Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 1171 The Second Golden Pill integrate

Leo would sneer if he knew what the First General thought, and then looked at the First General like a fool.

Although Leo entered the universe not long ago, his knowledge of the universe surpassed that of the first general.

The cruelty of the universe is far beyond imagination.

Does the disaster of civilization need a reason? do you need? Don't need it?

Leo didn't know, but what he understood was that if there is no strength, it is nothing.

Since connecting to the star network, there have been countless incidents of the destruction of civilizations, although most of them are low-level civilization planets.

Perhaps it was a cosmic celestial disaster, perhaps a powerful civilization invasion, there were few Zerg incidents, but there were quite a few cosmic rascals.

And those civilizations that perished did something wrong, perhaps just because they didn't have the strength to solve all this.

The demise of civilization, on the star network, can't cause any big waves. At most, everyone should pay attention to the reason for their demise, and then learn from it to see if they will meet.

As for the rest, what else do you think?


For what? That civilization is still dead!

Yes! That civilization is dead, even if you help him get revenge, is there any point?

Perhaps this is the indifference of the universe. In the universe, the life of the destruction of civilization can be seen everywhere. Maybe people look good, but it may be one of the last people of this civilization in the universe.

Jason is fortunate, even if their civilization is destroyed, there are still some of the tribe.

For example, Gamora and Groot are the last people left in civilization, at least for now, this is the case.

What kind of loneliness is this, the universe is so big, but he has no home, no other kind, this kind of despair does not know how many lives in the universe are enveloped.

That's why there are so many cosmic tramps and cosmic raid groups, cosmic pirates and others.

But is it just that? Even if the Crow civilization can achieve the Sandal Empire and his ilk, this is the case.

Even if it was such a cosmic empire as strong as the Shandar Empire, it was destroyed in the hands of Thanos, affecting an unknown number of civilized planets.

The Land of Nothingness, the most powerful black market in the universe, the famous Collector of the universe, and Difan in the richest Difan group were also destroyed by Thanos.

What did they do again.

But it was because Thanos was powerful and crazy.

Suppose Leo knows that Jin Dan is above the Crow Empire and wants to come to take it. Facing the obstacles of the Crow Empire, will Leo take it by force?

If the Crowe Empire is really willing to use the power of civilization to prevent Leo from taking the gold beads, then Leo will definitely do it too.

Is there a good reason?

It's just strength.

Perhaps it was because Leo understood this earlier, that's why he viewed the Crowe Empire in this way.

You hit me, you are wrong! I hit you, I was wrong.

But does it matter who is wrong?

It's just the gap between strengths. If you are strong, you are right.

The universe is like this, the strong is king, it seems that it has always been like this.

Leo shook his head lightly, did not continue to think about this, but opened his clenched fists with a slightly excited expression.

A golden bead blooming with brilliant golden light slowly floated above Leo's right palm.

It seemed to have the meaning of brilliant joy, and it was also constantly bursting with brilliant light, beating lightly in Leo's hand, quite a sense of closeness.

Leo naturally felt the feeling of Jin Dan, with a bright smile on his face.

This golden core is different from the golden core in the hands of the giant Baker stone in the void.

When the golden core was discovered, there was a strange and weird seal besides the golden core. Although the golden core was still ordinary, it had such a seal, which was extremely weird.

There is another difference, that is, the first golden pill, which has always been dim and dull, and occasionally flashed a gleam of light, so warm and moist.

But now Leo's golden core is much dazzling.

Although I don't know how the Crowe civilization was obtained, if there is also the first similar seal besides this golden core, it cannot be unlocked by the Crowe civilization.

In other words, outside of such a golden core, there is no strange seal.

At the same time, compared to the first one with the straight-hearted attraction and swallowing sense, although Leo also had this impulse this time, he was not as incapable of extricating himself as before.

The first golden pill is nothing more than the File size of the thumb, dark golden bead, warm and moist like a soft blob.

And this one has a table tennis File size, brilliant golden light, but it is as indestructible as it is dazzling.

The two gold cores are so different, but Leo understands that this is one of the three gold cores. This is Leo's instinctive perception.

The brilliant golden core in Leo's hands was naturally seen by those drones around him, and such images were naturally transferred to the hands of the first general and the second secretary simultaneously.

I saw that after being removed from the half-dimensional space, it was no longer lustrous. Even if the entire Crowe civilization exhausted its methods, it couldn't make any changes to the golden bead, but it was so dazzling in Leo's hands.

Even if Leo didn't do anything, just put it in the palm of his hand, it was so dazzling.

For a while, the first general was stunned, and he also understood how much this golden bead meant to Leo.

Perhaps this should have been the case.

With a stroke of Leo's hand, dozens of drones in the air exploded and destroyed.

And Leo is also in this stroke, using the power of space to put himself in a folding space.

Here, Leo can guarantee that he will not be disturbed in any way, even if he passes out again like last time, there will be no accidents.

And the golden core in Leo's hand seemed to understand what happened next, and it was a little gleaming too impatiently.

Sure enough, when Leo's hands burst into golden light slightly.

Jin Zhu was very consciously close to his body, tightly attached to Leo's hand, and the original indestructible Jin Zhu's body quickly melted and directly blended into Leo's palm.

This force slowly melted towards the whole body along Leo's arm, but Leo's consciousness was not affected this time, and he was still very awake.

A stream of memory fragments gradually appeared in Leo's mind. Even with such a powerful spirit as Leo, when he received this memory fragment, he was under pressure from huge amounts of.

Obviously these memory fragments are very simple, and the content is not much, but the pressure they carry makes Leo tremble slightly unconsciously.

His head swelled, and a powerful crushing sensation enveloped Leo's body. This force made Leo's body a little bit of golden light blooming.

Leo finally understood why he passed out in a coma last time. This kind of pressure was not acceptable to him at that level.

And this time, ah! Might as well faint.

The golden light on Leo's body became more and more prosperous, filling the entire folding space, but within a few seconds, above the barriers of the folding space, cracks appeared under this golden light.

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