Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 579 Did You Receive My Flower?

"I can chop off your hand when you press the touch screen, do you believe it?"

Leo grabbed the void, and directly drew out a Tang Heng knife with a pale blue blade and a pale black main body from the empty air.

Its narrow blade flashed in the air with an unconcealable edge.

In particular, the invisible light blue patterns flashed slightly on the blade, and they kept rippling in the air, as if the space couldn't bear this sharp air.

The breath that it exudes makes people on the side afraid to look directly, feeling like it will cut themselves just by looking at it.

It was Pierce who looked at the knife in Leo's hand, and couldn't help but tremble, and almost touched the phone with his finger, igniting explosives.

Pierce looked at the sword flower in Leo's hand, and his figure unconsciously retreated a bit.

The phone in his hand is facing Natasha Romanoff tightly, "Even if... even if you cut off my hand, as long as my finger touches the phone screen, all the bombs will be excited, and they will all die!"

"Let me leave, Liu Chong, I know your identity, Queens, New York, and your classmates, your relatives, your company, the black prison group, right?"

Pierce stared at Leo closely, still talking non-stop.

"I sent dozens of agents to the black prison group, and now all the people in the black prison group are in my hands. As long as I don't send a message back within three minutes, they will all die!!!"

"And your relatives, Golden Legend, I know your identity, but I don't want to provoke you."

Pierce looked at the people around him, and there were a lot of noisy noises behind him. It seemed that there were other people coming upstairs, and he suddenly softened his tone.

"Yes, I lost, you won."

"But you exposed your identity. It's fair. Use them in exchange for me. As long as you let me go, they will be fine, including Natasha Romanoff will not die."

"It's reasonable, right? You don't have to take this risk. It will take tens of minutes to get back to New York from here, even Quin Jet. You can't save them, but I can."

Pierce looked at the crowd and waved to Natasha Romanoff, "Come here, you fly me out of here."

Leo looked at Pierce in front of him, but smiled slightly.

The horizontal knife in the right hand was raised flat, and the badge that was clearly pinned to the four people's chest just now was a dazzling one, and it instantly appeared in front of Leo's knife point.

As a knife flower in Leo's hand flickered, the blue light band slowly dissipated in the air.

At the same time, dozens of fragments of four badges fell directly to the ground without causing any movement.

Pierce hadn't seen Leo's movements, but he pressed the phone in his hand mercilessly.

With a soft sound of activation, there was no movement.

Even when Natasha Romanoff looked at his chest suddenly, he realized that the badge that was originally attached to his chest had disappeared.

Pierce was slightly taken aback, but Natasha Romanoff kicked it without mercy, kicked Pierce two or three meters away, lying on the ground feebly and wailing.

Natasha Romanoff then turned to look at Leo, "Leo, do you want to contact them first, if they are really threatened..."

Leo heard Natasha Romanoff's words, nodded slightly, and turned to connect to the black prison.

That member of the Chinese Council, but quietly approached Leo a bit.

Leo naturally turned to look at the congressman who was approaching him and frowned, making him stop.

The man immediately looked at Leo with a bright smile and gestured to let Leo come to communicate after making the phone call.

"Hey, Zoster, what's going on in the black prison?"

Leo turned around and asked directly.

Zoster said with a tone, and smiled awkwardly, "Boss, there is something, we are working on it."

"what happened?"

"There are a lot of people who claim to be S.H.I.E.L.D agents, take your photo, and come to our black prison group to find your information. How can we agree to this, so we just do it!"

Zoster looked at the phone screen and said nervously.

"How many of them are there and how are they now?"

Hearing Leo's fairly calm voice, Zost also relaxed slightly.

"There are about 30 of them, and now, there are only four left. The others are all right on the code. Boss, the people who can say that are not good people. so..."

After Zost finished speaking, his heart hung up nervously again, wondering how the boss would treat this matter.

"Are there four left? That's not bad."

Leo's voice was still calm, without any waves.

A smile finally appeared on Zoster's nervous face.

Looking at the same nervous Dick, Langdu and others standing opposite him, they also nodded vigorously, indicating that it was all right.

"Boss, we strictly screened it, but only selected agents that responded to the code word and killed them. There was absolutely no accidental injury."

"Are we injured?"

"No, Chen Haoran, Lang Du and the others did it, nothing happened, but because the cars they drove were not dealt with in time, the police have now surrounded the black prison."

Zoster looked at the surrounding scenes and said with some embarrassment, "If it wasn't for the boss you called, we would be ready to call you too."

"Okay, I'll fix it."

Leo hung up the phone and turned to look at Natasha Romanoff, "They are fine. They killed all the invading HYDRA members, but now the police have surrounded the black prison."

Natasha Romanoff immediately walked to the master computer in the conference room and quickly tapped on it.

"This is simple, S.H.I.E.L.D can temporarily order the deployment of the police in the area, and only needs to report to their system afterwards."

In just a few words, Natasha Romanoff revoked the order to surround the black jail group in the Queens District of New York City.

Pierce encouraged him to get up from the ground, lay down on the ground, and crawled slowly towards the exit, trying to escape directly before everyone noticed him.

But as soon as I climbed to the door, I saw a pair of familiar big black leather shoes, a brand I often wear.

When he looked up, he saw a big black face that was familiar but not familiar, a person he thought had already died, Nick Fury.

Still wearing a black windbreaker, wearing a blindfold, just standing so tall in front of him.

Being embarrassed, it was like kowtow to Nick Fury to admit his mistake.

Seeing this scene, Pierce also vented all over, and fell helplessly.

The foot just kicked by Natasha Romanoff was still aching, Pierce's mouth twitched and lay on the ground, looking at Nick Fury, who looked down high on him.

"Have you received my flowers?"

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