
"It's so strange here!"

Skye, who was about to start exercising and controlling his new abilities, turned around and realized that he seemed to have discovered some great secret. "There is such a place on Earth."

"Oh, this is Venus! The second closest planet to the sun!"

Qi Jun was not amused and told Skye directly.

"How is this possible!"

After all, he went to middle school, so how could Skye not know that Venus is the second closest planet to the sun in the solar system! However, how could Skye believe that even though she was still on the earth before, it would be difficult to reach Venus in the blink of an eye? No, I'm daydreaming "What are you doing?"

Qi Jun glanced at Skye who was slapping his cheek curiously, and then continued to explain, "My ability is not just to absorb your shock waves! In fact, you and I are space magicians!"


Seeing Skye's eyes widening suddenly, Qi Jun smiled happily, "Not... that kind of... magician who does magic, but a real magician! And a space magician who can travel through the universe!"

"Venus is a hot planet, mostly covered with mountains and magma pits. The surface temperature is between 400 and 500 degrees Celsius all year round, and the atmospheric pressure is ninety times that of the Earth! If you and I hadn't used subspace magic, How can you stand on the ground of Venus? The temperature on the surface alone is enough to bake you until you vaporize!"

"The scenes here are actually projections of the main plane world. It can be said to be true or false! True, it looks real. It is exactly the same as the main plane, even the characteristics are the same.

False, that’s naturally because, even if you destroy everything in this subspace and return to the main plane, everything will still be the same!”

Qi Jun always felt happy when he saw Skye's confused and bewildered expression, with an expression like "You are so awesome and you don't know how powerful you are."

"Okay, that's all I've said, just make whatever you want here!"

"Even if your shock wave shatters the entire planet, that's a problem!"

"Follow the guidance of your heart. You should first adapt to the power you just obtained. I will prepare something for you."

After Qi Jun finished speaking, he didn't care about Skye, who looked confused and didn't know how to exercise. He made a swipe of his hand and a teleportation aperture channel appeared, and then he immediately walked in.

"Remember, you cannot leave through this passage without mastering this strength!"

Qi Jun did not erase the transmission aperture channel, but continued to preserve it.

Different from the 'black cocoon' state, Skye, who was already awake, could not help but be afraid when facing this desolate land.

Therefore, Qi Jun left this transmission aperture channel so that Skye would not be worried and have random thoughts.

"I'll do my best!"

Seeing Qi Jun on the other side of the aperture and not disappearing, Skye suddenly became full of confidence in the power to control his awakening. Although Skye didn't even have a clue, he was just... so confident! . . . .....Qi Jun did not lie. After coming from the aperture, he immediately materialized two body strengthening potions worth 500 energy points and 500 energy points respectively.

Skye's shock wave ability is very strong. If she can continue to develop it, it will not be a problem to shatter the entire universe, or even shatter time and space! But there is a prerequisite, that is... her body can withstand it. Withstand the counter-shock power of this shock wave that can shatter the target! And the two body-strengthening potions that Qi Jun embodied, combined with Skye's awakened ability, if fully controlled, it would be enough for Skye to run rampant on the earth! After all, Qi Jun used a large piece of Terrigen: Crystal for Skye's awakening before. Even if a lot of energy was wasted, it was enough to raise Skye's starting point much, much higher than in the original plot! As in the original drama Skye later shattered the earth, not to mention the now more powerful Skye.

Of course, just the ability of shock waves is okay for running rampant on the earth, but it is not omnipotent when it enters the universe. Therefore, except for...the space instant that was taken away from the eyeless man that was prepared before. Qi Jun is also planning to teach Skye about space teleportation and mirror space magic.

With these three abilities, coupled with the shock wave ability, it is not difficult to become famous in the universe! What's more, in order for Skye to become stronger quickly, Qi Jun also embodied a bunch of various physics books , especially the books that introduce various bands. Once Skye has initially mastered his abilities and is no longer shaken wherever he goes as before, he can start special training! . . . .....After doing all this, Qi Jun picked up...the 'Sithorn's Notes' again and began to look through the things he was interested in.

It's a treasure worth 20 million points of energy, so you have to take the time to look at it. However, as he looked at it, Qi Jun thought of another question.

Can you modify this 'Sithorn's Note' directly into a skill book? Just think of it! With a thought, Qi Jun began to communicate with the mutated gems.

Then, the information sent back by the mutated gem made Qi Jun smile proudly, and then his whole face immediately fell down.

According to the information fed back by the mutated gems, the power of the mutated gems can be used to directly modify the entire "Sithorn's Notes" into a snappy skill book.

However, the energy required is not what Qi Jun can afford now! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 99 Sithorne’s Dark Magic

A full ten million points of energy! The recycling value of ‘Sithorn’s Note’ is a full ten million points of energy. If you want to directly modify it into a skill book, you will also need up to ten million points of energy! However.

