Marvel: I Created The Masked Consortium X!

Chapter 43 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

[43] Interrupt Transformation! Don't talk about Wude's operation! (For collection!)

In less than a moment!

Levi sports car around!

A layer of bullets fell.

And the people who are sitting in the car in front of them are Bupojian and Renwei!

After seeing this scene, I couldn't help but be very angry.

He actually attacked the president in front of them.

Is this when they Ames don't exist?

"all members!"

"Prepare to attack!"

Open the team channel without breaking the advice!

The order was given immediately.

"Yes, Captain!"

The members of Ames immediately responded in unison.

Although their body parts are somewhat damaged.

But fighting is not a big problem.


Without breaking the advice, pick up the shooting sublimator on the waist and open the door!

A roll, then rushed out!

And the other Ames members, at the same time!

Open the door!

Raise your submachine gun!

Run towards the enemy!

【Discover the target enemy! 】

【Discover the target enemy! 】

【The enemy is locked! 】

Faced with such powerful firepower, these Humagia have no intention of retreating at all.

They have no fear of bullets at all!

And Sabine also got out of the car.

Although she is not as reckless as she is, she is not far behind.

Don't look At the moment!

There are only a dozen or twenty Ames team members.

But their lethality!

But it's amazing!

One shot!

Someone must be shot in the head.

Terrifying accuracy!

This is the horror of Humagia.

Those people in black who were besieged were instantly killed and injured.

He had to quickly erect an explosion-proof shield to block in front of him.


"Let those guys come to support!"

"We can't take it anymore!"

The leader of the besiegers hurriedly shouted into the walkie-talkie.

In a moment!

In the sky, there was a rumbling roar!

I saw two twin-rotor helicopters coming from afar!

And that helicopter door is wide open!

Several figures stood among them.

Stand proudly.

Looking coldly at the people below!

One of them, wearing a mask!

With a grim expression, it was the Winter Soldier who was activated earlier, Bucky!

"It's really a big battle!"

Levi looked at the helicopter that suddenly appeared in the sky and smiled coldly.

Even in the original!

Nick Fury was attacked.

Not like him.

It seems that those people are very concerned about him!


"Do you want to activate the Zeya satellite?"

Izzy, who was beside him, asked after seeing the helicopter in the sky.

"No need!"

"I want to see what kind of flowers they can play!"

Levi sneered.

And At the moment!

Those Ames members are still sniping.

The people who are surrounded, step back!

see this.

That Winter Soldier Bucky, there are not too many words!

Immediately jump in!

From the helicopter, jump straight off.


The figure smashed straight into the middle of the road.

A circular pothole appeared immediately.

Tortoise cracks appear on the ground.

I saw that Winter Soldier, knee and hand, hit the ground at the same time.

its posture.

It was no different from the posture when the Iron Man came.

That steel arm, against the backdrop of the fire!

It looks extra dazzling!

And the other four in the helicopter!

Not as brave as Winter Soldier!

Through the rope, slide down directly!

Directly descended on the territory of those Ames players!

Several Ames players turned their guns upon seeing this!

Get ready to shoot at a few of them.

How do you know!

Facing the shooting of Ames.

A few Winter Soldiers seem to be at ease.

as genetically modified soldiers.

Their reaction speed is several times that of normal people!

With a slight tilt of its head, it avoided the bullet's attack.

Then invade.

One smashed the core of Nashumagia!

Winter Soldier Bucky, on the other hand, wasn't ready to hang out with these guys!

After scanning the audience, he immediately found where Levi was!

It immediately stepped and walked towards it.

Humagia next to him wants to come forward and organize!

How do you know!

This Winter Soldier shot extremely quickly.

With his mechanical arm, these Humagia couldn't resist him at all.

No Humagia was his enemy of unity.

The limbs of Humagia were also disassembled by Winter Soldier and flew all over the sky.

"Is this the Winter Soldier comparable to Captain America?"

"Looks like there are two hits!"

Levi sneered.


Seeing Humagia, it is impossible to defeat these sudden winter warriors!

Yui, who was on the side, was about to use the magic puppet to come.


It just put the belt on the body of a Shumajiya!

The helicopter in the sky immediately noticed her movements!

before them!

I have already seen the power of the magic puppet!


How could it be allowed to transform again!

I saw the fuselage tilted!

The flight officer suddenly pressed the missile button.


A Sidewinder missile blasted out of the air immediately!

Drag the tail flame and rush towards the soon-to-be-transformed Humagia!

"not good!"

Ben Yui, who was next to him, saw the situation in the sky for the first time.

Immediately jumped to the side.

However, the magic puppet that is transforming!

But not so lucky.

Just hear the "Boom"!

Rumbling fire!

Naxiuma Gia was directly blown to pieces.

Lightning strikes!

The extinction upgrade secret key also flew out.

inserted on the ground next to it.

Ren Wei, was also overturned by that powerful air wave!

fly out.

A heavy fall to the ground!

【Detect the failure of the leg! 】

【Please repair in time! 】

Before Basa Yui's eyes, a warning appeared immediately.


She fell to the ground and shouted coquettishly.


"It seems that they are already prepared!"

Levi in ​​the car snorted coldly!

Can actually interrupt the transformation! *

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