Outside New York, a secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D. It’s as high as a building thirty stories above the surface.

Here, a cosmic cube full of infinite energy is releasing energy unsteadily.

“How bad is the situation?”

S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury arrived and asked Agent Hill on the side.

“Boss, the worst thing is that we don’t know how bad it is…”

“Four hours ago, Dr. Eric began to detect an energy emitted from the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, and so far, no way has been found to shut him down.”

“Can’t you cut off the electricity?”

“It’s an object full of energy in itself, and it’s useless if it’s cut off…”

Hill said helplessly.

“Since it cannot be closed and nothing can be done, then I want you to guarantee the transfer of the second stage prototypes and ensure that they are intact.”

“With all due respect, sir, right now I don’t think it’s a priority…”


From their conversation, it can be seen that the Cosmic Cube, that is, the space gem, has always been in S.H.I.E.L.D.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. has been using the power of the Space Cube to develop a variety of energy weapons. It was from this time that the earth gradually entered the era of energy weapons.

Of course, the whole world does not know that before that, a completely inconspicuous country had already developed energy weapons and had the most advanced technology and equipment in the world. I’ll talk about that later.

However, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s research on the Cosmic Cube is completely superficial, they simply use the energy emitted by the Cosmic Cube, and even so, they have created a batch of powerful weapons.

Meanwhile, deep in the distant universe, on a dead planet.

A helmeted, metal-clad cyborg is saying something to a man wearing a cape with antlers, a black cape, and a green tight-fitting suit.

And handed a scepter encrusted with the Mind Gem to the man wearing a captive helmet with antlers.

The cyborg is the king of the Zitari, and the man with the antler helmet is a traitor to the Asgard Godland. Loki.

Loki’s presence here proves that Asgarnin is controlled by Sol and Loki is either banished. Or just escaped.

As for what happened in Asgard: Why Sol never went to the ball is unknown.

I saw Loki pick up the scepter and smile evilly. Presumably, this evil god has some bad idea in his heart.

I want to explain it here.

The six Infinity Stones of the universe are Space Gem, Time Gem, Mind Gem, Power Gem, Reality Gem, and the Most Mysterious Soul Gem.

As for why it is mysterious, it is because so far, no one has ever seen this soul gem.

These six gemstones are the early days of the formation of the universe, and the remaining matter after the Big Bang evolved for a long time, and finally formed these six infinite rough stones, which can also be said to be the original material of the universe in the Marvel Universe.

They all have their own power and are scattered throughout the universe. Everyone just thought they were just gems with power.

In fact, these six gemstones have deeper secrets, but only a handful of people know this secret in the entire universe.

And S.H.I.E.L.D., in addition to Tony’s father, Howard, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., can know a little bit of the secret of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, and the only person on Earth who can now know the secret of this Infinity Stones may be the evergreen and mysterious Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

Because Gu Yi himself has an infinity stone on him. That is, the holy relic of their mage’s lineage, the Eye of Agomoto. That is, the time gem among the six rough stones. Therefore, it would be a lie for Gu Yi, who has lived for hundreds of years with the Time Gem, to say that he does not know the secrets of the Infinity Stone.

As for Evergreen, that’s not to mention. He knows most of the secrets of this universe because he carries the aura of pig’s feet.

To get back to home, the Cosmic Cube in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s secret research base has been emitting energy, and this energy cannot be controlled.

In desperation, S.H.I.E.L.D. could only begin to evacuate the crowd and let all the researchers evacuate.

In the end, only Nick, Hill, Hawkeye Barton, and Dr. Eric, who was in charge of researching the project, remained in the entire huge base.

This Dr. Eric is the same doctor who followed Jane when Thor came down last time. Finally, under the introduction of Coulson, the research of energy weapons was added.

Seeing the increasing power emitted by the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, Nick was ready to forcibly take the Cosmic Cube away.

But when Nick’s hand was about to touch the Cosmic Cube, the power emitted by the Cosmic Cube suddenly multiplied, directly sending out an energy wave, which shocked Nick’s group of people back a few steps.

“Oops, the Cosmic Cube leads to the other side of the universe, this is a door that can be opened on both sides, and someone over there is trying to open this door. I don’t know what will come out. ”

Dr. Eric said a little flustered.

As soon as the words fell, the energy of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube changed again, and a blue beam shot out from the Rubik’s Cube itself.

Ten meters away, on a machine used to receive energy, a space portal is slowly taking shape. With a dazzling flash of blue light.

A young man who looked young and held a strangely shaped scepter appeared here.

This was Loki, and Loki looked at everyone with an evil smile. The eyes revealed arrogance and contempt.

“Didi Didi…”

“Hey… Who is it? Nick? ··· What’s up. ”

Evergreen picked up the phone sleepily. On the other end of the phone came Nick’s dull voice. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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