You have Zhang Liangji and I have Wall Ladder! Qi Jun can completely eat away at it bit by bit just like copying the magic skills of the Ancient One! What's more, 'Sithorn' is worth a full 10 million points of energy recovery price 's notes', that is definitely a huge reserve of knowledge. Even if there is a skill book, it is not something that Qi Jun dares to write now.

Qi Jun could even imagine that with his current super brainpower, if he wiped out a skill book worth 10 million energy, his head would probably burst in an instant. Hmm... scary! Just follow the previous method, one step at a time. Let’s take one step! “Taibai!”

"Open the solar panels, Dad is going to charge them!"

........."Sithorn Dark Magic Elementary Chapter", 300,000 energy points! "Sithorn Dark Magic Intermediate Chapter", 80 Ten thousand points of energy! Bask in the sun and charge "Sithorn Dark Magic Advanced Chapter 1", one million energy points! Bask in the sun and charge "Sithorn Dark Magic Advanced Chapter 2", one million energy points! Bask in the sun , charge "Sithorn Dark Magic Top 1", one million energy points! Bask in the sun, charge "Sithorn Dark Magic Top 1", one million energy points! Bask in the sun, the charge is gone ! 'Sithorn's Notes' can record so many magics, which is beyond Qi Jun's imagination! Before this, Qi Jun even thought that there would only be three levels of dark magic: junior, middle, and high! And , the short span of energy between different levels is so large, it is far beyond that of the Weishan Emperor lineage! It is worthy of being that one person can tie with the three big guys of the Weishan Emperor lineage! Just Just from "Elementary Basics" to "Sithorn Dark Magic Top 1", a full 5.1 million points of energy were spent! According to this rule, up, up, up, middle, down, how can it be? It doesn't mean that it will cost a full five million points of energy, or it may be: upper, upper, middle, middle, middle, lower, lower, seven million points of energy. But no matter what, the top magic of Weishan Emperor's lineage, upper Adding up the middle and lower ones, it only amounts to 3.6 million points of energy! Sithorn is indeed an existence that can tie with Wei Yisan, a big guy.

If Dormammu could unite with Sithorn...well, maybe it's because they are both dimension masters and they maintain their own identities that they don't shamelessly unite. Of course, it may also be because there are big bosses like Odin. Peeping from the side, even if Dormammu and Sithorn united, it would be no big deal. But no matter what, Qi Jun was very happy when he saw the six skill books in front of him! After learning these... ......., my background is naturally more solid! While thinking about it, Qi Jun picked out "Sithorn Dark Magic Elementary Edition" and slapped it away! Snap!... ..................."that…......"


“Is there anything to eat?”

"So hungry..."

Qi Jun himself didn't know how long it had been. He was in a trance and heard intermittent sounds, and then he slowly came back to his senses.



"Oh, oh, right away"

After shaking his somewhat groggy head, Qi Jun got up from the recliner, walked through the teleportation aperture channel, and came to the mirror space.

"Haha, Skye, don't be so cautious, you and I are not that scary and don't eat people!"

"Food is the most important thing for people. When you are hungry, you have to eat first. How can you train if you are not full?"

Seeing Skye's appearance, Qi Jun, who was still a little dazed, couldn't help laughing.

Skye looked very hungry but cautious, which was really funny! "Well, it seems that you have already mastered your abilities very well!"

Although the entire mirror space was in a mess, with almost no mountain range visible, and cracks and magma pits everywhere, when Qi Jun came over, he no longer felt the shock waves coming from Skye from time to time.

"It's been two days. If you still can't master the ability, wouldn't it be stupid?"

Although Skye just muttered in a low voice, Qi Jun's hearing was so bad that even if he turned off his super hearing, how could he not hear Skye's complaints at such a close distance?

However, Qi Jun himself was shocked. Two days had passed and he had no sense of time. It seemed like a moment had passed. Learning dark magic would be so time-consuming, and then he thought about the dizzy state of his head just now. , Qi Jun was a little depressed.

It is indeed a dark magic! It has such a great influence on the caster himself. Qi Jun is even a little scared in his heart. This Sithorn has not done anything else in this "Dark God Book". After having this idea, Qi Jun suddenly felt a gloomy wind. Originally, because there were no subsequent magic records in the 'Sithorn's Notes', Qi Jun planned to use mutated gems to destroy the darkness bit by bit. The magic has all been manifested, and now Qi Jun is not ready to manifest it anymore.

Although in fact, even if Sithorn left any back-up in the "Book of Darkness" and there were mutated gems, Qi Jun would not be afraid of any dark means, but now that he has this thorn, Qi Jun is not prepared to continue to act Discover dark magic.

Anyway... I'm not really that curious about dark magic. The dark magic I've learned now... is completely sufficient, and Qi Jun is too lazy to think about the rest. .

........................"Come, come, come"

"Speaking of which, you were born in an ancient oriental country, but you haven't tasted authentic oriental dishes yet."

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