“Did someone bring it?”

A voice full of majesty sounded, and the several people who escorted the “Mandarin” couldn’t help but start shaking their bodies after hearing this voice.

“Back to my lord, the people have already been brought.”

“Good, you can go down. Remember, don’t let the car in here next time, no, you should do it this time. ”

The majestic voice sounded again, and then an icy light shot from afar. The jeep turned into an ice sculpture.


It then turned into ice chips and scattered all over the place.

Several black-clothed men wearing sunglasses were already sweating at this time, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. Stunned in place, did not dare to move.

“Get down!”


Several men in black had no idea how they had left. When it was completely withdrawn, the hanging heart finally let go.

The actor “Mandarin” has taken off his hood at this time, and he is looking left and right here, which is a confined space, only a passage when he came.

And at this moment, in the center of this room, a chair is facing away from the “Mandarin”. And it was from here that the voice just now came from.

“Who are you? What are you looking for me for? ”

The actor “Mandarin” shook his head and said slowly.

“Who am I? yes, who am I? I’m almost forgetting my name. Some people call me Zhang Tong, Chu, or Gene Kahn. I don’t remember exactly. ”

The person on the chair said lightly. However, the amount of information revealed in the words is enough to stun anyone.

I saw the chair slowly turned, and on it sat an old man with gray hair and eyes like a torch.

This old man sat there like this, and he invisibly exuded a domineering aura. And this old man has an even more interesting thing, that is, he looks exactly like the actor “Mandarin”. It’s just that his fingers are covered with all kinds of gem-encrusted rings.

The actor “Mandarin” already knelt involuntarily the moment the old man turned around. Trembling said:

“You… You… Who are you? Exactly like me. ”

“Well, are your bones soft? Stand up…”

The domineering old man said in an irresistible language.

“Yes, yes, yes…”

The actor “Mandarin” was impressed by the domineering old man’s momentum, as if the old man was a natural king, so that “Mandaren” could not lift a trace of being able to disobey his mind.

“It does look very similar, but your soft bones really make the old man uncomfortable.” This skin bag was wasted in vain. From now on, you will be my shadow. I hope you don’t waste your talent as an actor, remember, you can only kneel to me alone. Otherwise…”

The domineering old man said and gestured with his hand around his neck, and the meaning was obvious.

“That’s for sure, I’m born to be an actor and I love this business.”

When “Mandarin” talked about acting, it was as if he had changed someone, and instantly entered the role.

“Well, good, good. This is exactly the attitude that an actor should have. Go down, and when it’s time to use you, I’ll naturally notify you. ”

After the domineering old man finished speaking, he turned his chair again. Leaving the “Mandarin” alone there for a while, he was afraid.

This domineering old man is the real Manchu, known as the descendant of Genghis Khan, who adheres to the will of his ancestors and wants to unify the earth.

Lord Manchu was born in the Republic of China period, and now he is at least eighty or ninety years old, but he looks like he is a little gray except for his hair, and you really can’t tell that he is an old man who is nearly a hundred years old.

Like Tony Stark, Mandarin was born with a golden soup spoon in his mouth. The family was quite wealthy, and under the circumstances of the time, the Mandarin had become a wealthy merchant with some special means.

But Mandarin’s ambition is not here, as a Mandarin with Genghis Khan’s bloodline, how can he be willing to just be a businessman?

So Mandarin kept a low profile when he was at his most dazzling, and this low key was for decades, and people had basically forgotten that such a person existed.

Is Mandarin really low-key? Of course not, he has just been studying the cultivation methods of the Celestial Empire, studying martial arts, and studying those ethereal legends, but his technology has not fallen behind. Even more advanced technology than many other countries.

It can be said that Mandarin was the first person to successfully combine cultivation and technology.

And in one ruin, Mandarin found ten rings on his hand, all of which had mysterious functions.

Little finger:

Left hand: Ice storm.

This ring is capable of emitting frozen energy, freezing the air in the path and reducing the target to near absolute zero. The gemstones carved on it are sky-blue multiple capsule-like cylinders

Right hand: Blackbody ray.

This ring creates an area that absorbs all light. The creation is more like a dark force field, which creates darkness by absorbing light. The gemstones carved on it are four small blue-black dots arranged in a square arrangement.

Ring finger:

Left hand: Mind amplifier.

This ring can amplify the holder’s psychological energy, allowing a single or majority of people to follow his commands or see his ideas as reality. Mandarin people generally use it to create illusions. The gemstone carved on it is a blue gemstone.

Right hand: Cut the beam.

This ring emits beams of energy that break the links between all substances, molecules, and elements, and there must be a 20-minute cooldown between each use. The gemstones carved on it are golden-yellow squares. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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