After saying that, Qi Jun asked Taibai to cut off the communication.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 95 Dark Dimension?

After hanging up the communication, Qi Jun returned to Earth.

After looking at the ruined roof that had been tidied up, Qi Jun teleported directly into the... alien magic space where the 'Black Cocoon' Skye was hidden.

After taking a look at the 'black cocoon' that was about to burst out of its cocoon, Qi Jun thought for a while and decided to take Skye away.

Although Qi Jun was convinced that Skye, who had just activated his superpower, was not yet capable of shattering this alien magical space.

However, there is no absolute in everything.

I wasn't too confident before, so I realized a glass isolation room, thinking that it would allow Skye to activate her powers safely.

As a result, it was not that the energy fluctuations could not be prevented from spreading out and attracting the peeps of Gu Yi, which resulted in such a big battle! The plan of letting Qi Jun develop quietly was completely shattered.

Fortunately, after this experience, Qi Jun's strength has improved to a higher level.

It can be said that if he meets Ancient One again, Qi Jun can easily snatch the Eye of Agamotto! Hehehe, although it was guaranteed by the reputation of the mage before, when the time comes, he will have the ability to transform. There is no problem if another person snatches away the Time Stone. Of course, that was what Gu Yi said when he appeared in front of Qi Jun again. In fact, Qi Jun is not too anxious to snatch the Time Stone now.

Having learned the magic skills copied from Ancient One, Qi Jun can control the Time Stone at any time like Ancient One. Naturally, Qi Jun is worried about who will steal the Time Stone.

Qi Jun, who has a golden finger to cheat, is not... that funny guy like Doctor Strange. He can't even hit the Ebony Throat. As long as the Ancient One dies, the Time Stone will naturally belong to Qi Jun.

After all, Qi Jun, who has just learned Gu Yi's magic skills, is still not as skillful as Gu Yi in terms of control... In order to avoid it again In order to prevent Skye from accidentally shattering the alien magic space and even shaking the earth, something like the one during the ancient war would shock the world again and attract the attention of major organizations around the world. Qi Jun decided to take Skye with him. Kai left the earth and went to Venus! He stretched out his finger and activated the space magic of Emperor Weishan, and a circle of light appeared in front of Qi Jun.

Different from the golden apertures of the ancient first-class Karma Taj mages, the teleportation aperture drawn by Qi Jun is colorless, and it is not a teleportation aperture that flashes with light blue light.

This is because, although Qi Jun uses the teleportation magic learned from ancient times and inherited from the lineage of Emperor Weishan, Qi Jun uses his own power! Instead of borrowing the power of the three bosses of Emperor Weishan! Naturally There is no need for the so-called mysterious ring.

The magic skills imprinted with the Ancient One were imprinted on Qi Jun. He learned them instantly and also had his own understanding. Naturally, he could use his own power to use the magic inherited from Emperor Weishan's lineage.

What's more, this teleportation aperture magic complements each other's strengths and weaknesses with the space teleportation in the space element magic embodied by Qi Jun himself, and has been promoted to a more powerful transmission channel! After Qi Jun opens it, he no longer needs to deliberately maintain it, and it will There has been.

It can be said that if Qi Jun does not close the teleportation aperture, this will be maintained until the energy is exhausted, and then it will dissipate! And this exists.

It all depends on how much Qi Jun inputs when opening the teleportation aperture! If he is willing, Qi Jun can keep the teleportation aperture open for a year or even longer. Of course, it depends on the distance. , the energy consumption will also change accordingly, which is another matter.

..... Gently lift the 'Black Cocoon', and with a thought, the aperture will be transmitted, rapidly expand, and even move forward automatically, connecting Qi Jun and 'Hei The cocoon' is completely inserted.

Qi Jun didn't even move a step, but as the teleportation aperture moved by itself, Qi Jun appeared on a mountain range in Venus. The huge high temperature instantly made the 'Black Cocoon' tremble slightly.

"Don't worry it's okay!"

After gently caressing the 'Black Cocoon', Qi Jun gently snapped his fingers.

Bang! The Prism Flip Composite Version of Alien Mirror Space Magic is activated! The temperature returns to normal instantly, and as if feeling the difference in the space, the trembling 'black cocoon' calms down again.

After thinking about it, I spent some energy to fill this composite version of the heterotopic mirror space with oxygen, and then opened a teleportation aperture with a smile and returned to the space station in outer space.

After casually closing all the transmission aperture channels, Qi Jun began to think about what to do next.

.....................It is definitely not cost-effective to directly embody a biochemical person. Although it is fast, it is too wasteful of energy.

According to the information fed back by the mutated gems, if you want to realize a biochemical person who is absolutely loyal, has complete procedures and is not afraid of inspection, and is completely the same as ordinary people, you need one hundred thousand energy points! Not to mention a biochemical person with sufficient strengthening potential. , then the price is even higher! Qi Jun doesn’t want to become a power bank.

