Therefore, all indications are that Changqing is not dead.

Deeper in the universe, a warship that covers the sky slowly floats in the universe. And in the center of the battleship, on a tall tower with a knife and an axe.

A burly, purple-skinned man was sitting on a suspended throne of unknown material.

At his feet, there was a trembling and majestic Chitari kneeling. A look of fear.

“What about Loki?”

“Retribution Supreme Lord Thanos, Loki was captured by the Earthlings. And it was also the Cosmic Cube that he personally closed, which led to our defeat. And the earth is not as vulnerable as Loki described, there is a man with mysterious powers, who single-handedly stopped our army…”

The person on the suspended throne is none other than the terrified overlord of the universe, Thanos. When Thanos heard the report of the Zitari people, his brows furrowed slightly, and his face was a little displeased.

He doesn’t care about winning or losing this war, all he wants is the Infinity Stones!

“Be bold, failure is failure, and no reason can exempt you from punishment.”

At this time, a transformed cyborg woman standing next to Thanos angrily reprimanded!

“Nebula, now both gems have fallen on Earth. Then leave it alone for now. You go to Ronan. Tell him that as long as he gives me the Cosmic Orb, then I will meet his request. Remember, bring the cosmic orb back. ”

Thanos turned the floating throne, leaving everyone with a back. Commanded at the mechanical woman.

The mechanical woman is none other than Thanos’ daughter, Nebula, and no, strictly speaking, she is Thanos’ adopted daughter. It is a warrior selected by Thanos from the many planets destroyed by him.

“Yes, Father, I will definitely complete the task. So what about this loser? ”

Nebula looked at Thanos’ back with excitement, and his eyes were a little fanatical. Thanos is her adoptive father and enemy, you know, Thanos directly destroyed the planet she lives on, and there is no one left.

However, Nebula Contrast did not feel any hatred, but worshiped Thanos from an early age, treating him as his own god. Extremely loyal to Thanos.

Even if Thanos asked her to die, she would die without hesitation. Not to mention that Thanos also gave her such an important task as finding the cosmic spirit ball.

“As you wish…”

Thanos said two words lightly. He didn’t make a sound.

“No, Lord Nebula, don’t… Ah~…”

Nebula smiled wickedly and walked towards the Chitari. A Zitari does not have then.

“That’s how losers should be… Hah”

At this time, on the other side of Thanos also stood a slender alien woman with green skin and red hair.

This is another daughter of Thanos, like Nebula, named Gamora, but compared to Nebula’s brutality, Gamora, seems to be much kinder.

“Father, I am also willing to find the cosmic spirit ball for you…”

“Oh? Gamora, it’s really rare, since you are going, let’s go…”

Thanos’ voice passed through the ears of the two women, and suddenly this made Nebula very uncomfortable:

“Sister, this is the task assigned to me by my father, what are you going to make fun of.”

“Hmph, Nebula, this is something that my father is bound to get, how can you be competent with your skills?”

“Are you trying to fight me?”

“You’ve been losing since you were a child, what face do you have to fight me?”

Gamora didn’t save face for her sister in the slightest.

“Okay, that’s enough, Kamora, Nebula, my child, go and help me bring the cosmic spirit ball back.”

Thanos’ voice was full of majesty, making people unable to resist in their hearts. For a while, both Gamora and Nebula shut up. The face was filled with awe and trepidation.

At this time, there was a black unknown creature more than two meters tall floating in the universe. It has crescent-like scarlet eyes and a huge mouth covered with sharp teeth.

If Tony could recognize it at a glance here, it was Evergreen wrapped in venom.

Changqing encountered a crisis of lack of oxygen the first time he saved Tony, and at this time, Venom ran out of his body on its own and wrapped Changqing up.

Symbionts, as the name suggests, can not only allow venom to survive in an aerobic environment, but also allow evergreen to survive in an oxygen-free environment.

It was this characteristic of the symbiote that Graton of the Life Foundation discovered that he threatened to leave the earth to live.

It’s just that the venom at this moment looks a little listless, although it can survive, but drifting in this vast universe, there is no destination, no goal, and cosmic radiation.

And Changqing has entered a dormant state at this moment, relying on venom to supply all the nutrients Changqing needs to survive. Sustain evergreen life.

Changqing already regretted it when he rushed into the portal, blaming himself for being too impulsive. Ben thought of being able to return to Earth using reverse psychic.

But in the end, he found out helplessly, and he failed. Because the coordinates on Earth are gone. Because Changqing saw the toad fairy in Miaomu Mountain.

That is, the pink toad that Changqing locates in his home.

It turned out that when Pietro took Wanda’s group to evacuate, he completely forgot the existence of the toad fairy, and at that time the toad fairy was eating and sleeping soundly.

When the toad fairy woke up, he found that there was no one in the huge villa, and he enjoyed the toad fairy who was accustomed to being served for a long time, and did not wait for the evening meal it wanted.

The hungry Toad Immortal returned to Miaomu Mountain on his own in a fit of anger, and complained to the Toad Immortal for grievances. Said to be abused by Changqing.

When Changqing came to Miaomu Mountain and wanted to go home, he was almost angry. Just because of that young lady’s willfulness, Changqing can only float in this vast universe now. In fact, Changqing can also choose to stay in Miaomu Mountain, but Changqing can’t stay there all his life, not to mention that the food of the toads is really not suitable for Changqing. _

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