Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 894 Set fire to Leo, danger.

Thanos, who was already half of his body wrapped in mecha, roared in a low voice.

Although these wrapped metals have no effect on me at the moment, but I think and understand that this is not a good thing.

If he is completely wrapped, this kind of liquid-like restraint, he may not be able to break free, so he will be completely grasped by Leo.

In the high altitude, holy place number one, had already prepared according to Thanos' orders, raising the cannons and shooting down.

Holy place number one, there are three hundred such medium-sized muzzles in the central area alone.

Even, the center shot down a powerful straight gravitational beam, which suddenly enveloped Leo.

The powerful ten-fold gravity instantly pressed against Leo's body. The sudden gravity made Leo's body sink slightly, and his whole body slowly dropped a few meters from a height of 100 meters.

Leo looked up and looked at the seemingly borderless holy place number one, his eyes full of excitement.

Reaching out and squeezing, Thanos, who was still dancing on the ground, the metal fragments around, often shrouded back and wrapped Thanos again before they flew out a few meters.

Thanos, who has no energy attack means, is a bit tricky in the face of this soft as water liquid.

Although only part of the metal shards entangled in his body was condensed on Thanos, under Leo's control, he couldn't get rid of it.

It is also because of this that part of the metal on his body was brought into the air.

At the same time, above the ground, a large amount of metal debris was also surging to wrap up Thanos.

‘Boom! ! ’

The first energy cannon slammed on Leo's body. The huge bright white energy hit Leo's body straight, huge amounts of beams of light even directly wrapped Leo in it.

The resulting huge explosion made the sky like a small sun burst.

Similarly, another cannon followed closely, followed by another cannon that slammed into Leo's body.

The hundreds of giant cannons in Holy Place No. 1 all lit up with energy gathering light.

Huge amounts of power and energy shock could not help Leo being forced down several meters.

One shot after another, Leo did not give Leo a chance to breathe.

Similarly, the original control of Thanos was instantly weaker.

The metal flow speed on Thanos's body was only slightly slower, and it was instantly swept down by Thanos's hand.

At the moment, Thanos was wearing a tight-fitting battle suit, and even the clothes were cut with small slits, which appeared to be in tatters.

But Thanos had already broken free from the surrounding metal, and slammed out with a fist, with a powerful Roar howling fist, and even formed a shock wave in the air, slamming the metal out.

The whole person also fell from a height of tens of meters and landed on the ground.

But looking at the exploding light ball that was gradually depressing in the air, there was no joy on his face, and it was even more serious.

With his fists clenched, it took only a dozen seconds, and the burned-out wound on his arm was almost healed.

"Activate the destruction device, don't let him have a chance to leave!!"

Thanos said coldly again, and a Flight machine also galloped towards Thanos from Holy Place One.

But Leo, who had been bombarded, did not expect that when he was fighting Thanos, Holy Place One, which had already occupied the sky, would take aim.

So, Leo's body began to wear down quickly up the golden mask.

A gun can destroy laser cannons off a building, and then out of the body out of the bombardment in Leo.

Leo had been around at the side of the gold mask, dim fast, at a rate of almost three per cent consumed quickly.

That, or thirty seconds, Leo might be broken defense.

And under such pressure, Leo wanted to move stature, are even completely suppressed, unable to move around.

Powerful energy cannon impact, like the sky is falling for Leo formed a generally tremendous pressure, even by huge amounts of energy under shock, unable to move.

The whole person is already locked in the air, he was forced to look down on the ground to suppress away.

Soon, gold mask consumption reaches 30 percent, a lot of looks bleak.

And Leo, already rapid descent to the ground above.

Stone flooring may be considered such a high strength, has also been an impact energy of the sputtered to a pit.

Leo's eyes, the eye does not look at things, beyond the golden mask, the huge amounts of energy flash went blank, blind to everything outside.

Want to take a step, but it can not be done, I saw Leo bogged down on the ground.

Energy enveloped the people were destroyed, under the deep pit, forming a powerful energy field, in which only Leo can barely has not been destroyed.

Seeing this, Leo also had mixed feelings the way, when an individual force Faced with this Star ship, and how powerless, explicit is so small and weak.

But he is not a person.

Mind a slight movement, had long wanted to rush out of the red whale, Leo finally got the command.

Thin body, suddenly rushed out from the stone layer to the high altitude of the holy place suddenly hit number one go.

Great speed, a very short distance, only to see on the ground, suddenly burst open a pothole, body length was only three meters long red whale had been rushed to the holy place at number one.

Energy straight crashed into a cannon being fired.

Powerful weight, great speed, very defensive, let the red whale become the most powerful entity shells.

Red whale to a collision energy cannon, hit him in the cannon, not even the slightest stay directly deep inside.

Since channel huge amounts of direct transfer into the gun barrel shone through.

With came, who is a huge cannon explosion generated, originally raised huge gun barrel, along with weakness also dropped, apparently lost combat power.

The red whale without the slightest stay, Meng Meng da small eyes, there have been rare anger, a slight side wings, whole body had great speed, actually it was to speed up a bit.

Red whale on the surface, brought up in the air friction sparks strong, turned out to be fuzzy shown a layer of pale golden shield.

Turned into a gold wire, in front of One holy place, fast shuttle up.

And that it brings, is accompanied by the 1st holy place before those energy cannon is fired directly bursting out of a blossoming brilliant fire out.

One damaged along with the holy place, also has a large number of fighters began pouring from the cabin, while on the cannon, also has a large number of mechanical hand out for breakage start spraying the nanoparticles repair.

Thanos looked at the golden road of light and shadow, and his face is really serious.

The whole person to set foot on the side of the Flight control, reaching a pull, aside from the weapons rack, pulled out a thick Shi Jian, buckle in the back, his eyes firmly fixed on the sky gold.

"Give me grab it !!"

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