Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 266 Eight million biochemical people?

Although Taibai has been developing vigorously in Jixingyuan, Qi Jun does not plan to set his base there.

The main reason is that the Polestar Territory is too ordinary, and all kinds of ordinary resources are too numerous to explode, but high-level resources are extremely scarce, especially top-level resources, which are scarcer than anywhere in the universe!

Even if Qi Jun can use energy to manifest various high-level and top-level resources through [mutated gems], Qi Jun does not want to be a tool person, especially when there are no resources in his territory, he has to be a lifetime. In the case of a tool man!

In Qi Jun's heart, Qi Jun is actually very inclined towards the Destiny Star Territory, but he hasn't personally checked it out, and Qi Jun doesn't know if he can solve the problems of space-time turbulence there.

It's really not possible, the second alternative star field is actually possible, but if you choose there, there will be a lot of trouble. At least the major forces in the universe will definitely keep looking for trouble secretly~

Behind all kinds of interstellar pirates, there are actually many shadows of various cosmic forces. If Qi Jun wants to choose the second alternative star field, he will definitely eliminate all these interstellar pirates. In this way, Qi Jun will naturally Standing on the opposite side of the major forces in the entire universe.

Although Qi Jun is not afraid of these so-called major cosmic forces, it is impossible for Qi Jun to kill them all. What is the difference between that and the purple potato essence of the Family Planning Commission? It is impossible for a brand-new force to be completely destroyed, and it will only make people annoying.

Definitely, it depends on whether the value of the second alternative star field is worth Qi Jun to take it down. If it is really worth it, these so-called troubles are actually very easy to solve for Qi Jun~ ~

"Sir, the Red Alert factory and the high-level biochemical human manufacturing center have been running non-stop since the day they were completed."

"Up to now, a total of more than 8 million biochemical people have been produced! 99

"Among them, the Red Police Armory produces about 5 million basic biochemical personnel such as basic engineers, basic medical soldiers, and basic engineers.

"The high-level biochemical human manufacturing center will produce high-level management biochemical human, high-level combat biochemical human, high-level scientific research biological human, etc., about three million people!

"With the expansion and development of the Earth-S.C.P. Group, more than five million basic biochemical people have spread all over the world to escort the various branches of the Earth-S.C.P. Group."

"The other three million high-level biochemical people, some of them are distributed to each branch to manage and protect, and some of them have been learning various knowledge and strengthening exercises according to your requirements, and now they basically have the city level. Strength!"

(City-level: All-out efforts can reach the level of destroying a city [large and small], collectively referred to as city-level.)

Listening to Tai Bai's remarks, Qi Jun's face burst into laughter.



"it's actually very good!"

Qi Jun is very happy that he has eight million subordinates so soon.

You must know that these biochemical people were originally produced from the Red Police arsenal and the high-level biochemical human manufacturing center manifested by [mutated gems], so there is no need to worry about their loyalty to Qi Jun.

In other words, the team that is absolutely loyal to Qi Jun has now expanded to the level of 8 million people, which is gratifying!

These cyborgs are not natives recruited on Earth, they completely obey Qi Jun's orders, and they will do whatever they want.

Qi Jun is their king!

Qi Jun is their god!


front "good

"With these three million high-level biochemical humans, we will integrate the three million alien symbiotes. 35

"Using [mutated gems] to manifest a cosmic radiation, so that each of these three million biochemical warriors has different but matching abilities?

"That is to say, these three million city-level 'soldiers' can instantly become three million planet-level cosmic warriors with the increase of the symbiote!

"Even if not all of them can be increased to planet-level strength, at least one million planet-level super-energy symbiotic warriors will have no problem (the king's)!

"What a huge force this is?!!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the mere interstellar pirate is a hair bow?"

"As soon as three million planet-level cosmic warriors come out, in the entire known universe, who will compete with each other?!

Qi Jun seems to have seen the scene where he led the whole three million super warriors to wreak havoc in the universe~


"What's going on with that Tony Stark guy?"5

After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head, throwing the picture of Changyou cosmos out of his mind, Qi Jun asked Taibai again.

(To be continued).

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