After school, Leo followed the flow of people and left the school.

Havok is still following by his side, "Leo, you haven't answered me directly yet, do you know why Mike asked for leave? I think something is not right. You'd better be more careful these days."


Leo quickly left Havok's side and walked in the direction of Chinatown, ready to see Li Shu and Li Qian.

At the same time, Havok secretly stuffed the monitor on his schoolbag and took it down and threw it on another boy nearby.

"Where does Havok come from such a strong curiosity!"

Leo smiled and shook his head, and continued to walk outward.


The man who had been sitting in the coffee shop also stood up, picked up the box beside him, and walked out.

The coffee on the table remained untouched.

Zoster was tens of meters away, hanging far behind Leo, his eyes kept staring at the little figure.

Leo's footsteps slowed after walking out of two blocks.

Although he didn't look back, he also noticed that someone was following him.

He let out a sigh of relief and continued to walk around.

Zost also paused, ‘stop without warning, what’s the matter? Did he feel it? ’

Leo walked two blocks again, turned around, and started to walk in the direction of his home.

With an unknown tail behind him, it's not easy to hurt others.

Zoster, who had been following, saw this scene, but smiled slightly.

"It seems that there is a secret, this kid even knows the detour."

Until Leo came to the edge of the building two blocks away from home, did not go home, and walked upstairs with a turn.

Take the elevator to the top floor.

At the same time, Leo's eyes also fixed on Zoster's body.

A well-proportioned white middle-aged male with inconspicuous appearance, wearing a black sun hat, carrying a small briefcase in his hands.

It looked like an off-duty worker who had just left work and was about to go home.

But in the box, there are accessories for a small sniper rifle, some vials of poison and a few miniature bombs.

The full box weighs more than ten or twenty catties.

But the man walked so smoothly, as if he was just carrying a half-box of paper documents, without the slightest tremor in his hands, and his feet were steady.

‘Holding a gun in his hand, but there is no mark on his body. Is it a killer? ’

Leo walked directly to the top of the building.

But Zoster stopped downstairs and looked at the numbers on the elevator.

Looking upstairs, he stretched out his hand and took out the tablet from his arms, and began to retrieve it.

Leo's eyes also focused on the information on the screen.

That person is inquiring about the occupant information of this building, and it is mainly for the occupants of the top floor.

Zoster prepared all the information, but he found the information he needed in a few minutes.

"Imoeng, Han Nick, Danzi..."

After reading the information, I felt something wrong in my heart, and immediately put the tablet away and walked out carrying the box.

Leo couldn't help but amused, ‘what a cautious guy. ’

A light leap from the top of the building, and directly from the thirteenth floor, fell silently to the ground.

Walking out of the alley, he stopped directly in front of the man.

"Are you looking for me?"

Leo's sudden appearance caught Zoster off guard, his pupils slightly widened, and his right hand, which had been holding the box, couldn't help but clenched for a few minutes.

"Sorry, you may have found the wrong person, kid."

Zoster said with a smile on his face, but his left hand was already inserted into his pocket, holding a small dagger.

‘How could this happen, how did he come down suddenly, it’s impossible! ! ! ’

Leo looked at him and chuckled lightly, "It's fine, then I'll leave first! Bye!"

After speaking, he really walked back with his schoolbag, regardless of the Zoster behind him.

Seeing Leo's back left, Zoster's eyes instantly cooled down, but a drop of sweat ran across his forehead.

The box was changed to his left hand, and his right hand reached into his waist, holding the handle of a pistol.

But after hesitation for a long time, he still didn't take it out until Leo disappeared before his eyes.

Looking back at Leo's strange smile just now, he felt that the target had discovered his existence.

'why? How did he find me? How did he come down from the top of the building, I saw him enter the elevator with my own eyes? ’

Until now, the heart is still beating abnormally and rapidly, and his hands are always sweating.

Carrying the box, walked to the Mike fast food restaurant in the center of Queens.


Leo has returned home, "Aunt Jenny, I'm out of school!"

"Leo, George may be coming back later. We have dinner later today. By the way, May just called. Peter and Ned, the two little guys, will come and play later. You can play with them."

"Okay, I'll go back to the room first."

Leo put down his schoolbag, took out his glasses, and just put a miniature positioner on the brim of the man's hat.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, location tracker."

"Okay, the positioning is complete, it is 5.3 kilometers away from you, and it is in the Mike Fast Food Store in the center of Queens."

Leo's eyes showed the detailed positioning of the locator in just a few seconds.

‘Mike’s fast food shop, it seems that Mike’s hired killer! ’

Leo's eyes chilled, "Can you hear them."

"Real-time monitoring is being turned on. Warning, energy is insufficient. After 17 minutes of full monitoring, it will no longer be possible."

The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S rang, and the tiny locator couldn't monitor it for a long time.


‘.. Give up this mission? Are you crazy? It's just a teenager. Thirty thousand dollars is not enough? ’

A rough shout came out.

‘That kid is not easy, Ian, you better leave it alone in the future, I feel very wrong. It’s the voice of Zoster.

‘Shit, Zoster, when have you been so kind? ’

‘Go away, I won’t look for you again in the future, I will solve that kid directly, and it will delay me so many things, next time I will blow up his whole family directly, F**K. ’

‘Ian, the goal is not simple, don’t find trouble, one last word to remind you. ’

'go out! ! ’

All subsequent sounds are meaningless.

Leo also took off his glasses, his eyes a little cold.

"Brother Leo, Ned and I came to play with you. Ned bought a Star Wars VI disc. Let's watch it together!"

Peter's voice came up from downstairs, and there were footsteps rushing up.

Leo's eyes were full of smiles again, and he shook his hands, hiding the coldness under his smile, ‘solve them at night! ’

"Okay, come in, I have turned on the TV!"

Peter and Ned walked in and happily put the plate in their hands into the machine. The three children sat together and watched the movie.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, Leo sent the two children back after dinner.

Afterwards, Leo walked slowly towards Mike's fast food restaurant.

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