"That's okay, I can control Lorelai, definitely, it's better to prepare a few of this kind of headphones for me, otherwise she can't even communicate in daily life."

"I have already mass-produced, and now I have prepared a hundred."

Tony shrugged slightly, and on the other side, Mark 43 walked over with a box of miniature earphones that fit in the packaging.

Leo stretched out his hand to take it, and looked at the small earphones in the box with a little surprise in his eyes.

"This little thing, what are you going to do with so much?"

"Just in case, don't you think Lorelai's Ability is very strong? The weakness of definitely is also very obvious, so I didn't prepare too much."

Tony said casually, and then called up the picture on the screen, which contained some specific data about Lorelai.

"Lorelai, it's obvious that there is a human body in God's Domain, but compared to Thor, it's still a far cry, but compared with the three warriors of the God's Domain, it's still on par."

"Her strength is about 30 tons, ordinary metal is like plasticine in front of her, and the strength of the bare skin and muscles is enough to easily defend against small-caliber bullets."

"To be honest, the Asgard people are monsters. Everyone is an enemy of a hundred people on the earth. Definitely, that was in the cold weapon age." Tony chuckled while watching Lorelai standing inside.

On the screen, Lorelai seemed to feel something. Although the internal information was completely unable to perceive external information, Lorelai stood up anxiously at the moment and walked around, seeming very anxious.

"However, brute force is always brute force. Seeing Lorelai's sonic attack also made me think of the same way to restrain her. Sound waves of this frequency have the greatest impact on the Asgard."

"Trust me, even the Asgard people can't hold on for long with this kind of sound." Tony said at this moment, a smile of confidence and smile appeared on his face.

For the Asgard people, the bond between the earth and Asgard is all linked by Thor alone. Although he clearly knows that Asgard should be an ally, Tony always has a grudge in his heart.

It might be that he was jealous of what Loki did, so when Tony discovered this special audio frequency that had a great influence on Asgard, he was a little bit differently excited.

Then with a light tap, the sonic weapon in the room was turned off, and Lorelai, who had been irritated and anxious just now, was slightly taken aback before sitting down slowly.

It's just that his eyes are overflowing, and when he looks around, he also finds something is wrong.

‘Crunch! ’

Suddenly, there was a metal twisting sound.

Banner didn't know when he held a two-meter-long carbon nano-metal rod in his hand and waved tentatively at the red whale.

I wanted to test the red whale's defense, but I haven't touched the red whale.

Seeing the red whale turning back, his big mouth was slightly opened, bringing a strong suction force on the metal stick, and pulling it into its mouth.

Even Dr. Banner didn't have time to let go, so he staggered.

I saw that the high-density carbon nanosteel originally used to make the simple version of the ‘cradle of regeneration’ was twisted shapeshifting in the air and turned into a small metal twist, which was rolled into the mouth by the red whale.

The Red Whale looked at Banner curiously, as if waiting for the next metal rod, or was curious about Banner originally.

"So, red whales eat metal too? Same as you?" Tony watched the red whale's movements and said directly.

"Yes,...no, what does it mean to eat metal is the same as me? That is absorption. Is it okay to absorb metal to strengthen yourself?"

Leo said softly.

"The horrible guy, I really can't imagine how shocking the Red Whale would be if it were so convened."

Tony looked at the red whale in front of him, still feeling a little bit, where there was the original flirty, but his eyes were still a little calm, "Leo, those things in the universe are left to you."

"Well, I will, Lorelai, I will take it away."

Leo looked at the rare and solemn Tony, nodded heavily, and said directly.


Tony looked at Leo with some relief in his eyes. After a few years of acquaintance, Tony realized that Leo was already so powerful.

But he didn't have the slightest jealousy in his heart, he didn't have the original broad momentum of contemptuous of the world and professing to maintain world peace.

Everyone is growing, and so is he.

Dr. Banner is still thinking about the red whale, and even has picked up the high-temperature cutter from the side, just want to go to the store from the red whale and study it.

This obsessive exploration of the ultimate creature may be an opportunity for him to solve Hulk.

However, no matter how long the cutting gun in his hand burned on the red whale, there was no movement at all, and even after removing it, it was still cold when he touched the place that had just been burned.

Seeing this, Banner was also a little desperate, even faintly turning into Hulk.

"Doctor, are you okay?"

Leo appeared behind Dr. Banner, patted Dr.'s shoulder lightly, and his calm voice calmed the Dr.'s restless heart slightly.

Banner replied to his daily depressed expression and waved helplessly.

"It's okay, I'd better go study Veronica with peace of mind."

The red whale also swayed its thick body and came to Leo's side.

Leo stroked the head of the red whale and appeared in the trait cell with the red whale.

Lorelai was startled by the sudden appearance of Leo, but there was also a hint of excitement in his eyes.

My task has been completed, I can finally go out, I can leave this small room.

At the same time, the entire room spread out, and three walls gradually shrank into the metal walls, revealing the entire room, and Tony also walked in with confidence.

Looking at Lorelai in front of him at such a close distance, his eyes were vigilant, and at the same time he trusted Leo more.

"Thank you for your cooperation during this period. Next time you come back, I can buy you a cup of coffee."

"No, I will never return to Midgard!"

Lorelai looked at Tony Stark fiercely and said, she also guessed that Tony was playing a ghost in the previous situation.

Tony smiled, "That would be a shame."

Leo patted the red whale on the head.

The red whale immediately understood, the body began to grow from two meters long, and in the eyes of everyone, it changed from a two-meter-long small whale to a four-meter-long big whale.

The area on the spine has also been enlarged several times at once.

A small platform is achieved.

Such a change made it impossible for Banner and Stark to move their eyes.

Leo just leaped slightly and sat on the back of the red whale again, and a faint light mask immediately formed on his body.

Lorelai didn't have much hesitation either, and with a slight jump, Lorelai also fell behind the red whale's back.

The same golden light was also derived from Lorelai.

After that, the red whale swam directly out, and within a few seconds, it disappeared.

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