Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 671 Desperate strengthening

Speaking of the black prison side.

Because it solved a large number of HYDRA members, it got into a lot of trouble.

But because S.H.I.E.L.D survived.

Under Leo's account, Hill also dealt with the black prison problem.

Stopped the police at the last moment of forcibly breaking into the black jail group.

Not only was the serious black prison breathed a sigh of relief, but the police outside also breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone knows what this place is, and even more understand the combat effectiveness here.

If it weren't for the tight pressure from above, and the trouble here is so big.

The police didn't want to care about this mess.

You must know that because of this extremely influential matter, when the boss wants to gather police to deal with the black prison.

I don't know how many police officers have resigned under this pressure because they are coming to fight the black jail.

Finally, after the police retreated, the black commercial cars below the building were all owned by the black prison.

Moreover, the four S.H.I.E.L.D agents who have successfully verified that they are not HYDRA, even after that, chose to follow the black prison.

They were completely conquered by the fighting power of the black prison three. Since S.H.I.E.L.D has become what they are now, it is better to mix with the black prison.

Because of this incident, almost all of S.H.I.E.L.D was taken over by the US government, and many agents chose to retire.

The original elite group has become a mess again.

The three of Chen Haoran stayed silently in the black prison building.

The flames in Chen Haoran's hands were jumping for joy, but they were weakly thrown between his hands at will.

Although this scene is still so incredible to ordinary people, in the black prison, almost everyone knows the character of Chen Haoran.

Ryze and Langdu were enthusiastically exercising their Ability in the room.

Just like a child who has just received a new toy, he is very excited about it.

The two also practiced against each other from time to time to find their feelings.

At present, in the entire black prison, only Rez and Langdu have been injected with a new type of extremist reagent, and their combat power is far beyond ordinary people.

Even Zoster is the same, not the opponent of the two at all.

But they still obeyed Leo's words, and did not conduct human experiments again, at best they experimented on white mice.

Although Maya couldn't wait to do human experiments, but Leo's order was there and she didn't dare to move.

But this did not stop Maya's enthusiasm for collecting materials.

These days, she has been searching for the raw materials for making reagents.

Then come back for reprocessing, and after finishing, the reagents are sealed up.

Now, at least eight reagents for more than eight people have been saved.

Chen Haoran was lying in the laboratory boringly, looking at the white ceiling, his boredom made him more irritable.

‘What the hell did the boss do? Didn’t you say that you should team up together? ’

‘Why did he slip away by himself and took the woman away! ’

‘Boom! ! ’

He squeezed the fireball in his hand and exploded, sparks splashing all over the ground of the laboratory.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Maya, still in a white coat, walked in hastily.

She was slightly startled when she saw sparks ticking around on the floor.

"Chen Haoran, put away the fire, ready to start working!!"

Chen Haoran lowered his arm, and the countless sparks on the ground slowly crawled towards his hand as if there was life.

Reunited into a small fireball.

"The boss didn't order, what can you do? Where are the materials? You have almost emptied the black prison property recently."

Chen Haoran said lazily.

"Speaking of, didn't Zoster bother you? You have spent almost 200 million dollars recently."

Maya looked at Chen Haoran and said angrily.

"You go and inform Zoster, the boss's order has just come!"


Chen Haoran jumped up from the bench and said with some excitement.

"The boss is going to take his relatives to inject the Extremis Reagent. Now I will be asked to do human tests. No accidents are allowed!"

"I'm about to start debugging now, you go to Zoster, let him bring the first batch of lists!"

Maya said excitedly, "But there can only be six at most, and two doses are left for the boss!"

"Okay, I'm going now!!"

Chen Haoran finally heard a little hope and strode excitedly towards Zoster's office.

"Old Zuo, the boss finally came to order, and now we can start the human test."

"The boss wants Maya to adjust to the best condition, and no mistake is allowed."

"Maya asked me to come to you for a list of people to test."

Zost raised his head from the state of processing the file.

The eyes were still calm, not as excited as Chen Haoran.

Then he picked up a document on hand and handed it over.

"There are five people on this, just leave it to Maya, she knows what to do?"

Chen Haoran took it and said curiously, "Are you ready already?"

"Definitely, I have long thought of today, and I have been picking suitable candidates."

Zostri nodded definitely and said.

Chen Haoran flipped through it, and couldn't help asking, "Why are these people so old and don't have Dick's name yet?"

"You don't want your brothers to strengthen first?"

Zost heard Chen Haoran's question and glanced up.

"They are not there yet, this time the task is mainly to prepare for the boss's relatives."

"Although I don't know who it is and how old it is, but depending on the boss's worries, it should be not young, it is very likely that it is a figure in the parents' generation!"

"On these five lists, the age groups of those stages are distributed so that Maya has a better chance of testing."

Chen Haoran looked at Zoster's eyes with amazement.

"But you only have five places, and Maya said there can be six people."

With that said, Chen Haoran looked at Zoster strangely.

It seemed to indicate that he had caught Zoster's loophole again.

Zoster glanced at Chen Haoran.

"You also need to set aside a reagent to test in front of the boss's relatives in person to minimize their fear!"

"That's not necessarily, that kind of painful feeling, let others see it, it will only become more fearful!"

Chen Haoran said so.

Zoster also nodded in agreement, "So, someone who can bear the burning sensation is required to test!"

As he said, Zost also had a slight meal.

"At that time, I will test it personally, so that the boss's relatives can easily get the injection!"

Chen Haoran's eyes looked at Zoster, but he was a little frightened.

‘This guy, there are too many things to consider. ’


Five days have passed.

The few people on Xander Star had already begun to move a little bit around.

‘Wait another day, wait another day, call the boss! ! ’

on the earth.

Leo also took Jenny and George to stroll around Shanghai, and then prepared to take them back to the black prison.

The man with universe consciousness that Zhang Huan was looking for had no results.

Leo didn't care too much, at least he deeply felt the man's appearance.

Early that morning, Leo and his men were about to leave.

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