's more like a thin film that is difficult to penetrate. Therefore, I can destroy the balance of his energy source by tumbling the energy in the sea of ​​life, definitely , I also lose control of my energy."

As Quill said, he took another look at the current scene.

"Now I can perceive that Yigo's energy has gradually stabilized, but once I roll over again, or directly invade, he should be awakened directly."

"Moreover, I'm not sure I can directly invade successfully."

Quill's eyes are also a bit bleak, "Although our two areas are about the same size, his original power is stronger than mine, and his operating power is stronger than mine."

Quill was also very aware of his and Ego's awareness.

Leo heard it and nodded, basically knowing the situation of the two of them now.

"I'm probably clear. Igor may have really searched where he can find, but he hasn't seen other Celestial Clan, so he will understand that the Celestial Clan is the only one."

"But it is precisely because of the circumstances in the origin of your sea of ​​life that he can persevere in searching, and even create the next generation."

"Although I don't know how this light of life was born, what is certain is that in the beginning, it was set up to have two lives to manipulate this force."

"This is also why Yigo can't accomplish his meaning alone, and why he can persist so long and find another Celestial Clan."

"Because he understands that there will definitely be another celestial race. In fact, the universe has already prepared this powerful light of life for another person."

"And now it is also certain that apart from the two of you, even if you find another tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years, there will be no next god, unless there is something unexpected between you two."

"That's why Igo must find you. He can't do it alone, and you can do it."

"But you two, maybe you can really have some accidents."

"Perhaps the original meaning of the universe was to make the two of you check and balance each other, because the Ability of your Celestial Clan is too powerful."

Speaking of this, Leo couldn't help but shook his head, "I don't know how cold the last Celestial Clan was, only that big head is left."

Then I turned the topic back again

"Definitely, if you can really use each other and swallow each other, then Ego can do it, and you can do it."

"Now that Igo has fallen asleep, you have the first hand advantage, as for his background..."

Leo looked at this scene and looked at his hands again.

The source body that had just been restrained also suddenly released all restraints.

An extremely powerful aura suddenly rushed out of Leo's body, and golden light began to bloom on his original white face and body.

Under the strong momentum surging, the clothes and tips of his hair also rose into the sky one after another, floating in the air.

The whole person suddenly became the center of the world in the eyes of others.

In the surrounding air, there were many brilliance ribbons, and energy began to rush towards Leo's source body.

At the same time, on Leo's vest, a strong blue light burst out, and the Space gem was blooming with his power, and the surrounding space was shaking slightly.

The power of the whole person is extremely shocking, even more shocking than the red whale and the five-kilometer giant that Igo transformed before! !

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