Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 997 Divine Power of the Celestial Clan

In the end, what is right and wrong, the praying mantis girl At the moment is also unclear.

Children, relatives, friendship, family affection, these things keep impacting the praying mantis woman.

‘It turned out to be so painful to lose a child, but Igo has been doing this to kill his child. ’

‘But this child doesn’t belong to him completely. There is also the mother of the child, and the pain of losing the child. Is that what it feels like? ’

Thinking of this, the mantis girl's tears couldn't help but drip again.

For a while, the praying mantis girl did not come out of Jason's sad mood, and was deeply affected.

In comparison, she has always been cold and cold. For Master Yigo, who doesn't know how many times she has beaten herself, she seems to like this feeling of being alive better.

In the instinctive cognition of the praying mantis female, it seems that this is the correct life feeling.

Rather than being as cold as Igo, as if he would be crushed to death in the next moment.

Compared to Jason's painful emotion of losing a loved one, this kind of living emotion made the praying mantis girl even more yearning.

Leo and the others in front of him were the praying mantis girl in her life. It was almost an hour since she had been in contact with outsiders for the first time in her life. There was still no movement on Ego's side.

In the previous days, it was usually Yigo's child who was here alone, but when Yigora went to chat alone, the praying mantis girl had no chance to contact and communicate.

Although she only had contact with Leo and a few people for just an hour, she was the person who knew the most deeply and dearest apart from Yigo.

No, for the praying mantis woman, there is no concept of being close.

For her, it is only the instinct of life, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, just wanting to live.

It's just that she is forced to follow Yigo, and she can't do anything about it. You must know that the entire planet is Yigo, and she has no chance to escape if she wants to escape.

The praying mantis woman is also very clear about her own knowledge, she is just a useful flea, although useful, it is still a flea that can be crushed to death at any time, and there is no guarantee for her life.

Chen Haoran approached Jason and looked at Jason who was sleeping on the seat, and poked curiously, "Hey, I'm really asleep, this Hypnotic Ability Ability is fine."

As he said, he turned his head to look at the praying mantis girl again, "Come and try mine."

The praying mantis girl looked at Chen Haoran's stretched arm and wiped her tears away, muttering at the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

But obviously, the praying mantis girl was hesitation, and she didn't know how to speak.

In the end, the praying mantis female still pressed the throbbing in her heart, looked at Chen Haoran's stretched arm, and reached out to grab it.

And all of this was seen by Leo on the side, and the expression in his eyes when he looked at the Mantis Girl became more and more profound.

The corners of his mouth also gradually curved a little, and it looked like a little bear who stole honey.

That's right, the praying mantis girl is a powerful helper that Leo has long thought of, and is also the only assistant who can help in this battle.

The other is Quill, who has Awakening supernatural power, and can form a supernatural balance with Ego.

And the praying mantis is the only existence that can control and limit Yigo's combat power.

She can make Yigo fall asleep in the battle, which is simply the best assist in this battle.

At this point, neither the tough Lorelai nor Chen Haoran can compare with the Mantis Girl.

Compared with the gods who can control an entire planet, the combat power of Lorelai and Chen Haoran really can't play any role.

Even with those two neutron bombs, they are useless, and the damage range is only 20 kilometers, which is only one percent of the diameter of the entire planet.

Unless there are two hundred neutron bombs that hit one point continuously, and if Yigo does not have any counterattack or resistance, it is possible to harm Yigo.

Obviously, this is clearly unrealistic.

Therefore, the praying mantis woman who can restrain Igo is also very important.

In fact, the Ability of the Mantis Girl is not so powerful, but in these hundreds of thousands of years, I don't know how many times the Mantis Girl has treated Igor Hypnotic Ability.

How to make Yigo fall asleep as soon as possible, the praying mantis girl is already familiar with the road.

And Yigo, also in these hundreds of thousands of hours, has long been accustomed to the Hypnotic Ability of the Mantis Girl, not that he can change this habit casually.

As for how to let the praying mantis join her side, and let the mantis who do not have the correct three views join us, this is where she needs her Ability.

Let her feel everyone's warm friendship, definitely, the most important thing is that Jason's unique emotions can make the praying mantis aware of this.

Let her understand that Yi Ge's behavior is the biggest pervert in the world, a guy without any emotions.

Obviously, the praying mantis woman At the moment has realized this, and she is even ready to tell everyone in Leo these things.

But she also has worries in her heart, that is.

Even if Leo and the others knew it, it wouldn't have any effect. On this planet, Ego was the boss and could crush them at any time.

However, perhaps in the hearts of the praying mantis women, they can also be allowed to escape in a spacecraft.

Although in the feeling of the Mantis Girl, the probability of being able to escape is extremely small, but the Mantis Girl didn't want everyone to die here.

In Chen Haoran's emotions, the praying mantis female perceives excitement, happiness, curiosity, and satisfaction.

These are emotions that the praying girl has never had before, but instinctively, the praying girl is longing for this kind of emotion, and I want to really try this kind of real emotion perception, rather than perceiving it from others.

‘Maybe, I can join them, in that case, I can also get these emotions. ’

Whether it is on Yigo's side, his life cannot be guaranteed! It's the praying mantis girl's yearning for other emotions, knowledge, civilization, and feelings.

It all made the praying mantis female think a lot of caution, but she hadn't made up her mind yet.

The others were also curious about the Ability of the Mantis Girl.

Mainly, this praying mantis girl seemed to be very bully, so Howard Duck and Chen Haoran all got together.

On the other hand, Gamora and Nebula, who were slightly calm, sat quietly after seeing that Leo didn't move.

They believed that Leo dared to look like this, and they must have certainty in their hearts.

It's impossible to come this time, just to deliver Quill to Igo's hands.

But what they thought was really right. Leo wanted to deliver Quill to Ego's hands, otherwise Quill would never be able to arouse the supernatural power in his body.

Thinking of this, Leo looked at Quill and Eagle who were behind an unknown number of walls.

Quill, who was also in a garden, stood face to face with Ego.

I don't know what Igo said, so Quill was extremely relaxed and his hands were held by Igo.

In the next second, Leo felt a tremendous amount of energy reacting from under his feet.

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