Secretary Luo got up from the ground in embarrassment. Obviously, the blow he had just been pushed a hundred meters away also made him a little choking.

He even vomited a mouthful of pink blood, and suffered a lot of internal injuries.

With the support of everyone on the side, Secretary Luo finally stood up, but the flattery on his face had long since disappeared, and the gentle smile on his face made At the moment extremely cold.

Becquelo is not wrong. They see Secretary Luo more often than they see the First General.

But what he has not said is that Secretary Luo is much more terrifying than the First General, and even most people are very afraid of Secretary Luo.

Also, almost no one has seen Secretary Luo's gentle appearance before, all of them have cold and serious eyes, and people can't help but feel numb when they look at it.

And what Leo saw was right. The lives that died directly in the hands of Secretary Luo had already exceeded tens of thousands.

At the moment, the few people standing next to Secretary Luo were also shuddering, rushing to treat Secretary Luo, but they did not dare to look at Secretary Luo more.

This is the majesty of the first secretary, and it is also a strange and reasonable point of the entire Crowe civilization.

In the Crowe civilization, there is also a dictatorship by a dictatorship, but it is different from those on the earth, but it is somewhat similar to a feudal monarchy.

And the so-called first general has the right to speak at will to instigate the entire civilization.

Compared with the current Ke Luo civilization technology, the first general is the undoubted first person in the entire Ke Luo civilization. Like the ancient emperor, he has enormous powers.

Since then, Secretary Luo, the first secretary who was next to the first general, was also a person with great power, and even because of the affairs in which he was usually responsible, his deterrent power was stronger than that of the first general.

Regardless of how everyone looked at Leo respectfully before, Secretary Luo also stood beside Leo with a hippie smile.

But now after leaving Leo's sight, his eyes are standing in place with an extremely cold expression, "Is Unit 6 ready?"

Secretary Luo took care of the somewhat damaged armor, took it off, put on a new armor, and said coldly at the same time.

Obviously, it had just flew out a hundred meters away, if it were a human being on the earth, it might have died.

But for Secretary Luo, who wore the armor, he suffered only a few minor injuries, and at the same time he quickly recovered under the therapeutic equipment on the side.

"The sixth machine has been completely fixed here, and the target person has been targeted, and the third machine is also on its way."

The deputy on the side lowered his head and said.

Secretary Luo At the moment also took off the glasses he was wearing on his eye sockets, "This broken thing is useless at all, and it is impossible to see through the deconstruction of the shape of the target!!"

"However, the target person is contaminated with a lot of annihilation powder, and the third plan can be activated!"

Secretary Luo At the moment walked out quickly, completely out of the square.

Just now, the few people have been talking quietly. In their thoughts, even if Leo's physical fitness is abnormal, it is impossible to hear what they just said.

But what they didn't see was that Leo, who was standing in the center of the encircling circle, smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth, and said nothing more.

Soon, there were a lot of gunfire explosions in every corner of the first base, causing a lot of riots.

Obviously, it was a few warships that had repaired the warships, ready to take off or were ready to leave quickly, and they were all directly detonated by Leo.

Naturally, the news quickly reached Secretary Luo's ears, and his face was a little worse.

With the help of the entire civilized combat analysis team behind them, they also listed many combat plans against Leo Ability, but they were all rejected one by one.

Finally, I pinned my hopes on the zero machine.

However, according to the news received so far, Unit Zero left with the general.

"Where is the general now?"

At a temporary command base a few hundred meters away, Secretary Luo frowned and asked.

"Secretary Luo, now the general is in the underground passage, and the battleship was destroyed halfway." The deputy said nervously. Obviously, he also understood that this was not the answer that Secretary Luo wanted to know.

Sure enough, Secretary Luo's expression suddenly became cold, and he even squeezed out a few marks from the steel water glass in his hand.

"Has the general been notified?"

"It has been notified. The general already knows the current situation. He is also coming here at a speed of thirty kilometers. It will take about fifty minutes."

The deputy said nervously again.

Obviously, in just a few minutes, everyone has calculated that Leo has set the limit speed for the entire first base, as long as it does not exceed 30 kilometers per hour, it can operate.

But this kind of speed is really too slow for the technologically advanced Croxing civilization.

"Damn it! Unit 6 is ready, waiting for my order."

Secretary Luo said coldly, changed another pair of glasses, straightened his weird hat, and walked out with his foot.

The five-minute time is almost here. The general will definitely not be able to come back. He still has to deal with it. At least, he has to wait until the sixth, third, and zero are all ready before he can completely turn his face.

Otherwise, the longer the delay, the better, and Secretary Luo doesn't have the capital to turn his face right now.

He walked out quickly, and the original cold face immediately changed into a look with a bright smile.

Although compared to his weird appearance, Leo didn't look pleasing to the eye.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Leo had just opened his eyes, and Secretary Luo walked in quickly from the crowd.

"My lord, I have just contacted the general, but there is still a long time before the general wants to come over, we can change a place to have a good rest."

"Definitely, if you are willing to unblock the current suppression, I think the general will be back in ten minutes."

Secretary Luo looked at Leo with a flat smile, and at the same time, he brought a small sealing device in his hand.

"This is 700 grams of galaxy pure water that has been packaged. Please accept it first, sir. As for the rest of the compensation, our Crowe civilization will definitely not be stingy."

Secretary Luo still looked at Leo with a smile on his face and said, in the slightest it was a posture of compensation, as if the two were friends that had not been seen in a long time.

Leo stretched out his hand. As for the other words of Secretary Luo, they were directly ignored in Leo's ears.

Secretary Luo saw the small metal box in his hand, and directly let it out, and flew into Leo's hands in an instant.

But even so, Secretary Luo didn't feel annoyed at all, and even said with a smile.

"As for the storage of galaxy pure water, this special device is required, so it is very difficult to unlock it. There is a special seal of our Crow civilization outside. As for the unlocked code, I will tell you now."

But before Secretary Luo finished speaking, he saw Leo stretch out his hand and stroked it, and then the most sturdy defensive device in the outer city was blooming and scattered all over the place.

The device that really seals the pure water of the galaxy is revealed.

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