Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 529 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 528

"Minister, these are the three most suspected suspects currently tested, and we are still investigating them."

An agent handed the information board to Pierce with red eyes.

Pierce took the tablet and waved to move it aside.

Looking at the data on the tablet, he also frowned tightly.

In terms of facial features, each is different, but the upper half of the face is very similar, the same similar face, but the resume is quite different.

‘Zhongyu, Yang, Chinese, graduated from MIT, came to the United States in 2006, and now works for Burke Hill. ’

‘Usually I travel secretly, spend most of the time in the company, have no bad habits, and have normal consumption records. ’

Looking at so many information materials listed on the tablet, including every consumption and call history of Yang Zhongyu in the United States.

Then, look at the next file.

‘Tian Tian, ​​Miao, graduated from Berkeley College and returned to China in 10 years. During his stay in the United States, he attended many special gatherings, the purpose of which is unknown. ’

‘Abnormal consumption records, illegal account transfer records of more than 300 million U.S. dollars, weird behavior, and withdrawn. ’

‘Consumption in the U.S. has....’

Miao Tiantian's information is more complicated and bloated than Yang Zhongyu's information, which is related to a lot of capital flows, which makes Pierce pay more attention.

After looking at it for a while, he looked at the third suspect file.

‘Guoqiang, Li, a native of China, came to the United States in 2001 and currently works on Wall Street with an annual income of more than one million U.S. dollars. ’

‘Multiple records show that he had a capital transaction with S.H.I.E.L.D Level 4 agent Evie Albert. ’

‘It was also the only person who had an alibi when the New York incident broke out in 12 years. ’

‘His consumption records and credit card records are as follows...’

Among them, the threat to Li Guoqiang has risen to the red warning, and he is the most suspicious person.

Pierce looked at Li Guoqiang's eyes, the same dark eyes, with a slightly mature face, and the same half of his face, showing a slightly different feeling.

But Pierce took a closer look and threw this information aside.

"No, no. Although this guy has bad intentions, he is not a golden legend. Don't worry about him for the time being. After dealing with the golden legend, we will solve this ant."

"For the other two people to conduct a strict investigation, I want to know everything they have done recently, as well as their home addresses, members, and all their information, and immediately compare them, now!!!"

"Yes, minister, let's check it right away!" The assistant who had been standing by came out and said, and went to deal with the matter immediately.

Pierce also frowned fiercely. In his sense, the three of them just now were wrong. Although two of them were extremely abnormal, for Pierce, the Golden Legend is now to be resolved immediately. matter.

"There are still twenty hours, I don't want any accidents!!"


In the laboratory of the Hell Building.

Rez knelt halfway on the ground, and the blazing red light on his body caused a wave of flames to appear within one meter of the surrounding area.

This peculiar reaction shocked the people around.

"Hey, Maya, what's going on, Rez looks like flames are burning all around, but... it's just harmless light, isn't it?"

Zoster looked at the flame light fluctuations around Rez and asked directly.

Maya looked at this scene and shook her head with some doubts, "I don't know, this is the first time this has happened, and it hasn't happened to the mouse before."

And Ryze also slowly stood up from the ground, the only shorts on her body was cracked by the high temperature of her body, but it was not burned.

Rez still has Baidu super high temperature on his body, but compared to the previous high temperature of thousands of degrees, this temperature is also within the acceptable range.

Zost frowned when he saw this.

"So, now the attack method of the Extremis Soldier has disappeared? That kind of terrifying ultra-high temperature?" At this point, Zoster looked very disappointed.

He originally thought that the current Extremis Reagent could create a power similar to Chen Haoran with fire Ability.

Even if it doesn't work, it's the kind of super high temperature that was initially shown, and it is a very threatening weapon for any creature as long as it touches it.

When Maya heard Zoster's words, her face became a little serious.

Turning around and looking at the crowd, "I think I should explain the principle of Extremis Reagent to that."

"The initial discovery was that we found this blank self-healing space in the human brain. The human brain is also the most complicated thing in the world. No one said that we can fully understand it."

"The huge energy brought by the Extremis Reagent will be used to impact this blank and extremely mysterious area. If the impact fails, the experimental body will explode under this powerful energy impact!!!"

"In the initial reagent, we forcefully rushed through the defenses of that area. Therefore, in that state of control, the body's response would be exceptionally unstable, and it might even be under major emotional swings or severe injuries. , It will explode directly!"

"Now, what we choose is to use a more suitable key to open the lock, in a more gentle way, to stimulate the human body's inherent Ability."

Maya looked at Ryze, who was flexing his muscles and bones on the spot. The blood flowing on the surface of the body had already condensed and fell under the high temperature, and the lava on Ryze's body was slowly fading.

"Between the two, it will also activate the healing ability that every human being has, and at the same time, it will also transform the defects and deficiencies of the human body. The same is true for the strengthening of the human body, which is the insufficient development of the human body."

"And I only now know how powerful humans are, and how serious the previous mistakes are." Saying this, Maya glanced at Leo.

"Like the defect Extremis developed by Jianfeng Technology a few years ago, it is the batch of Killian reagents. This will indeed stimulate the ability of this area, but the side effect is that after exhausting the reagent energy, it will continue to consume human energy."

"This is the clue that I discovered after studying Chen Haoran's body"

"I thought that it was the complete version of Despair, and even thought that that kind of reagent could be used to extend the lifespan of human beings. Consume human life."

Maya also smiled bitterly, "If Killian is still alive, there will probably not be a few months left."

"But now, everything is different!!"

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