As for the realization of a biochemical production base, it is better to directly realize the Red Police Barracks. However, these biochemicals that can be mass-produced are not very intelligent. As low-level soldiers or ordinary factory operators... ..It’s enough, but as an employee of a large group, it’s definitely not acceptable.

After thinking about it, Qi Jun decided to wait a few more days before talking, anyway... now.

..It’s just an empty shell. Why do you think so much? Qi Jun then started to think about how to imprint magic skills. , get the benefits from the pictures from the Ancient One! Dark dimension, hell dimension, Nidaville, Asgard, Jotunheim, and so on.

Although these places only flashed by when imprinting skills.

But! Qi Jun, who has [Psychic Teleportation], doesn’t just need a picture of a real location! It’s just... it’s a pity. When imprinting magic skills, the pictures he sees are almost all of Gu Yi The battle scenes, except for the nine kingdoms, were all in various dimensions, which made Qi Jun who wanted to take a walk in the universe feel a bit regretful.

How about going to the dark dimension first to see Dormammu? Qi Jun suddenly had a whim. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

Chapter 96 The Book of Darkness

Thanks to [1], [], [big brother] for the reward support! Thanks to [灬 Zhuozhuo Qihua] big brother for the monthly ticket support! Except... Dormammu and Qi Jun from the dark dimension, in fact, The devil from another dimension is more interested.

According to the scenes in Ancient One's battle memory, this dimensional demon is a more advanced existence than Dormammu! Sithorn, an ancient god native to the earth and the god of darkness, has existed for who knows how many years. , but later left the earth and created a dimension of the underworld! Absolute boss! From the scattered memories of Ancient One, Qi Jun learned that this guy has the ability to tie with the three giants of Weishan Emperor! It seems that Opposite to the white magic that happens to be of the same lineage as Emperor Weishan, he is the originator of black magic.

Naturally, such a powerful ancient god is not someone Qi Jun dares to provoke now.

But! From the memory of Ancient One that Qi Jun happened to know, Qi Jun discovered that Karma Taj originally had a notebook that Sithorn had written before he left, which recorded most of Sithorn's magic and some Miscellaneous topics, such as building a virtual dimensional world using a simple binary computer, were manually funny. Later, during a turmoil, Karma Taj lost this 'Sithorn's Notes'.

What's even more coincidental is that because of the shielding aura this notebook has, Gu Yi can't find it at all.

But Qi Jun clearly knows where this book is! But Qi Jun has seen the plot of the Marvel spin-off TV series, 'Sithorn's Notes', which is called the "Dark Book of Darkness" by the people on earth! Although Qi Jun has not I don’t know the detailed address where the "Book of Darkness" was buried, but Qi Jun knows who to find to get the book! In the Power Energy Laboratory, a guy who obtained the "Book of Darkness" wanted to create something out of thin air. Although the laboratory established has been abandoned for a long time, it is easy to find for Taibai! ........................ "Huh"

"Is this the Power Energy Laboratory? It has been abandoned for a long time!"

According to the picture displayed by Taibai, Qi Jun directly used [Teleportation] to come over. Seeing that this so-called laboratory was covered with dust, it seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time.

However, Qi Jun didn't care at all, and with a few blinks, he arrived at the core room inside the Power Energy Laboratory.

Here, there are several boxes that are strangely connected to electricity! This is Qi Jun's goal.

With a wave of his hand, all the boxes were opened, and with a burst of mist, looming ghosts floated out of the boxes.

Qi Jun knew that this was an experiment done by a man who was obsessed with the Book of Darkness, turning these people into this kind of ghost state between the soul body and the entity.

Everything imprinted on Gu Yi.

Qi Jun seemed to be very familiar with this situation. After throwing a few purification spells at them, these people suddenly emerged from their confused ghost forms and turned into humans again.

......................"who are you"

After being locked up in a box for more than ten years, they had just been released. These guys had not yet woken up. They were actually on guard against Qi Jun, their savior.

However, Qi Jun didn't care. Saving them was just incidental, or in other words, a reward for obtaining the location information of the "Book of Darkness".

Looking at the only woman among them, Qi Jun communicated that the mutated gemstone copied the location in her mind where the "Dark Book of Darkness" was found.

Yes, except... after the big change, the "Book of Darkness" that was dug up was buried back to the place where it was dug up.

Looking at the small skill book in his hand, which showed only a little bit of energy, Qi Jun twitched the corner of his mouth. Regardless of the confused expressions of the group of people, he slapped the small skill book away, teleported away, and left.

........................Although this "Dark God Book" can also involve a Ghost Rider from the hell dimension, Qi Jun is temporarily concerned about The guy wasn't interested. He teleported to his destination, dug out 'Sithorn's Notes', and then teleported directly back to the Venus Space Station.

Holding 'Sithorn's Notes', Qi Jun came to the floor-to-ceiling window on the other side of the space station, which was made of transparent material. He sat on a rocking chair and basked in the sun while opening 'Sithorn's Notes'. notes'.

There is no doubt that as the notes of an ancient god, the god of darkness, when Qi Jun is reading it, it is actually also reading Qi Jun.

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