Now Evergreen has been completely reborn. Because he has basically completely controlled Venom’s consciousness and turned Venom into his own puppet.

Other gods can directly invade the other party’s brain and modify the other party’s will without being detected. This was the last path Changqing left for himself before he lost consciousness. The strongest illusion spell of the other heavenly god was sealed in the eyes of the little frog, and finally the little frog god unknowingly implemented it on Venom’s body.

And the venom that became a puppet, the consciousness in the brain was tampered with, and the first time I thought morality was to treat Changqing’s injuries. As Changqing’s injuries slowly recovered, Changqing’s consciousness gradually awakened. That’s why he saved Tony in the nick of time.

The evergreen strength and physical strength that symbiosis with venom has become extremely powerful in all aspects, don’t forget that the evergreen left eye has the same strengthening ability as Uchiha, which can strengthen physical and energy forces, such as Susano, Amaterasu, as well as physical skills, ninjutsu and so on.

It is precisely because of this ability to strengthen that Evergreen can withstand the Hulk’s fierce blow with one hand.

Although Tony was injured in the end, he managed to save his life.

The battle once again turned the tide, and Wanda and Pietro, who were far away in Sokovia, were touched by this tumultuous battle, and several times, Wanda almost fainted.

At S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Nick’s eyes were fixed on the projection on the wall, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile:

“I know this evergreen is not simple, Hill, remember what I told you? Don’t underestimate anyone who has supernatural powers. The symbiote that Evergreen took away allowed him to turn the tide from a desperate situation, but I really didn’t expect Tony to be involved. This symbiote seems to be interesting…”

“Boss, the real battle is next, and Evergreen Wesley doesn’t look like he can win.” After all, the Hulk still looks very energetic, doesn’t it? It is uncertain who killed the deer. ”

Hill’s impression of Changqing has always been very bad, and at this time, he did not forget to ridicule Changqing.

“Hill, this is not necessarily, didn’t you see that Changqing easily blocked Hulk’s fist?”

A Coulson wearing a suit and looking like a good old man said with a smile.

“So what? After all…”

“Okay, you all stop arguing, don’t you know if you read it. Coulson, withdraw Natasha and Hawkeye and the agents sent out, and I feel like the battle is coming to an end soon. ”

A flash of essence flashed in Nick’s eyes, and he said faintly.

“Yes, boss…”

With an order, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents lurking outside the battle site quietly left the battlefield without anyone noticing.

“Bruce, don’t. Wake up, Buenus…”

General Ross’s daughter had been crying, her voice was hoarse, but she didn’t notice it.

The strong general Ross looked at the battle in the field with a look of anticipation, and he was looking forward to the Hulk’s evergreen and Hulk’s defeat.

Now Ross is in a bad situation, and if he wants to minimize his guilt, he can only bring back the Hulk. Get the super soldier project done in the first place, so that you can shut the government.

The U.S. government is also closely watching this battle, and now that they are big-headed, as the highest authority of a country, how to explain all this and the aftermath to the public is their top priority now.

On the other hand, Hulk and Evergreen in the battlefield looked at each other from a block apart.

Although Hulk was angry and furious, he was looking at Changqing with a vigilant face at the moment, although Hulk’s intelligence was not enough, but his instinct for battle told him that Changqing at the moment was extremely dangerous.

Changqing, on the other hand, looked at Hulk indifferently, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, extremely confident.


Finally, Hulk couldn’t help it, roared and ran towards Changqing quickly, and when he was halfway through, his legs burst out and jumped up. With his arms waving, he smashed down towards Changqing with the power of thunder.

In the face of Hulk’s angry blow, Changqing did not have a trace of panic, opened his arms, and his red eyes instantly condensed into a red and black Tai Chi pattern, and muttered in his mouth:


Just when the Hulk was about to smash into Changqing, a black transparent energy suddenly appeared around Changqing, wrapping Changqing.

The energy appeared in the form of a humanoid skeleton, which was more than ten meters tall.

As soon as the energy skeleton appeared, Hulk’s fist also arrived.


The Hulk slammed his fist into Susano, making a loud sound. A crack suddenly appeared on Susano’s skeleton shelf.


Changqing was a little surprised, after his own strengthening, Susanoo was actually smashed out of a crack by the Hulk with brute force. Although it is only the first stage of Susano. However, this is Susanoo after strengthening.

This shows how powerful the power of the four-meter Hulk is. And the power of the Hulk is still growing infinitely due to anger. If you let the Hulk continue to grow like this, let alone evergreen, even if God comes, it will be burst.

The Hulk was also uncomfortable at this time, and his all-out blow hit the evergreen Susano, and the indestructible Susano’s rebound made Hulk’s wrist directly broken. The position of the hand joints also flowed green blood from the violent impact.

The pain-eating Hulk roared angrily, and his other hand tightly gripped the injured hand. It looks a little miserable.

But then, Hulk’s injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With the sound of bones churning, Hulk’s apparently twisted hand returned to normal, and the wound in the joint position had also been restored.

The reason why the Hulk is called the Invincible Hulk is that his power can increase indefinitely, and more importantly, his regenerative ability that even gods are jealous of.

Compared to Venom, I don’t know how much more powerful.

The Hulk, who recovered from his injuries, seemed to be a little bigger. Seeing Changqing was also frightened.

“It’s not going to work like this. Let’s try illusion, if it doesn’t work, then the Hulk I can only say sorry to you. In the end, I can only kill you. ”

Changqing thought secretly in his heart.

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