"Hey hey hey, you are bullying me now!"

Even if Li Ye was still full, he was agile and jumped slightly, avoiding the slapstick kick.

The weird cry made Li Qian blush again.

"Second Uncle, Cici is really looking for a boyfriend? Now she is only a third year in high school, isn't it a bit early?"

However, after Li Ye and Li Qian had finished quarreling with Li Qian, they also became serious, and looked at Li Haiyang and said.

"There are not many good things for these kids in high school, especially now in the United States. High school is very messy, all of them are a bunch of youth hormones!"

Li Ye, who was half a head taller than Li Haiyang, said quickly.

"Li Ye, you are only a freshman, are you sure you said that?"

Li Qian also calmed down again, and got out of her state of being joked and shy.

"Cici, I know only because I have experienced it. All the boys in high school here are talking about girls and violence. It seems to be a shame to study well."

Li Ye also changed his previous irregularities, looking at Li Qian with some seriousness and said.

"If you are a Western girl, it might not be a big deal, but you are Chinese and my sister. I don't want you to jump into a fire pit and not look back. First love is the most unforgettable."

"At least, let's go to college first. Queens is a bit messy, Cici, you won't be attracted by those little boys who can only be handsome, will you?"

Li Ye, with a firm face, seemed to be a little handsome when he spoke so solemnly. It would be better if he didn't have that round belly.

Li Haiyang also looked at Li Qian with some doubts, as if he hadn't heard that Cici had said this.

"No, it's just that I invited Leo two days ago. He promised me to come and play today, but he didn't. I didn't fall in love. It was all my brother's thinking."

Li Qian ran behind Li Ye, gave a light punch and said quickly.

"Ah! Second uncle, Cici is bullying me again!"

After listening to Li Qian's words, Li Ye was relieved, and then hurriedly covered the arm that had just been hammered by Li Qian and cried out strangely.

With that, he jumped forward, escaped Li Qian's kick again, and ran behind Li Haiyang.

Li Haiyang also didn't care about the fight between the two. The siblings who had been playing together since they were young, such a fight between them is really normal.

"That's it, I said why you were a little unhappy today. Have you contacted him? If you say yes to that kid, he shouldn't miss the appointment."

However, Li Haiyang said so, seeing the favorability of Leo in his heart is indeed quite high.

"Second uncle, do you know this kid too? Leo? American?"

Li Ye heard Li Haiyang's words, but asked with a frown.

"No, he's also Chinese. A pretty good child. His speech is neither overbearing nor overbearing, but he doesn't look like a child in conversation, and he has excellent grades. He seems to be the first person in the university exchange program of Stark."

Although Li Haiyang only met with Leo a few times, he still had enough affection for this little confident boy.

"Huh, grades don't mean everything. Besides, our Chinese schools here have good grades. We can only say that other people can't study well. University is the real beginning."

"Cici, I listened to my brother's advice. This kind of guy who puts your pigeons without saying a word is definitely not a good person. If you want to fall in love, you should go to college first."

Li Ye felt a little disgusted with Leo in his heart.

Li Qian looked at her cell phone. There was always a call on it. Hesitation hadn't made a call for a long time.

Chen Jie, who had been working in Li Haiyang’s shop, also walked out carrying a bag, "Uncle Li, Brother Li, Cici, the kitchen is clean, I'm leaving now."

"Wait, Chen Jie, do you know Leo?"

Li Ye ran over, grabbed Chen Jie and asked.

"Brother Li, be gentle, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, no wonder you can eat so much today!"

Chen Jie also smiled lightly and held Li Ye, "Leo, I remember, I came here two days ago, and the people are nice, at least not stingy, unlike some customers, they gave me a tip of fifty cents."

"You know him too, tell me what happened to him and Cici?" Li Ye said quickly.

Chen Jie thought for a while, "What does he have with Cici, I think it's just an ordinary friend relationship, and it's not very close, just gave a tip of more than fifty dollars."

"Huh, I sold Cici for fifty dollars? Looking at Cici's appearance, he must have some affection for that kid. That kid is smart enough, and he knows how to show his generosity in this way, and has a snack machine. "

Li Ye heard what Chen Jie said, but he disliked Leo even more in his heart.

"Um, Brother Li, did you think too much? I looked aside at the time and really felt nothing."

Then he looked at Cici's blushing look not far away, and was a little surprised, "I don't think Leo's attitude is that much, don't Cici be unrequited love?"

"What did you say?"

Li Ye listened, but slapped Chen Jie on the back with a slap, ‘pop! ’.

"My sister is so beautiful and still unrequited love, what do you think of Leo, how could you have no idea about Cici, I didn't expect to be a fellow pretending to be cold."

"Brother Li, what do you mean by slap me? You don't know how much your slap is, or should you go and shoot Leo?!"

Chen Jie said with a bitter face, a little bit dumbfounded.

"Okay, please go online next time, bye."

Li Ye did not continue to pull Chen Jie away, and said goodbye, and walked back, but his favor with Leo dropped a little.

‘This scheming boy, who pretends to be high-cold, even released my sister’s pigeons this time. I will see it next time. See if I will teach you a lesson! ’

Li Qian also covered the flip phone in her hand, her words were a bit tangled, and she seemed to be talking to herself.

‘Leo must have forgotten something, otherwise he will make a call. Let’s call and ask tomorrow. ’


Asgard's confusion has gradually calmed down.

When Friga woke up, Asgard didn't cause any movement, and it seemed that everyone hadn't noticed it.

Loki is still sitting on the throne, orderly issuing orders to continue to shape a better Asgard.

But there are always small disturbances and missing persons from time to time, which makes Loki also aware of something.

The two elite fighters sent out did not get the slightest reply, and even disappeared.

And Loki, who had been in the cell for a long time, seemed to have realized something, and re-read the list of Dungeon's detention at the time.

A female Asgard elite fighter was dispatched, and the Sif fighter went to investigate the matter.

And Loki looked at the chaotic small area and muttered, "There is a space tunnel to the earth nearby, it shouldn't be that bad."

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