“Forget it, I’m not interested in your kind of struggle for power. At the same time, I also want to make it clear to you that you are a guest with me, and I will keep you safe, but if you leave here, then I can’t help it. ”

Changqing said lightly. Ask him to be Nick’s personal bodyguard, don’t even think about it. Changqing himself still has a big trouble to deal with here.

Nick’s only remaining eye kept moving. Seems to be thinking about something.

Just as Changqing was about to turn around and leave, Nick suddenly stopped Changqing. And took out a U in his arms and handed it to Changqing.

“Mr. Wesley, there’s something very important in this. This thing is at stake for the lives of millions of people. Even if you refuse to help, please give this to Rogers. ”

“What’s in this?”

Evergreen looked at Nick with interest.

After Nick was silent for a moment, he continued:

“Insight Program. There should be something else special. This is a copy of Natasha from the Remliya. ”

“Illustrative point. Nick, what is the Insight Program? ”

“Originally, this was a plan created by S.H.I.E.L.D. to prevent crime and strangle evil in the cradle. And the Security Council has agreed to implement this plan …”

Nick talked, as if he had seen a world of peace, crime, and order.

The so-called insight plan is to budget in advance the actions or people that will commit crimes, and finally eliminate them in advance. And three sky carriers are performing this clearance mission.

The three helicopter carriers are connected to positioning satellites. Equipped with ultra-long-range precision positioning weapons. There is no need to come down when you rise into the sky, and the new engine can do continuous suborbital flight.

As long as the fixed algorithm is fed into the terminal of the sky carrier, the sky carrier will determine the position through satellite positioning, and finally carry out the clearing task according to this procedure.

It can be said that this is a very impersonal design. It is tantamount to erasing those who have not yet committed crimes in advance. As long as your behavior has a slight tendency to sin, it will be immediately eliminated.

Nick always felt that there was something wrong with this plan, at least this quantum-level threat analysis should be experimented. So he offered Pierce to delay the operation of this plan.

But just as Nick asked Pierce to delay the insight meter, he was attacked by a group of fake police. I almost lost my life. Fortunately, Tony used to install encrypted communication devices when designing Nick’s car, which can be directly connected to Jarvis. Otherwise, Nick would really be a corpse now.

Once here, it is obvious that the only person who can disguise himself as a police officer under the nose of S.H.I.E.L.D. in New York has sophisticated weapons and can determine Nick’s whereabouts.

And the only one who has the right to do so, of course, is his immediate boss, Alexander Pierce.

It’s just that Nick still can’t believe that Pierce is actually a Hydra person. Even S.H.I.E.L.D. has long been infiltrated by Hydra.

And Pierce wants to lift the sky carrier into the air, this purpose is intriguing, at least Hydra will not be to stop crime.

“What do you mean you asked me to give this insight plan to Rogers? Can he stop this plan? Or can he make you whitewash and make Pierce fall under the law? ”

“No, there’s something else in this thing that Pierce doesn’t want me to know.” If I’m not mistaken, he did something on the Remliya, which transports positioning satellites. As for what it is, the answer is all in this. ”

Nick shook the USB flash drive in his hand and said.

HMS Remliya, a giant ship specializing in transporting positioning satellites matched to the Sky Carrier, was recently hijacked by a terrorist.

This in itself is an unjustifiable hijacking, a few terrorists dare to hijack S.H.I.E.L.D. cargo ships, if nothing else, just an Avengers is there, who will be so desperate.

So there is only one answer, and that is that S.H.I.E.L.D. hijacked itself and created a false impression to cover up some kind of fact. And now S.H.I.E.L.D. is divided into two kinds of people, one is really S.H.I.E.L.D. people, and the other is the lurking hydra.

Nick certainly couldn’t have done that. So only Pierce, who hangs the skin of S.H.I.E.L.D., is actually a member of Hydra.

Pierce has his members hijack the ship and eventually arrest them in Operation S.H.I.E.L.D. A fake interrogation ensues, allowing the robbers to be tainted witnesses, accusing Nick Fury of hiring them to hijack the giant ship. Finally, make a fake money remittance bill.

In this way, the evidence was like a mountain, and Nick jumped into the Yellow River and couldn’t wash it. Because everything is controlled by Pierce, the supreme authority of S.H.I.E.L.D. Whoever dares to check the truth or falsity of these things is his final say.

So Nick has now been charged with defection. Everything is just a drama, a big drama planned by Hydra, the purpose is to lift the sky aircraft carrier into the sky. As for the reason, then you can only know it by cracking open U.

“You haven’t studied this thing carefully since you got it?”

Changqing asked with some doubt. It stands to reason that Nick should have probed this first-hand information when he got it.

“I’ve seen it, but the things inside are constantly being reassembled by an artificial intelligence, and I haven’t had time to crack it. Pierce was already hands-on. ”

Nick said with some regret.

“Then why don’t you go to Tony? He should be able to solve your problem easily. ”

“As soon as this thing is activated, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s search system can be located accurately immediately. This will involve more people. And the captain is working on S.H.I.E.L.D. at the moment, and Pierce will definitely get rid of him. It couldn’t be better for Rogers to do it. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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