Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 929: Humanity and Hope

"How are you?"

Hill agent, who was also wearing a black tight-fitting combat suit, walked slowly empty-handed, walked to Leo's side and asked softly.

"Very good, everything is going well, although there is a little trouble outside, but it is not a concern."

Leo stretched out his hand to grab a clump of clean snow from the ground, rubbed it gently in his hand and said.

The Hill agent on the side also reached out and picked up the snowflakes, while still speaking softly.

"That's good, think about it, life now is pretty good, compared to the war."

"So are there other crises facing the planet?"

With that said, Hill couldn't help looking back at Leo, with some expectation and doubt in his eyes.

Leo kneaded the snow ball in his hand into a perfect snowball, and then gently tossed it in his hand.

"No, I will try my best to ensure the safety of the earth, at least for now, the earth is still very safe."

After speaking, Leo also looked back at Hill and smiled, raising his hand and suddenly throwing the snowball in his hand.

But before he could fly far, the little red whale on the side flew out more suddenly, and then ate it in one bite.

Although this small group is almost indistinguishable from Nothing for the Red Whale, the Red Whale feels a touch of happiness.

Because he felt happiness in Leo's heart, he himself became equally happy.

And Leo, seeing this scene, naturally couldn't help laughing.

"In fact, you don't have to worry about this. If that day really comes, even S.H.I.E.L.D will have nothing to do. The gap is really too big."

"It's just that I will try my best to avoid such things from happening."

Leo said calmly, at least let's take a look now, that snapping fingers, Thanos should not be able to beat, it is better to think about the dark dimension Dormammu that may appear.

This guy is a pure being that can transcend time, incarnate the consciousness of a plane, and can swallow more dimensions to grow.

On the contrary, his threat was much greater than Thanos.

And Hill, hearing Leo's seemingly desperate words, couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his eyes.

If this was spoken from other people, Hill wouldn't have any feelings, or even want to laugh a little.

But speaking from Leo's mouth, it made Hill feel uncomfortable and depressed. This kind of despair spread over the face and made her feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

It's like people looking at the vast starry sky and universe, full of powerlessness.

But Hill, as an eighth-level agent, naturally wouldn't give up under these few words of Leo.

Hill, who was originally a powerful psychology expert, quickly adjusted his mentality, and soon, a spark ignited in his eyes instead.

And this spark is actually getting stronger and stronger, and that is hope.

Even if he knows he is defeated, he will never give up until the last moment. This is human beings.

Thinking of this, Hill's original heavy heart, on the contrary, seemed a bit more anxious and relaxed, as if he had untied a layer of restraints on his body.

And at the beginning, the slightly depressed mentality of facing the war was also in the adjustment of this mentality, and it disappeared, but it was full of confidence.

This is the confidence in Leo, the confidence in Avengers, and the confidence in S.H.I.E.L.D.

In this way, after Hill Agent's body was slightly depressed, he became more upright again, and his eyes became more energetic.

It was clearly Leo's desperate and suppressed words, but it made Hill more hopeful.

Leo naturally also noticed Hill's emotional changes.

Originally, after the words he blurted out, there was some regret in my heart, so I shouldn't be so blunt.

But he didn't expect Hill to be like this. Even if he knew that there was an unreadable peak ahead, he still had a hopeful heart to climb up.

With Hill's action, Leo couldn't help but laugh.

"Human beings never admit defeat, and the real victory or defeat is only known at the last minute. Before that, there are always so many people working hard for these hopes."

"So, in any case, don't give up hope, am I right?"

Hill agent looked at Leo and said solemnly, even without the original serious military style, but with a playfulness.

Hill has been trained by Nick Fury for many years. He has always been learning and thinking, but he has never experienced the love and love experienced by ordinary people.

Hill, who is not too old, At the moment, there is a younger breath coming out.

It seems that Leo has let Hill untie the shackles that have been pressing on her heart, so he doesn't have to think about the problem so seriously, and he doesn't have to worry about the things that S.H.I.E.L.D has not dealt with.

Standing by Liou's side, Hill unexpectedly felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation, which made her say to Leo like this.

"Yes, you are right, human beings have come through this time and again, and never give up hope."

Leo looked at Hill and said with a happily smile.



The two of them laughed at the same time. At the moment, the little snow that had originally fallen in the air stopped, leaving a clear and clear sky.

There is a touch of light blue in the deep dark night. Soon, there will be a morning sun. The weather tomorrow will be fine, for sure.

Hill agent directly said softly,

"Director Furui wants to talk to you, after getting the scepter."

"I'll wait for him."

Leo also nodded and said, there was no surprise.

But Hill suddenly raised his ears, as if he had heard some news, his original relaxed posture, after relaxing, became serious again.

"Leo, Thor is here. Two minutes ago, the Bifrost energy was detected in the State of Mexico. He may arrive in about an hour."

"This guy finally caught up." Leo said helplessly.

The red whale seemed to be interested in snow, and played with it on the clean snow ground.

After Hill passed the news of Nick Fury, he went back.

Leo also walked to the lounge.

It was discovered that Tony was in the Mark 43 Battle Armor and didn't know what he was doing.

Seeing Leo's return, Mark Forty-three's armor was unfolded, and Tony walked out of it.

"Thor is back on earth, wait a moment."

"I just heard Hill Agent say, why don't you take a break." Leo looked at Tony and said.

"I just sent my steel peacekeeping corps over, and we will fight tomorrow. Citrine will definitely not take into account the life and death of the city. Our manpower is obviously not enough."

Tony said calmly, sitting down, "I need more information and more staff."

Leo sat down as he looked at Tony who was thinking heavily in front of him.

I don't know if Tony has investigated the history of SOKOVIA, or how he will feel after reading the history of SOKOVIA.

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