The brilliant silver galaxy pure water, at the moment Groot's tentacles were inserted, he took the initiative to wrap up the inserted vines.

A few thick vines directly occupies the pure water of the Milky Way which is no more than a baby's fist.

Just as everyone was about to start to absorb Groot, they saw a little green light bursting out of Groot's body, and instead followed the vines to gush into the pure water of the galaxy.

Such a weird phenomenon made the people around a little nervous.

It's the first time everyone has seen Galactic Pure Water, and I don't know what kind of changes and characteristics it has, but now it looks very strange.

"Groot, are you okay?"

The Rocket on the side suddenly pulled out a dagger, looked at Groot nervously and said that if there was any accident, he would cut off some of Groot's vines without hesitation to prevent the situation from getting worse.

"I'm Groot."

Groot's voice didn't sound bad, but rather excited and happy.

Everyone looked at the Rockets curiously, wanting to know what Groot said.

Rocket stared at the galactic pure water in the small box, and at the same time he translated, "Groot said that he knows how to absorb galactic pure water. He seems to know instinctively."

"But I'm sure that in the years since I spent so many years with Groot, I have never seen Galactic Pure Water, and I don't know how Groot knew about it."

The Rocket looked at everyone around and explained, and immediately moved his gaze back to the pure water of the Milky Way.

Quill on the side understands this somewhat, "Perhaps the Groots instinctively knew how to use Galactic Pure Water. I had this feeling before. After being thoroughly Awakened, I suddenly learned a lot of strange things inexplicably. "

Ka Nebula on the side also nodded.

"This kind of instinct perception exists, just like a newborn baby knows to suck breast milk, but this kind of instinctual knowledge is more complicated than this extended life instinct."

"Look, what's wrong with Galactic Pure Water?"

Lorelai on the side said in a loud voice with magical eyes, everyone looked at the small box in the center.

I saw that the pure water of the Milky Way, which originally seemed to be completely concealed by Groot's vines, slowly swelled under the infusion of the green energy on the Groot's vines.

And the speed of expansion is getting faster and faster, and soon, it fills the entire small box, and the volume expands more than ten times than the original.

And it seemed that it hadn't stopped at all, it was still expanding rapidly, and soon it overflowed the small box that was originally sealed.

However, the pure water of the galaxy did not disperse there, instead it was still condensed. Although it still looked like a fluid, it was condensed together and condensed on the tentacles of Groot in an incredible state.

Leo just swiped his hand, and several pieces of iron sheet appeared in the air immediately, and a huge amounts of metal storage box was embedded and synthesized in an instant.

Take the galactic pure water overflowing from the sky, but still condensed together.

I saw the galaxy pure water in the storage box quickly swelled. From the small silver ball that was not the File size of a baby's fist, At the moment has swelled into a basketball File size.

Then it continued to expand, receiving the energy injected by Groot, and growing up quickly.

And as the galaxy's pure water expanded, everyone discovered that as the galaxy's pure water gradually expanded, the color was slowly fading.

At the beginning, it was extremely pure and shiny silver, more pure and shiny than metallic mercury.

But now, the silver has gradually faded, and it seems a bit like mercury, with a little dullness.

Groot didn't stop his energy transmission, everyone just watched the galaxy pure water continue to expand rapidly.

A few minutes passed, and time seemed to stand still in this weird atmosphere in the cockpit.

Everyone just watched the galaxy pure water in Groot's hand expand rapidly in this huge metal storage box, almost filling up the entire storage box.

And the so-called galaxy pure water, under this expansion ratio, also changed from the original bright silver to the current milky white, just like a box full of pure milk in this storage box. .

And now the volume of the box is about two cubic meters, which has expanded thousands of times compared to the original 700 grams of galaxy pure water.

And Groot finally pulled back the vine that he had extended, but he hugged the entire storage box securely.

"I'm Groot."

"He said that he has completed the catalysis of Galactic Pure Water and can now start using it."

The Rocket also stood there in a daze, translating and saying, as if he hadn't figured out how that little galactic pure water swelled into such a large volume of liquid.

Seeing that Groot moved the giant storage box to the corner where he often stayed, he stretched out his hand to place the few Baker stones on the ground in the milky pure water of the Milky Way.

Afterwards, Groot stepped in by himself, stepping in with his entire foot.

And the metal storage box that was originally filled with liquid also looked like it was about to overflow in an instant.

However, Leo stretched out his hand and saw that the barrier of the storage box increased rapidly, and the liquid that was about to overflow was intercepted back into the box again.

And on Groot's face, there was also an indescribable happy expression, which looked extremely comfortable.

"Sure enough, there is no need to worry about Groot, right? He knows exactly what to do."

Chen Haoran looked at Groot standing in the storage box and said silently.

"Looking at Groot's appearance, it seems that Galactic Pure Water is very useful to him. Boss, does Crowe Civilization still have Galactic Pure Water?"

The Rockets looked at Leo and said directly.

"Understand, I'll talk to them later, after all, our first transaction was 1.5 kilograms of galaxy pure water, and now only 700 grams, we can't suffer this loss."

Leo heard what the Rockets said, and Definite also nodded and said, but he agreed with the Rockets' ideas.

Others were also relieved. Before, they learned from the star network that absorbing the galaxy's pure water has such a high mortality rate. Now that Groot looks like this, there is no need to worry about anything.

On the contrary, it is clear that this may be the way to use the Galactic Pure Water, or that the Galactic Pure Water is actually a resource prepared for the War Tree, otherwise how could Groot instinctively have such a state for the Galactic Pure Water.

Watching Groot happily immersed in the milky white galaxy pure water, it can also clean the perception, with a faint energy, filling the small gap in the energy core of Groot's body.

But now it seems that it is still a drop in the bucket.

However, looking at the effect of galactic pure water, perhaps with a large amount of galactic pure water, it can really be completely cured.

Now that there is a way and a goal, it is easy to solve it.

Leo flickered and returned to the ground.

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