Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 978 Star Map, Half-Dimensional Space

In the boundless universe, the spacecraft galloped.

Above, in Milan II, only Rocket and Quill sit in the driver's seat concentratingly, looking ahead attentively.

Behind is sitting Gamora and Nebula, controlling the weapon system of the spacecraft, and can attack alone.

But Howard Duck, Groot, Xiaojie and others have disappeared in the cockpit and returned to the rear cabin to rest.

After all, judging from the planned distance on the spacecraft, it would take several hours to reach Planet Ygo.

More than 750 space jumps have to be experienced.

You know, for mammals, jumping more than 50 times will cause some irreversible damage to the body.

Unless there is a good space stabilization device, the pressure of this space jump can be reduced as much as possible for the lives in the cabin, so as to achieve a longer distance jump.

Otherwise, no one can accept jumping seven hundred and fifty times at a time, and no one can bear the sequelae of the body.

Even for this top-level spacecraft, the top-level space stabilization device used above covers the entire cockpit and part of the rest area at the back.

But that's it. In the Rockets and Quill's budget, a maximum of two hundred and fifty jumps are required, and three hours of recovery are required to continue the jump.

Only in this way can it not have any effect on the body, and the same is true for the guys who are resting in the back.

Leo was sitting in one of the two driver's seats in the last row, and he could also see everything in front of him.

The entire cockpit is very large, and the arrangement of the six driving positions is similar to a movie theater in a stepped manner, which will not hinder the sight of the drivers behind.

Sitting next to Leo is Jason.

As for the two guys Chen Haoran and Lorelai, they also ran behind, not knowing whether they were talking with Howard Strange Duck or Xiaojie.

"In addition to the rest time, we probably need to sail for about ten hours continuously. Any of you who can't hold it can go to the back to rest."

"The space stabilization device in the rest area and the cockpit are the same set of space stabilization devices. There is no difference, so don't worry."

Quill glanced at the people behind and said something.

Gamora and Nebula laughed contemptuously, ten hours? It was a hundred hours, and both of them could bear it.

As for Jason, he, known as the ghost, used to lie in the Kerry Empire for ten days, just to kill one person.

To put it bluntly, if one of these people has been able to resist for the longest time, then the others are not as good as Jason.

definitely, Leo doesn't count, he belongs to a bug.

Although the feet were not beneficial to the planet, the golden body could not be opened without moving, that is to say, Leo could not restore his physical strength all the time.

But from the perspective of his current physical fitness, there is no problem even if he doesn't sleep for ten days and ten nights.

Definitely, Quill's sentence is mainly for Leo.

Among the few people in the cockpit, only Leo had no experience in astronautic driving.

The other five people are all good at piloting the spacecraft.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. In fact, I can take you directly with you. This spaceship is a little bit troublesome."

Leo was looking at the starry sky that quickly passed backwards from the outside, and said,

"In fact, if there is nothing important, this kind of time is the time for us to truly rest and relax."

Jason, who was sitting next to Leo, said slowly while looking at the pictures of the stars passing by outside the spaceship.

"Compared to the days before, life now is so beautiful."

Jason murmured from the side, another sadness surged in his heart.

The Rockets didn't hear the sentence behind Jason. They clicked in front of them, "I'm about to reach the jump point, ready to start the jump, Level 1, 252 jumps, it takes seven minutes and thirty seconds, get ready!"

After notifying everyone on the spacecraft, he stretched out his hand and tapped.

It was originally a galloping spacecraft, but the energy tail flame behind him suddenly exploded again, and the speed increased a little again, and a honeycomb-shaped hexagonal space jump point appeared immediately in front of it.

The spacecraft carried everyone through it suddenly, and an almost negligible spatial fluctuation pulling force acted on everyone.

The power is so weak that no one perceives this power.

However, in less than two seconds, he passed through this barrier, and after entering another area, he opened the second transition port in an instant and passed through it again.

The pulling force just now has not been relieved, it is the space pulling force that is stacked again.

Layer after layer, layer after layer, almost no more than five seconds, that is, it will shuttle through the transition point of space.

The pulling force of that layer of space, even though it becomes extremely weak under the action of the space stabilizing device, can't stop it.

But in Leo's eyes, he was engrossed in looking at the inexplicable space and half dimensions in front of him.

Although most of the transition points are in another boundless starry sky, there are also many other transition points in the range, which are close to other planets, or in that kind of half-dimensional space.

After experiencing one strange space after another, Leo was a little dazzled.

But there was a touch of excitement in my heart, just like the first time I sat on Jason's Ghost Number, seeing those different spaces and places, I always had a little excitement in my heart.

Jason on the side seemed to have seen Leo's gaze, so he explained to him.

"Boss, those half-dimensional spaces are all dimensional spaces attached to the main universe. No, it should be in the main universe. It's just that there is an invisible membrane in it that will make people ignore them."

"But it's just invisible, you can drive in the spacecraft, and usually in this half-dimensional space, it is also slowly connected to several other space transition points."

"Therefore, when jumping in space, we often use these strange connecting spaces to make intermediate jumps."

"Then these spaces, do you have any information about them?"

Leo looked at the flashing red space in front of him, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"The route indicated on the star chart is a clearly explored half-dimensional space, in which there is no danger, or even no life, but a rather peculiar environment."

"But there are many dangerous half-dimensions, or valuable half-dimensions, but those will not be shown on these star maps, so the autonomous navigation mode of the spacecraft is very safe, don't worry."

Gamora looked back at Leo and explained.

"All major groups will have their own teams to improve and explore the star map, although most of those advance teams will sacrifice."

"But every time you open up a new shortcut, you can pass through fewer transition points and save more time, you can get a high reward."

"That's why, the star maps of those major forces will be more detailed than the star maps circulated outside, and they will even record valuable half-dimensional spaces and planets."

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