This person wears a black trench coat with a red cloud pattern tattooed on it, his whole body is wrapped in a trench coat, and his face is covered by a swirling mask to cover the appearance of this person.

However, when Ross saw the scarlet eyes inside the mask, he felt a familiar feeling, a feeling that he seemed to have seen somewhere, but could not remember for a while.

“Who are you? What do you want to do? ”

Ross asked in a deep voice, and the soldiers around him obviously saw the strange picture when this person appeared just now, and immediately all raised their guns and pointed their guns at this person.

“You don’t remember? Why am I not surprised at all? But I’m here today to help you, this monster that endangers the world, I’ll help you collect it! ”

Changqing said flatly, then turned to look at the Hulk and slowly closed his eyes.


Suddenly, Changqing suddenly opened his left eye, and a spatial vortex instantly appeared on the painful Hulk in the distance, blood also flowed from Changqing’s eyes, and his chest began to rise and fall continuously.

Obviously, long-distance Shenwei is more burdensome than close-range Shenwei.

But Changqing didn’t care at all, and opened his chakra eyes that had turned into a black and red Tai Chi pattern, maintaining the output of pupil power until the Hulk was completely absorbed by the spatial vortex, and then immediately closed his left eye.

“You, you, what did you do? What about the Hulk? ”

Ross looked sluggish from the moment Changqing began to strike, until the Hulk was completely sucked into the spatial vortex, General Ross finally reacted and immediately roared at Changqing gloomy.

“There are monsters here destroying the school, I want to be a superhero, you can see, I have this strength, so I came to defeat the monsters, is there any problem?”

Changqing faced General Ross’s roar and said lightly.

“Of course there is a problem, this monster is the property of our military, since you defeated him, then please hand him over, otherwise it is against the state!”

Ross said viciously, with greed in his eyes, no matter what the origin of this person in front of him, since he has already got the Hulk, then he only needs to get the Hulk from this person?

“Since it was made by your military, then it is even more impossible to hand him over to you, I will dispose of him, and there will be no Hulk in this world again!”

Changqing laughed in his heart, but said with a faint smile on the surface.

Changqing is forcing Ross to make a move, and Changqing knows how deep this Ross’s obsession with the Hulk is.

And once Ross made a move, Changqing had a reason to fight back, and Changqing repeatedly emphasized that this was a monster, a monster that endangered ordinary people, and occupied the truth.

As for Ross’s desire to block the news, Changqing could only say that he thought too much.

“Boy, you may not know how many resources and energy we have spent on the Hulk, now I order you to hand over the Hulk, otherwise you will be court-martialed!”

Ross looked at Changqing and said.

“No, you can’t hand over Banner, but please don’t kill him too, he’s a good guy!”

At this time, the beautiful Betty suddenly stood up and said loudly, looking at Changqing’s eyes full of hope.

“Betty, you’re breaking the law by doing this, you know? Boy, again, hand over the Hulk or I’ll take extraordinary action! ”

Ross said.

“Aren’t you going to send me to court-martial? Then go through the procedure first and show my arrest warrant! ”

Changqing said coldly, looking disdainful.

“I have the right to act cheaply, now, if you don’t hand over the Hulk in three seconds, I will take military action against you!”

Seeing Changqing’s appearance, Ross immediately sneered, and the soldiers next to him immediately prepared for battle, and that Bulangsky also walked over and looked at Changqing with a sinister smile.

“It’s useless for you to count a few times, if you don’t hand it over, you won’t hand it over!” I’m leaving! ”

Changqing sneered, said lightly and turned around to leave.

“Catch him!”

Ross immediately ordered.

“Boy, you are very arrogant!”

Bronnsky took the lead, rushed to Changqing with a gun in hand, and hit Changqing in the back of the head with the butt of the gun.


But Bulangsky did not expect that the evergreen in front of him suddenly turned around, swung the tail of the dragon, and instantly kicked Bulangsky out, this kick was very strong, kicking Bulangsky into the distance and crashing into a tree.


Bronnsky fell to the ground, climbed up with difficulty, and looked at his eyes in shock with an indifferent evergreen, looking incredulous.

“Ant-like garbage also dares to sneak up on me? Act recklessly! ”

Changqing’s cold and disdainful words made Bronnsky almost crazy, and regardless of the sharp pain in his abdomen, he got up again and rushed towards Changqing.

“Broansky don’t be impulsive, fire to support Broansky!”

Ross quickly shouted.

But at this time, Bulangsky had already rushed to Changqing, took out a military dagger and stabbed Changqing’s chest.


The evergreen writing wheel kept turning to catch Bulangsky’s movements, reached out and quickly grabbed Bulangsky’s wrist, and twisted Bulangsky’s hand behind his back with a turn and a twist.


Then Changqing, who was standing behind Bulangsky, raised his leg and kicked directly at the crook of Bulangsky’s foot, kicking Bulangsky to his knees.

This is exactly the military body fist that Roddy copied that day.

“It’s not over, ant!”

Then Changqing’s right fist clenched and slammed into the back of Bulangsky’s head, and Bulangsky suddenly bleed from his mouth and nose, and his face fell directly on the grass.

Seeing this, Changqing stepped on Bulangsky’s back and stomped on Bulangsky’s spine very hard, causing Bulangsky to scream and pass out.


Just after doing all this, the soldiers behind Ross also opened fire with all their strength, not caring about Bulangsky’s life or death, and the heavy machine gun fired wildly at Changqing.


In the face of this fierce firepower, Changqing directly cast Susano, because now that the Hulk is in the Shenwei space, Changqing does not dare to use the blur.

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