Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 541 James Buchanan Barnes

Rogers looked at Bucky and suddenly said something like this.

"I know him, he doesn't remember me anymore."

Captain America, who has always been endowed with perseverance, bravery, self-confidence, and powerful characteristics by the people of the whole country, was a little choked in his words at the moment.

"Captain, are you sure it is him? It's been seventy years!" Sam stood back and asked.

"It's Zola. Bucky's troops were captured for 43 years. Zola experimented on him. Maybe because of this, Bucky was not killed. They must have found him!"

Rogers looked at Bucky, who was motionless on the ground, with pain and self-blame in his eyes.

"It's not your fault, Steve."

Natasha Romanoff said with comfort when he saw this.

And Bucky also heard Rogers' words, but he didn't respond.

Because for him now, there are only battles and missions in his memory.

As for who Bucky is and who Zola is, they do not exist in his memory. He only recognizes one person, the highest leadership of HYDRA, Alexander Pierce.

And it was this increasingly cold look that made Rogers more painful.

"Leo, can you save Bucky?"

"Save him, do you mean to help him restore his original memory?"

Leo stretched out his hand and hooked it lightly, and Bucky, who was bound by the metal body, swept up from the ground. He was forcibly floated in the air, facing everyone in front of him, who were also his enemies.

Looking at the handsome and vicissitudes of life in the air, even Leo couldn't help feeling a little.

Leo still remembered that when he saw Captain America for the first time, he was so emotional. It was obvious that such a beautiful life was just destroyed.

This kind of good card that was a winner in life at the beginning, but after getting to know Steve Rogers, it just disappeared.

He was born tall and handsome, even during World War II, he could wear a decent suit and get two tickets to the Stark Expo.

He can be liked by all kinds of girls. When Rogers enlisted in the army and was training running there, he became a sergeant as soon as he enlisted and became a sniper.

But after he was captured by HYDRA, the general abandoned him and his team.

After being rescued by Captain America, he could have retired, but he still had no hesitation to fight HYDRA.

Until the deadly shot for Captain America, let him fall off the snow cliff, from then on, his life is like falling off a cliff, beginning to fall endlessly.

When he was awakened by the biting cold under the snow cliff, his left arm had been broken.

The blood stained the snow under him, but he still got up and staggered forward. He couldn't give up on himself. He also believed that Rogers was still waiting for him. Maybe Rogers would find himself like last time. .

Will use his rough hands to stroke his curly hair, take himself home, return to the tavern, drink beer that can warm up.

But after he walked for so long, he couldn't hold on, and fell to his knees on the snow.

When he woke up again, his most hated enemy, HYDRA, was right in front of his eyes. When he was in shock but could feel the pain, he saw off his arms.

He cut open his back, put the metal arm accessories into his spine, and installed the metal arm on his body. Before he could even open his eyelids, he was frozen.

He lost an arm and dragged his stump to walk in the snow for three days and three nights, but was taken away by HYDRA and became the most ideal experiment subject.

HYDRA tortured him for seventy years, washed away his memory, washed away his beliefs, deprived him of his dignity, and made him an object like a tool.

Let him trample on the justice he once valued the most, and make him the kind of person he hates most, with blood on his hands, HYDRA's best weapon.

Before each mission, a super soldier who had broken a few bones and could continue fighting, was dragged out of the freezer and couldn't even walk.

The doctor said that serum will make good guys better and bad guys worse. When the new Winter Soldiers are both enemies and friends, Bucky is still calm and steady, and escorts the officer away.

He just ignored the group of guinea pigs and closed the door.

It took HYDRA twenty years, after twenty years of devastation, that Barnes lowered his noble head and became a winter soldier with blood on his hands.

(Natasha Romanoff said that it had only performed more than 20 assassination missions in the past 50 years, and it had been 70 years since HYDRA acquired Barnes.)

When he became a qualified Winter Soldier, he began to perform the most difficult assassination operation in the world.

And every action, no more than three days, he will be returned to freezing again.

(It took only three days from Bucky to assassinate Nick Fury and then to Rogers. On the third night, he went back and was brainwashed again. The scientist in charge of Winter Soldier said,'He has been out of cryogenic freezing for too long.' )

Bucky has not been out for more than seventy days in seventy years.

In these seventy days, he had to undergo more than twenty brainwashing sessions.

In the first two decades, HYDRA constantly brainwashed, washed away his memories, and stuffed new memories so that he could become a HYDRA killer.

Whenever he thinks of something, he will be washed away again.

In seventy years, there were only three things: brainwashing, killing, and freezing.

For him, his mind and body are constantly split, but in the end, the body does not belong to him, and the spirit does not belong to him.

It was like countless rebirths, his nightmares continued to circulate, continuously pulling him into bottomless darkness and pain.

And Leo looked at Bucky in mid-air, and he also had a doubt in his heart.

Can the Winter Soldier in that state be called a person?

In fact, this Winter Soldier, who has been brainwashed countless times, is more like a weapon in a sense.

Someone killed someone with a gun, but can all the blame be blamed on the gun in his hand?

It's just that HYDRA turned this gun into a person, or in other words, turned a person into a gun.

But is Winter Soldier wrong?

In the law, whether such a crime caused by a departure from one's subjective consciousness will really be sentenced.

I don't know, and Leo doesn't know.

Seeing the Winter Soldier floating in front of him, Leo also frowned tightly.

Even if the surrounding scene is still, even if the red whale has brought everyone to the destination.

But Leo still stood there and watched Bucky not move.

Natasha Romanoff touched Leo lightly, "Do you have a solution? Or, does Stark have a solution?"

The experienced Natasha Romanoff also guessed why Bucky became what he is now.

Endless brainwashing will only make the target person look like a person, and ghosts don't look like ghosts.

The solution to this problem, at least until now, no one has been able to do it.

Rogers looked at Leo with great anticipation, hoping to get this accurate reply from Leo.

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