Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 570: The Power of the Red Whale

Just under the bombardment of the six main guns of the Aerospace Mothership.

In the cluster of powerful fireworks smoke that bloomed in the sky, an extremely powerful and heavy aura radiated from it.

Just like the arrival of a prehistoric monster, the desolate and depressing feeling made all the lives in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters Sanqu Wing Building within a few kilometers of it feel sinking.

Including Nick Fury, who has not yet been completely close to the Triangle Wing Building, also trembled in his heart.

Even the helicopter under him shook involuntarily, and the pilot panicked, with an unknown premonition.

"You feel it too?"

"Yes, sir, this feeling is so depressing, just like the breath of a storm!"

The pilot stabilized the plane and then said to Nick Fury.

"Oops, this kind of aura, wouldn't Leo's red whale be angry?!!!"

I don't know why, a very bad feeling surged in Nick Fury's heart.

And on the Sky Mothership, the commander who had just ordered the fire was also looking at the place still shrouded in the smoke of the gunfire, and even the cold sweat on his forehead could not help but seep.

It's like provoking a Siberian tiger alone in the wild.

"What the hell is that, how could it... how could it be like this?!!!"

"I feel something is wrong."

"Then... what is that?"

The eyes of many people around were concentrated in the cloud of smoke in the sky, and the battlefield that was originally a bit turbulent suddenly became much quieter.

And the small cloud of smoke in the air, under everyone's gaze, instantly collapsed into it.

It also directly revealed the figure in it.

One fish, one big fish.

A huge whale appeared in the sky at an altitude of 100 meters. Everyone saw it. The huge cloud of smoke just now was adsorbed onto the whale in such an instant.

In everyone's eyes, the whale is still growing rapidly.

The faint pressure on his body caused everyone who could see the red whale to turn their eyes to the red whale.

Even Rogers, who was still on the top of the building, stopped the movement of his hands, looking towards the sky.

Only Falcon Sam, who was still high in the air, was still chasing and killing with cannonballs, so he shouldn't be distracted at all.

However, in Sam's peripheral light, he still saw the red whale hundreds of meters away, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The body turned, and after a few more shells flashed, he even took the initiative to approach the red whale.

Judging from a long distance, many people don't have a good idea of ​​the length of the red whale.

Only the sky carrier within 100 meters can clearly see the changes of the red whale.

The red whale's tail moved up and down slightly, and the two squinted eyes looked around. There were many villains on the ground, but none of them was Leo's figure.

However, his dark steel body with a red line in it swelled directly from the three-meter File size.

Five meters... eight meters... ten meters... fifteen meters... twenty meters... thirty meters.

Soon, the red whale surpassed the size of the largest blue whale detected in the world.

But the red whale hasn't stopped in the slightest, and it continues to expand.

Fifty meters... seventy meters... eighty meters... ninety meters... one hundred meters... one hundred ten meters

After a full 100 meters, this trend of continuous enlargement slowed down.

At the moment, the red whale has grown into a very terrifying state.

Let's put it this way, At the moment the body of the red whale has surpassed the length of Godzilla. It is conceivable that a giant Godzilla-like beast floats sideways in the air.

The feeling of oppression caused many people on the ground to feel soft and almost kneel down.

Nick Fury, who was still approaching here not far away, also stared wide-eyed in the plane, very shocked, and even looked at the red whale not far away with some horror in his eyes.

"Watfak, who can tell me that something is not true!"

Nick watched the red whale cursing in a low voice, couldn't believe it.

"Sorry, sir, but that seems to be true." The pilot on the side said awkwardly.

"Nonsense, I definitely know!"

Nick Fury immediately returned to the sentence, staring at the red whale in a daze.

‘It’s really Leo’s pet, even if it’s just a fish, it’s such a powerful fish! ’

Rogers was just a moment in the ground, and then he broke free of the shackles immediately, rushed to the other side, and rushed towards the last sky carrier.

At the moment, the three sky-carriers rise in steps, with a height difference of about 100 meters between each.

The lowest one, At the moment, just surpassed the roof of the building where Rogers was.

The one in the middle was the one that attacked the Red Whale, but it was now being spotted by the Red Whale.

The aerial carrier at the highest point is still attacking Falcon.

Rogers called the dumbfounded skills of those people, and threw a grenade into the middle of the people, directly blowing the enemy out.

Then he rushed to the Sky Mothership not far away with all his strength.

"Sam, have you seen the red whale?"

"Captain, I am not blind, but I never thought that there are such large creatures in the world!"

Sam looked at the suddenly enlarged red whale, the scarlet whale in that horrible size, and the figure rushing towards the red whale also stopped.

Faced with this size of creature, there is a fear in the human genetic instinct.

Sam would rather face a huge sky-sky mothership full of steel than he dared to join in the fun by the red whale.

The second sky carrier silently withdrew back. Even though the sky carrier was more than three red whale File size, it was driven by human instinct and couldn't help driving far away, even deviating from the satellite orbit of the insight plan.

The red whale is not so easy to talk. It was already nervous, and it was already full of resentment for the Sky Mothership that interfered with its search for its owner.

Even if the sky-sky mothership is bigger than him, the red whale never cared about it.

The red whale appeared directly on the side of the Sky Mothership, and the giant tail behind it patted the second Sky Mothership from top to bottom.

The huge tail tens of meters long and wide, from top to bottom, is like a giant hammer that smashes into the hull platform of the Sky Mothership at subsonic speed.

‘Chang! ! boom! ! ’

A sound of huge amounts of metal hitting and metal tearing came out of the air.

A huge amounts of shock wave suddenly unfolded from the contact between the two, forming a huge shockwave visible to the naked eye in the air, and then suddenly spread out.

The entire Sky Mothership shook suddenly because of this force, and the main guns embedded on the deck almost jumped.

As for the dozens of Quin Jets still on the deck, they were directly detached from the restraint belt and flew into the air.

And those people on the Sky Mothership were all shocked.

Among the thousands of people, most of them suddenly bleeds from their noses and mouths, they are helpless and kneel to the ground, unable to move anymore.

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