Sure enough, before Bucky's information was finished, a more compact Eagle Claw Flight machine rushed over.

When T'Challa saw this special fighter plane, he also shook his head slightly, expressing helplessness.

For my genius sister, I often can't stop her behavior.

At the next moment, the rear door of the Flight machine unfolded to form a platform that fits the entire small platform.

A petite black girl ran out of the cabin of the plane.

She was also wearing a white coat that fits perfectly, which formed a sharp contrast with her brown-black skin.

"Brother, father, where is the golden legend?"

After Su Rui went around the field and looked around at the same time, he asked the King and T'Challa suspiciously behind him.

Her face was full of doubts. She stayed in the laboratory all the year round. She was a little thin, as if she had some malnutrition, but her bright eyes surpassed anyone in the room.

On Su Rui's skin, it seems that because he has not been exposed to the sun for too long, the black complexion is not so dark, more like a tanned Asian girl.

T'Challa shrugged, "You are late. Leo has already left. This time, she just sent a patient over for treatment. Why are you so excited?"

Su Rui heard T'Challa's words, and her eyes also showed disappointment in an instant.

After she got the news, she tried very hard to arrive, but she didn't expect it to be a step too late.

But Su Rui gave T'Challa a glance, "He is a golden legend! The most famous superhero in the world was the most critical superhero during the Battle of New York. He saved the world."

"Besides, don't you think he is handsome? Those golden wings, that dark invisible mask, brother, you should check the Internet more. There have been several movies and TV series about golden legends out there. It's really too Cool."

Like a little fan, Su Rui looked at T'Challa a little dissatisfied.

"Moreover, his Ability is too powerful. Although I don't pay much attention to biological genes, it is really useful for reference, isn't it?"

Su Rui said with excitement with her small eyes flashing.

T'Challa looked at Su Rui a little speechless.

After Leo leaves, Su Rui and T'Challa will often investigate the identity of the Golden Legend.

T'Challa wanted to find Leo's true identity, but Su Rui's focus seemed to be off track.

But soon, Su Rui turned his attention to Bucky in front of him.

He was bound by the Vibranium chain, and with Bucky's strength, it was impossible to break free.

Su Rui strode forward, "What's wrong with him, his arm, shouldn't it? Seeing this, it should have been equipped with a robotic arm. Tony Stark can do this too."

"Should it be a brain problem?"

Su Rui just glanced at Bucky, then asked back.

Tichaka also looked at the two people in front of him and coughed slightly.

"Well, I will send a copy of the video just now to Su Rui. Su Rui, this is a patient who Leo personally confessed. He has experienced many forced brainwashing of his brain. At the same time, it also planted a subconscious trap. I hope it can be resolved."

Su Rui couldn't help but open her mouth to look at Bucky in front of her when she heard her father's words.

"No, this question is a bit difficult. We really don't know much about the human brain."

"This...this will take a while." Su Rui said, looking at Bucky.

T'Challa grabbed Bucky and threw it on a flight machine. "Then this guy will be handed over to you. It is estimated that no one can treat her except you."

"Go back, do a comprehensive inspection for this guy first, Su Rui, you have to be careful, this guy's combat effectiveness is not low."

T'Challa said as he stepped back.

Soon, after T'Challa greeted King Tichaka, he left with Bucky.

Now Bucky is safer to put beside T'Challa.

King Tichaka also focused his eyes on Su Rui.

Su Rui also knew that she had violated the orders of her parents, so she smiled sullenly.

"Father, I also went back to prepare. By the way, I have been studying the new Black Panther armor recently. I think the Black Panther armor needs to be optimized."

"Like the old antique armor made by my brother, it's time to be eliminated. The new nanotechnology I'm going to use, but it's just showing signs. It will take time."

King Tichaka understood what Su Rui meant, "Okay, I see, you can allocate funds and treasury resources at will, and pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, father, I know."

Su Rui also said, and left in her own small plane.

King Tichaka and others also gradually dispersed, and this time the invasion crisis was solved.

Su Rui flipped through the previous record of Qi Mo Youzhu on the plane, and Leo's virtual figure was projected in front of him. At the same time, it also showed the red whale's figure behind Ou.

Su Rui's eyes suddenly became frenzied, whether he was looking at the red whale or Leo.

"I knew it! I knew this whale must have something to do with Leo!!"

Finally, I saw what Leo said at the end, ‘please say hello to Su Rui, and I’ll leave. ’

Su Rui's face also showed a bright smile all of a sudden, "He didn't forget me, haha, this guy hasn't contacted me for so long, doesn't he need Vibranium?"

But she didn't see the scene where Leo left contact information for the king, which was cut out by Tichaka.

Otherwise, with Su Rui's character, he would definitely try to contact Leo, and even the idea of ​​going to the outside world would be more vigorous.

Tichaka doesn't want this to happen. Su Rui is Wakanda's treasure. She can lead Wakanda to a better future. He does not allow Su Rui to venture out.

Although Wakanda's combat effectiveness is also the world's top, there are always things that Wakanda can't explain appear in the outside world.

The most important of these is that there is a gang of martial arts magicians who appear in the eyes of the public from time to time.

That is, Wakanda's intelligence agency came to gather these reports and incidents and verified the authenticity of this incident.

Therefore, he will not let Su Rui leave Wakanda until there is no better protection.


Shanghai Bund.

In the Peninsula Hotel, Jenny and George also returned to the room with strange eyes.

The previous conversation with Commander Zhang Huan completely subverted their minds about Leo.

In their hearts, they were just happy that while Leo had the means to protect themselves, he also did something that made them feel very proud.

But just now, I was told that Leo has the world's top strength, he can affect the global situation, and all countries are willing to make a good deal of Leo.

As a result, the little boy in their hearts seemed to become magnificent and unreal for a long time, which made them feel uncomfortable.

My beloved child seems to have just disappeared.

While the couple were depressed, Leo appeared with a red whale above the height of the Peninsula Hotel.

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