Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 584 S.H.I.E.L.D Academy

"Let me say, let's blow up this thing, parachute and escape, and fight another day."

Garrett looked at everyone, pointed to the Airbus below him and said.

"We can't do this."

"Yes, it's a bit of a waste, but we can't just grab it." Garrett stared at Phil Coulson and said.

At the moment, Fitz, who had been bowing his head, suddenly looked up at everyone, "Simmons is in the center, we must save her!"

Phil Coulson looked at Fitz and nodded approvingly.

And Garrett also seemed to suddenly remember the helper he had brought before.

"Oops, Trepp is also there. I have to say that our chances of winning are not great. We should release all your agents and make the best use of everything and everyone."

Garrett looked at Phil Coulson with a slightly flickering eyes, and said, meaning to let Ward out.

Skye looked at Phil Coulson and said firmly, "We must save her!"

Phil Coulson looked at the crowd and nodded and said, "Then we will face the music (difficulty), even if it is the song of HYDRA!"


At the central base, the entire base was in chaos, and gunfire sounded all around. This is a hub of S.H.I.E.L.D. Although it is not as good as the tri-wing headquarters, it is also a very important branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The leader of the central base is the Hande agent.

As almost the first large-scale branch base to receive news from S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, it can also be said to be the first chaotic S.H.I.E.L.D location.

However, I didn't expect it to calm down quickly.

Several special forces team members swiftly approached the Hande agent under several people, and were directly imprisoned in a special cell.

The Hande agent is standing in place and watching everything. Everyone has real guns and live ammunition in their hands. In just ten minutes, the death toll has exceeded two hundred people reported to the Hande agent.

Hande heard this number, but was not touched at all. He still stood in the same place coldly, listening to the reports of the recent people.

So, two more people came over.

"Sir, the whereabouts of Agent Triplet and Simmons are unknown."

"A search is ongoing and they have nowhere to escape."

Hand looked at the two people in front of him and immediately ordered.

"Don't underestimate Phil Coulson's men, find them quickly!!"

Hande said this, frowning tightly.

If these two people are here, it may have an impact on the subsequent Phil Coulson arrest plan.

And now, there are not many people left in the center. Most of the members of S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA are all gone, and there are fewer than ten people worthy of the trust of the Hande agent.

At the moment in a secret laboratory in the center base, neither Simmons nor Trip had realized anything.

Only knowing that there was a serious shooting outside, both of them went into hiding.

This is where Trep found the laboratory, and at the same time, there is also a safe line for Simmons to connect.

Both Simmons felt something was wrong.

However, the first person Simmons thought of asking for help was not Phil Coulson and others, but her teacher in S.H.I.E.L.D. She was also a Weaver agent who was also one of the S.H.I.E.L.D high level agents.

Weaver's agent has been with Simmons and Fitz for nearly ten years. The relationship is very close, and he is the person Simmons trusts most.

Simmons sent a request to the Weaver agent, but was not sure she could receive it.

Fortunately, the call was connected, and another person appeared in front of the two.

A black woman wearing a suit and capable, but for some reason, her face was very nervous.

Simmons saw the teacher and said with some excitement.

"Weaver agent, thank you for coming, I still..."

Before Simmons finished speaking, Weaver interrupted Simmons' words a little excitedly while looking at Simmons.

"Simons, thank goodness you are still alive!"

"What, what happened?"

Listening to the noisy and chaotic environment on the opposite side and Weaver's extremely nervous words, Simmons asked quickly.

"Is the center still safe? Are you with your teammates? Find a safe place to hide and lock the door!!"

Weaver glanced aside nervously, and kept looking at Simmons to confess.

"What happened?!" Simmons and Tripp were also a little nervous.

"Report that the Head Commander Academy has been surrounded. We don't know how long HYDRA has penetrated into S.H.I.E.L.D. But they are seizing control!!"

Agent Weaver said nervously and loudly, the noise around him was getting louder and louder, and he was approaching Weaver quickly.

"HYDRA? What? Where is it?" Simmons asked with a dazed expression of incomprehension.

"Everywhere, right among us, if you survive, you know where to find me, Simmons, don't trust anyone!!"

The line was a bit intermittent, and Weaver seemed to be leaving quickly, watching Simmons make the final confession.

At the next moment, when both Simmons thought Weaver was going to be disconnected, they saw that Weaver agent looked at one side in shock.

The environment around Weaver also quickly quieted down, and Weaver, who had been extremely anxious just now, looked at the distance motionlessly at the moment.

This made Simmons also a little bit confused.

"Agent Weaver, what happened?"


The first place Leo came to was the S.H.I.E.L.D Academy, where all the reserve talents of S.H.I.E.L.D were also located.

If this place is preserved intact, even if S.H.I.E.L.D has sacrificed a lot of talents this time, whether it is a field agent or a technical talent, it can be quickly supplemented from here.

This is also the place that Nick Fury and Hill emphasized at the same time, and I hope Leo can save this place.

Leo didn't matter, it didn't matter where to save, it didn't make much difference to save the geniuses absorbed by S.H.I.E.L.D first.

This is a gathering place for geniuses, the level of genius is stronger than those of world-class universities.

Because the admission criteria of S.H.I.E.L.D College is to obtain at least two doctoral degrees, or have an outstanding outstanding in other respects before being absorbed by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Therefore, this is also a strong contention point for HYDRA. It is even said that HYDRA has placed a lot of troops here and transferred from other bases for the sake of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Leo appeared high above the S.H.I.E.L.D Academy, and gunfire could be heard everywhere, very fierce.

In Leo's eyes, a large number of heavily armed people raised their guns and quickly pressed into the academy.

The resistance in the academy is very few, almost a complete retreat. Even within the academy, among the fleeing crowd, there are many attackers.

The whole scene is a mess.

Leo didn't have hesitation, his whole figure changed and disappeared in place.

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