
An explosive sound sounded, and John, the two younger brothers, and the schoolgirl in their arms watched in amazement as the tree was pierced by a stone, and this stone was thrown randomly by Changqing’s head without looking back.

This kind of unheard of thing immediately made John’s scalp numb, and he got up with his two little brothers to take his girlfriend away from Changqing.


As a result, as soon as he turned his head, John bumped into a figure, which was knocked motionless, but John was knocked to the ground.

“MD who… Grass, guns… ”

John was furious, got up and was about to scold, but as soon as he raised his head, he found himself held to his forehead by a pistol, and then saw a team of special forces rushing from a distance and surrounding the place, preventing people from outside from seeing the scene inside.

And pointing a gun at himself is a resolute and angular Caucasian man, whose eyes are extremely sharp, and he does not look at John at the moment, but stares at the indifferent Changqing.

Next to the man, a burgundy-haired beauty wearing a tight leather suit, firearms and equipment in many places, and a capable agent looked like a capable agent walked in front of Changqing with a smile.

This beauty is none other than Natasha, whom Changqing had already met yesterday.

“Well, I knew I would be found by you, but so soon? Yesterday your hair was still blonde, right? ”

Changqing slowly closed the book and stood up, it was really good to be able to relive the classic online novels of his previous life, and the way some of the protagonists did things also gave Changqing a new understanding of his future path.

Changqing glanced slightly at the three gangsters and a student sister who were already frightened, their faces were pale, their legs were soft, and they did not dare to move, and sighed

“I didn’t expect that you would actually be a classmate with me for five or six years, and you will also detain this student?”

Changqing said and looked at the white resolute man, looked at the bow and arrow behind him, and Changqing knew that this should be Hawkeye Clint Barton.

“Of course the students will be released, but the three of them are gangsters, just as an excuse to isolate here this time, we will say that we are here to arrest them!”

Barton said casually, but his eyes were still guarded, as long as the young man in front of him had a trace of rashness, Barton would make a move.

“But we didn’t break the law at all!”

John suddenly said loudly.

“Hmph, Louise, who was raped by you last month, jumped to her death this morning, and her diary wrote the reason for her jump, we just came to help the police arrest you!”

Barton snorted coldly unceremoniously, and the murderous aura flashed in his eyes, obviously Barton was very unimpressed by this kind of raped scum.

“John, you, you, you are actually this kind of person!”

The student girl looked incredulous when she heard this, and then wiped her tears and left, and the surrounding special forces automatically made a way for her.

As for John and his two younger brothers, at this time, their faces were ashen, with a “finished” expression, it seemed that there was such a thing.

“To meet me, as for being so high-profile? How the hell did you find me? Did any flaws be revealed? ”

Changqing didn’t bother to care about other things and continued to ask.

“No, it’s just that I drew your impressive eyes when I went back yesterday, and it just so happened that the Pentagon information we took over before had your information, and I searched it out, after all, the only person with this kind of eyes should be you, right?”

Natasha said with a charming smile.

“So what are you looking for me for? You must have searched my home, have you found the symbiote? ”

Changqing also showed a hint of a smile and said casually.

“Mr. Wesley, maybe you misunderstood, we didn’t search your home, we came here to see you just to have a good talk with you, since you know our Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, then you should know that people like you belong to us!”

Natasha said.

“My kind of person? Did I kill or set fire? I am a law-abiding American citizen, and yesterday I was dressed like that, even if I was photographed, no one would recognize me, and you have no evidence to prove that person is me! ”

Changqing sneered and said with disdain.

“No need to pretend, Mr. Wesley, a person like you is a person with supernatural powers, you are not the only one in the world, and you are not the first person we come into contact with! Although so far, there are no willing to talk to us properly! ”

Natasha finally laughed at herself.

In fact, they S.H.I.E.L.D. really have no bad intentions, since they want to manage these people, they just want them to register, know that such a person exists, and report to S.H.I.E.L.D. from time to time, S.H.I.E.L.D. can clear some people who do not open their eyes.

You know, generally this kind of people with supernatural powers are their own way, what if they are provoked to kill people in anger?

At that time, the police station did not understand the situation, and directly dispatched to arrest, and then the other party resisted and killed the police again, which was a big deal.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. knew in advance and said hello to the police station, nothing would have happened, would it have happened?

“Well, it sounds like you’re quite sincere, tell me, how do you want to communicate with me?” What do you need me to do? What can you do? ”

Changqing asked.

“Thank goodness, congratulations Mr. Wesley you became the first person willing to communicate with us well, our request is very simple, first report your ability with us, and then return the symbiote to us, after all, our one is returned to the Life Foundation for some reason, and the third is that if Mr. Wesley is going to go far away, I want to say hello to us, if you kill someone, please call us as soon as possible, we will deal with it for you, of course, That’s not to say sir, you can kill people at will! ”

Natasha talked, finished the requirements of S.H.I.E.L.D. in one breath, and then took a long breath, her chest was a little heaving, making some special forces next to her dry mouth.

(There are 4 more chapters today, I started writing after dinner, and there is something to do during the day!) )

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