Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 530 Another Mutation of Extremis Reagent

And Rez also saw several automatic rifles on the side.

Panic appeared on his face for an instant, and he stepped back, ready to run straight out.

Don't blame him, after all, whoever saw seven loaded automatic rifles aimed at him would not stay in place to face this scene.

In the next second, sparks spewed from the seven muzzles at the same time, and several bullets rushed straight into Leyz in the air.

Then he jumped into the air, and several blood blossoms splashed on Rez's body immediately.

The powerful impact and pain made Leizi's eyes a bit hideous, and the whole person was pushed a half-meter away by bullets in the air.

Several bullets in different positions on the body immediately destroyed Leyze's sense of balance in the air, and several huge forces made Leyze slammed to the side.

But the muzzle on the side didn't stop at all. Just now, a wheel ejected, and it was the next round without stopping.

Except that Leo took the initiative to reduce the shooting accuracy and did not change the bullet direction, there was no other action, as if there were seven ordinary people shooting at Rez with guns.

Rez's muscle tissue after being strengthened, facing the rifle bullet with a shooting distance of less than ten meters, is not very effective.

Unless the flesh and blood are condensed to the level of steel, they will still be unable to resist in front of firearms.

Several bullets still impacted Rez's body.

However, occasionally one or two impacts on the body, and the other bullets just grazed from the body, bringing a few clusters of flesh and blood across.

This kind of intense pain only existed for a second in Leyz's hot body, and then dimmed.

The unsustainable pain allows Rez to maintain control over his body even when his whole body is hit by bullets.

Leyz's eyes were fierce and fierce, and the roar of the mouth burst into his ears. When the blood-red lava glowed all over his body, the picture that could not be directly looked at just now was slightly slowed down in his eyes.

On both sides of the temples, blue veins burst out, and bloodshot eyes were also covered.

At this level, Ryze, who was tumbling in the air, saw the bullet marks galloping in the air in his eyes full of blood.

But it was only barely able to see clearly, and the body still couldn't react, not even his own brain.

She relied purely on her body's instinct to quickly roll up on the ground, and behind her, there were also clusters of smoke and dust fired by bullets.

In this way, he escaped the second round of turbulent bullets, and quickly moved away from Leo, rolling out nearly ten meters on the ground sideways.

It wasn't until no more gunshots came that Rez suddenly jumped from the ground, took a test metal plate from the table on the side, and stood in front of him.

And just these few seconds alone stunned all the people on the side.

Being able to be fired by seven automatic rifles at such a close range, he can escape ten meters away and deploy defenses.

Zost, Dick and others, in the eyes of these elite mercenaries, this is impossible to do, but Ryze did it.

On the ground, you can see large patches of blood, and there are even a lot of residual flesh and blood peeling off from under Leyz.

But at the end of the laboratory, Rez, who was hiding under the metal bunker, also used the mirror on one side to reflect the people looking at the back.

All over the body, red lava patterns are under the skin, and the muscle tissue is surging, and it is quickly repairing more than a dozen wounds on the body.

One by one bullets slammed on the tiled floor with a crisp sound, diverting the attention of Zoster and others back.

Zoster, who thinks he is indifferent and cruel, can't help but worry and said, "Boss, this is to be tested, and we have to keep a little distance, otherwise this... how can this be done?"

Dick also nodded fiercely from the side, watching these rifles blazing wildly at his brother, even if he knew that the boss was testing, he couldn't bear it.

And looking at the blood on the ground, it was definitely not just one or two bullet wounds. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

Even for Rez, Dick couldn't be sure that he was still alive.

"Boss, it's a bit big to play, I'm almost bleeding two pints in this blood, and I'll be dead for two more rounds."

"It doesn't look like something is going on to hear your voice!"

Leo also said aloud, and then he looked at Zoster and the others with a smile, "Ryze is okay, Maya should know it too!"

Everyone looked at Maya again, and Maya said with a chuckle.

"Looking at the look of Ryze, the Ability of the Extremist Reagent is fully activated. If it is not the same time that a fatal attack hits the heart or head continuously, it shouldn't be a major problem."

"However, for the sake of long-term goals and safety, every time the Extremis Warrior completes such a large-scale body repair, he needs to inject high-strength nutrient solutions, or in other words, inject Extremis reagents to replenish body losses!"

The words of Maya made Zoster all speechless.

Leo also waved his hand gently, and the seven rifles in the air continued to fire.

Rez has recovered more than half of his injuries, and all the bullets embedded in his body have been squeezed out by the crazy recovery muscles.

The body, which had just warmed up, also cooled slightly at the moment, in an extremely excited state, and was quickly recovering with the surrounding safe environment.

However, the sudden sound of gunfire made Rez's body tighten again, and the spirit that had just calmed down became excited again.

In the same way, the lava pattern on the body was not hidden again after the wound was restored, but was directly exposed under the strong Mental Impact of Ryze.

Rez's body temperature rose crazily unconsciously, and after a while, it soared above Baidu.

I have never felt the body so light and full of strength, the whole person's mental state has changed greatly.

The endless bullets were still shooting wildly at him, but the metal plate in his hand received the impact force At the moment, it was as light as nothing.

In such a small space, there is no way to avoid it no matter how much he is trying to escape. In this way, throwing away the idea of ​​jumping out of the window and running away, what Rez has to do now is to get rid of those who are attacking him.

But facing the boss, Rez still didn't have the heart to resist, but facing those guns, he was still a little sure.

Standing up, holding a shield in his hand, moving around, quickly approaching Leo's direction.

Before taking a few steps, he was shot in the knee and the metal plate in his hand staggered out.

As a result, he was about to face the concentrated fire attack of those rifles.

The pain in the knee can be ignored.

Seeing Leo who was within a few meters, Rez stared, his eyes burst, and flew over with his fists high.

Under such violent spiritual fluctuations, the light of lava flowing around the body gathered on the fists, and in an instant, the original naked fists burst into a strong light.

A raging heat wave hit a few people!

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